back to article Gartner nudges down global IT spending growth forecast as 'change fatigue' persists

Gartner has nudged down its expected growth in worldwide IT spending for 2024 from 8 percent to 7.5 percent, with the total figure now expected to reach $5.26 trillion. The global IT research biz and consultancy had previously upped its growth forecast from 6.8 percent to 8 percent based largely on repricing of communications …

  1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    WHere in the world does Gartner get all its numbers ?

    Please dont tell me its bullshit.. they must have a formula and my next q is why dont they just short companies and make trillions if they know everything ?

    1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

      Well for one thing...

      Most of the US stock market isn't driven by fundamentals. If it were, then for example,Tesla would be trading for $25-$50 with a PE in line with other automakers of 6-12 range. Most of the US stock market is driven by hope & hype.

  2. This post has been deleted by its author

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