RAM raid
This term, "RAM raid" made me laugh. Or sob.
As an ex-IT mgr, the workplace looting habits of some make me climb the curtains in rage.
So many times, I've found some unique and not free items went missing in the workplace: shared meeting rooms Jabra, cables, etc ...
It's just like people, during (and after) Covid, thought they could just loot the workplace, so as they would WFH just like in the office !
But the poor idiot who needs to get the inventory back doesn't have a magic budget for "looted kit" !
One final story after this rant:
I was supporting the move of 700 staff for a large organisation. Big bang move. Basically, we had planned to have the 700 desktops cabled, with a docking station, one screen, etc ... all ready for the laptop of users to be plugged and working.
700 desktops, all with the same screen + docking station.
Everything went according to plan and all people were able to work at day 1.
One week after, we began to receive calls that "my desk is missing its screen". Weird, as all 700 desks had been configured the same with the same screen.
Going on the spot, we quickly discovered that every corner we had with, say, 3 missing screens, we also had 3 active desktops with ... dual screens.
This was to the point we would vocally exclame "weird, mate, we have 3 missing screens here, and look, those 3 dudes have dual screens, how cool is that ?". Needless to say, said dudes had their face quite pale ...