back to article 'Gay furry hackers' say they've disbanded after raiding Project 2025's Heritage Foundation

After claiming to break into a database belonging to The Heritage Foundation, and then leaking 2GB of files belonging to the ultra-conservative think tank, the hacktivist crew SiegedSec says it has disbanded.  According to a message on the miscreants' Telegram channel, they had already planned to exit the scene this week. That …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Snorted my Orange Juice...

    ...when I read those chat messages.

    I do agree that the idea of somehow being an animal is disturbing. The two people I've met who think that *are* quite disgusting. They seem to dislike showering for some reason, and I was always able to smell them from a few paces away.

    1. Apprentice Human

      Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

      Yep... that was one dumb reply.

      This is the story that makes me glad the journalists give an overview, and I don't have to read the idiocy (in this case from The Heritage Foundation).

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

        "Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are,

        You cannot hide,

        Your means are miniscule (sic) compared to mine."

        The headline reeled me in, and whilst there I was hoping for the smallest opportunity to find humour in this situation. I knew it wd be difficult and that I would be treading on thin ice as I did so, but no. Oh, joy! It is in the article and I can just quote it.

        I especially like the Liam Nielson-like "You cannot hide". The whole group of sentences are so bombastic ... poetry.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Liam Neeson-like "You cannot hide".

          I'm still waiting for "Fifty Shades of the Grey" with L.N. and a pack of very naughty wolves!!!

        2. Jedit Silver badge

          "Closeted Furries"

          I'm not sure I've ever met a closeted furry. While that may appear to be a tautology, in my experience they're all way too happy to tell you that they're furries.

          (Penguin because it's the only animal in the icons, but a lot of them were actually Linux users. Not that I think all Linux users are furries, or vice versa. I'll stop digging now, shall I?)

          1. Orv Silver badge

            Re: "Closeted Furries"

            Most, in my experience, run the gamut from "indifferent to whether you know" to "a little too happy to talk about it."

            Being a furry is mildy socially disreputable at worst. Threatening to out them is like threatening to out someone as a Trekkie. Ironically, the only people who would be likely to get hurt by being outed as a furry are members of hardcore conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation.

            1. Gamer over man 69

              Re: "Closeted Furries"

              Oh honey just the two gay trump supporters who has been outted as being contradicting what the lgbtqia community wants which is equal rights and equal protection

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: and I don't have to read the idiocy

        the idiocy soon to become policy

        btw, don't mention NATO...

    2. todd_bonzalez

      Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

      If you think playing make-believe in a costume is "disturbing", you need to touch grass.

      There is way too much unjustified hatred for the Furry community. It's a queer subculture. Learn something about them before you throw shade.

    3. Anthony Hulse

      Misconceptions galore there

      Not animals, cartoon characters. Bugs Bunny, Robin Hood, the Animaniacs. Furries take online personas to the next level, that's all, and have one hell of a party while doing it. Furcons are basically four or five day long raves with art classes attached, all going on with a big fursuit cabaret bouncing along as part of it. You'd do well to go attend one with an open mind, you'd probably enjoy it.

      1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

        Re: Misconceptions galore there

        Yeaaaaah, I'll pass. I'm sure we can all find much better ways to spend our time, no?

    4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

      >I do agree that the idea of somehow being an animal is disturbing

      We can't only pander to fungi and vegetable voters

    5. Snake Silver badge

      Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

      "I do agree that the idea of somehow being an animal is disturbing"

      Says you, as a member of the animal species Homo Sapien.

      Is everyone (who thinks poorly about furries without thinking) really this dumb? Geez, yours is a reply for the record books.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...

        I think many of the GOP members would quite correctly object to being described as Homo Sapiens

      2. MrCanoehead

        Re: Snorted my Orange Juice...


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sex cult versus anti-sex cult.

    1. Mark 85

      If they were truly "anti sex cult" they would have banished the Orange One. The Repubs all seem be a punch of sick puppies only interested in wealth, power and owning the women aw well as the "libs". A twisted group it seems and a very dangerous one at that.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Indeed, they (the Heritage Foundation) don't appear to be anti-sex, but (based on their views on abortion and birth control) they do seem to believe that sex is something that they do to other people for their own pleasure and to control the other person and keep them in their place.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Not to mention ensuring that the majority of babies born are the correct color.

          I believe they have a pithy slogan in slightly more than a dozen words

        2. MrCanoehead

          I believe they are virulently anti-porn, so there's that. They're also anti-contraception, anti-anything-but-straight-cis, and anti-premarital sex.

          So basically they're against sex, unless they're the ones having it.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Christian zealots

    In fact, any religious zealots are dangerous.

    Best avoided.

    Religion is just a (tax free) way to promote hate and control.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Christian zealots

      Is that why being gay has become the new christianity? Certainly the newest trendiest way to perform witch burnings.

      1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

        Re: Christian zealots

        Maybe you should try it. Or actually just admit it – the things we fear most in others are really what we fear most about ourselves.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Christian zealots

          Well I'm quite fearful about the whole burning-at-the-stake business so does that mean I'm gay?

          I hope not. I don't have the physique, dress sense or level of grooming required.

          1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

            Re: Christian zealots

            While your riposte is very slightly amusing, I referred to "the things we fear most in others", and the second half of your first sentence is a clear non sequitur. Your unfortunate perpetuation of gay stereotypes is also disappointing. Comment grade: C− (requires improvement, but not really worthy of a downvote).

          2. MrCanoehead

            Re: Christian zealots

            Don't worry about your physique. You could always be a bear.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. veti Silver badge

    So where's the light?

    Who exactly does support the Heritage Foundation?

    Why is it even legal to keep that kind of information secret in the first place?

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Gamer over man 69

      Re: So where's the light?

      Maybe someone tell them that 12345 is a bad password.

      1. StewartWhite Bronze badge

        Re: So where's the light?

        Surely if it were a numeric only password it would have to be 2025 - nobody would EVER guess that.

        1. Paul Smith

          Re: So where's the light?

          Or 666?

  5. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

    They're not even hiding it

    Project 2025 is an outright blueprint for White Christian fascism.

    But Biden old, I know. Of course, so is Orange Julius Caesar, and at least Biden tries to make sense.

    1. jmch Silver badge

      Re: They're not even hiding it

      I've said it many times before, it's a sad state in the US when the only 2 leadership options are an 81-year old and a 78-year old, before even taking into account that the 78-year old is a narcissistic fantasist dictator wannabe. That's before even noting how one's cognitive abilities seem to have declined rapidly in the last few months, while the other one is also showing signs of mental decline (maybe less steep, but from a far more unstable baseline). The presumptive nominees for either party are literally demented*, and the independent candidate needs a tinfoil hat and dried frog pills.

      *suffering from dementia, not having their souls sucked out by a dementor

      1. phuzz Silver badge

        Re: They're not even hiding it

        It's always seemed odd to me that they have a minimum age limit for president (which is higher than the minimum voting age), but not a maximum age.

        1. Excused Boots Silver badge

          Re: They're not even hiding it

          “It's always seemed odd to me that they have a minimum age limit for president (which is higher than the minimum voting age), but not a maximum age.

          Go back, go back to who the ‘Founding Fathers’ were, and, admittedly I live on the other side of the pond, but still, surely I am allowed to have an opinion!

          They were all white, male, middle class, (mostly) space owners. And it does seem that their intention was to maintain rule by the white, middle class….etc.

          But you allow women, women to vote, and oh, my God, non white people to have a say I who governs them! This is absolutely not what your founding fathers wanted is it?

          Or maybe it was, perhaps look beyond the raw wording of your Constitution etc. maybe ask yourself

          “What sort of society, do ‘I’ want to live in?

      2. Bebu

        Re: They're not even hiding it

        《The presumptive nominees for either party are literally demented*, and the independent candidate needs a tinfoil hat and dried frog pills.

        *suffering from dementia, not having their souls sucked out by a dementor》

        One might be dementia affected but the orange one probably has received the attention of a dementor and the bursar (Dr AA Dimwiddie) would be a realistic candidate in comparison with the independent.

        Where are the likes of Vetinari when this world needs them most?

        That the agenda of Project 2025 aren't just the delusions of half a dozen dribbling, lunatic basement dwellers, but are clearly supported by more than a few americans, some of whom are applying their wealth and power, doesn't bode well for america's future.

        As Lincoln quoting biblical text stated: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."

      3. Orv Silver badge

        Re: They're not even hiding it

        I suspect it's less that Trump has declined less, and more that the press is a lot more interested in talking about Biden's gaffes than Trump's. Trump constantly loses his place during sentences, and substitutes words and then tries to clumsily cover for it. But the press like Trump better so they don't point it out or portray it as a sign of aging.

      4. MrCanoehead

        Re: They're not even hiding it

        "It's a sad state in the US when the only 2 leadership options are an 81-year old and a 78-year old, before even taking into account that the 78-year old is a narcissistic fantasist dictator wannabe."

        It's a worse state that the dictator wannabe has a chance of winning.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: They're not even hiding it

      Indeed, it seems to be a choice between a president thats likely to use the nuclear codes to punish those who criticize him, and a president that will just forget them. At least with the second option nuclear war is less likely to become a reality.

    3. ITS Retired

      Re: They're not even hiding it

      I clicked on the link. I did not find any reality, or common sense, anything involving what us commoners want or need.

  6. EricM Silver badge

    "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

    Organizations like the Heritage Foundation show pretty drasticly why religion in general is a dangerous invention.

    Everyone and every organization can claim to speak in the name of the imaginary being accepted by a majority of a group as a god.

    It obviously even works if this person or organization claims statements or policies that are completely contrary to any guidance the being of choice has provided in the past - otherwise Right Wing Evangelicals would not exist.

    Religion in general is like a gun lying fully loaded on the street for everyone to pick up and start shooting.

    There is virtually no overlap between the spirit of the new Testament and policies of right-wing Evangelicals, but believers seem to be able to tolerate extremely high levels of cognitive dissonance if someone convinces them, their "god" wants it.

    "Deus vult" still works far too good in the 21st century.

    1. /\/\j17

      Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

      "There is virtually no overlap between the spirit of the new Testament and policies of right-wing Evangelicals"

      Does the New Testament not teach us "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself - unless they art a furry, as that's like coveting his ox or his ass"?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

        Mainstream American Christianity has in many cases conveniently ignored parts of New Testament teaching that no longer aligns with their agenda. Return good for evil? How about we just sue them instead (or shoot them with whatever gun comes to hand first)? Love your enemies? Let's join the army instead! And so forth and so on.

        I'm sure these evangelicals have only the best of intentions, but they are a poor model of Christianity.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

          "I'm sure these evangelicals have only the best of intentions, but they are a poor model of Christianity."

          "Poor"?!? Their hatred of neighbor alone -- in many translations of the Old Testament, "outsider" or "foreigner" (or you could use "alien" or "immigrant") -- is enough to prove they do not love others (there's the second greatest commandment). And they make "loving God" (the first great commandment) a pretense to seize and hold political power. As I have said previously (as AC), they may call themselves Christian, they may "tout[] [some] Christian values" (from the article's closer), but they are nothing at all like the Christ Jesus they (and I) claim to worship.

          I think that letting folks live their own lives and decide for themselves who to worship (if any) and how to live their life under that set of beliefs (which is what "religion" is) is a much better model -- Jesus didn't force anyone to follow Him! (If you truly believe, then "'Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the LORD," and that should be good enough for us!)

          If this is the witness of American evangelical Christians -- or American Christians at large -- then they are doing grave harm to the name and image of Christ himself. I am judging here -- got to keep your own house clean -- because when it comes to false teachers "you shall know them by their fruits," which appear to be hate, revenge, lies, and all sorts of nastiness. If you're keeping count against the Ten Commandments, they've put their politics over following God, blasphemed His name, lied, coveted, and probably more. (But don't bring all the Levitical law into this; Jesus obeyed it and He covers our sins. A major point of many epistles is that we shouldn't even try to follow all the Old Law because that makes the works of Jesus have no effect.)

          These false teachers have drawn many away from what actually following Christ should look like, and of those "many" it seems my whole* church is full of them! *Except the pastors -- they appear to understand that our purpose as a church is about Christ and not politics or arguing/fighting over social issues, but sometimes I wish they would rebuke the flock for going astray. (I also wish Dr. MLK, Jr. was still alive and I could attend his church -- he was a Baptist pastor, you know, and I am in large agreement with his "social gospel".)

          1. Mark 85

            Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

            There's an awful lot of despots around the world who wrap themselves in a perverted and twisted view of Christianity.

          2. MrCanoehead

            Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

            Nothing's done more to promote atheism than American Evangelical Xtianity.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

          On the contrary - they are an EXCELLENT model of christianity. It's a religion of hate, only fairly recently modified by some supposed adherents into a touchy-feely 'love everybody' attempt at seeming harmless.

          The westboro baptist church is probably the most accurate representation of real christianity today - a hateful religion that has perpetrated genocides all over the world. Watching the christian excusagists justifying genocide and slavery in the bible as 'good' because their imaginary sky wizard told them to would be funny if it wasn't so evil.

          "Believe this bullshit - or you will be tortured for eternity" is pure evil, and it's ALL of christianity, no matter how pretty a face it tries to put on itself.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

            all religions are hate driven, to put down any other religions.

            it's all bullshit, used to gain power over others and horde wealth by doing fuck all except make people fearful and miserable having to do ridiculous shit.

            1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

              Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

              Wow, someone clearly went to Catholic boarding school.

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

          I think it is less good intentions more lack of education and need for belonging with out trying

    2. Denarius Silver badge

      Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

      yes, agreed. Believers in the various marxist cults are unconcerned with murdering millions. Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin. Their fellow totalitarians like inhuman riots activists, lawfare practitioners also white ant representative governments. I wont mention the common epithet applied to those who also had same beliefs but oddly, are damned.

      1. EricM Silver badge

        Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

        > yes, agreed. Believers in the various marxist cults are unconcerned with murdering millions. Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin.

        Agree so far. Just as the border between evangelical and far right is thin, also some other political ideologies border close to irratioal belief systems.

        > Their fellow totalitarians like

        > inhuman riots activists,

        > lawfare practitioners

        > also white ant representative governments.

        Not sure I follow the plot of your post - what are those groups? Who do you refer to exactly? Maybe try to explain with less slang.

        >I wont mention the common epithet applied to those who also had same beliefs but oddly, are damned.

        Complete lost plot here - what does that mean?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

        Calling murderous autocratic dictators "Marxists" is one of the stupidest takes ever. No matter what they were claiming to represent, they were NOT following anything Marx wanted for the world - which was a better place for humanity. Marx would have despised all of them, he was far more a fan of Abraham Lincoln, and Lincoln a fan of Marx.

        I, for one, am unable to comprehend how "the workers, not oligarchs, should own the fruits of their labor" is even a controversial idea.

    3. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

      Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

      "There is virtually no overlap between the spirit of the new Testament and policies of right-wing Evangelicals, but believers seem to be able to tolerate extremely high levels of cognitive dissonance if someone convinces them, their "god" wants it."

      Mostly true for the gospels, but Paul's stuff on the other hand. Misogyny and homophobia abounds!

      1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

        Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

        This guy mostly gets it. Many of the "Pauline" letters were actually likely written by others, anyway. Maybe these right-wing nutters should be renamed from "Christians" to "Paulines".

        In any case, it should be noted that people of the era had absolutely no concept of "homosexuality" as we think of it today, and the passages that people seem to think self-evidently condemn homosexuality are actually mired in the complexity of the social mores, natural order, and notions of "cleanliness" of the day. And don't even get me started on Leviticus (Do you eat shellfish? What do you do if you find that the Lord has sent mildew on your house? Exactly which people is it okay for me to sell into slavery?).

        1. Bebu

          Re: "Christian values" - Right Wing Evangelical flavour.

          《Maybe these right-wing nutters should be renamed from "Christians" to "Paulines".》

          I am sure this suggestion would resonate doubly with aussies. ;)

  7. jmch Silver badge

    ...not that we're judging or anything

    ^top trolling^

    1. DavidRa

      Re: ...not that we're judging or anything

      Not that we're judging? On the contrary, I propose that we judge away, and harshly at that.

  8. Gamer over man 69

    Me: (worried about project 2025) WHO ARE YOU

    Gay furry hackers: John connor

  9. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. imanidiot Silver badge

    Some of the parties involved in this whole thing scare me. And it isn't the Furries. It's amazing how blind or tolerant the average US-ian seems to be to the Reli-fascist assholes literally spewing in their face.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > i believe its best we do so now. for our own mental health

    This made me chuckle. Not at them specifically, but it instantly undermines the cold dark image that black hat hackers that have built over the decades!

    (But at least they can still write in proper sentences unlike that Mike Howell chap who probably has a different kind of mental health issues).

  12. Dietrich_Bonhoeffer

    Plenty of planks in your eyes too, brothers.

    Assuming the majority of us are working in or near the cybersecurity community, I'm alarmed about the overwhelmingly unprofessional bias and bigotry I'm seeing here.

    Are you all OK with integrity and availability but not confidentiality if the target advocates for something we happen to disagree with? Are we against APTs and Ransomware gangs but wink at the hacktivists who align with our own prejudices?

    Jessica Lyons, I submit this kind of editorializing is activism - not journalism. Are you leaving facts out of other stories which don't promote your worldview? I don't know if I can trust your reporting after reading this.

    Did you know that SiegedSec also hit [or targeted] the Nebraska Supreme Court, South Dakota Boards and Commissions, Texas State Behavioral Health Executive Council, Pennsylvania Provider Self-Service and the South Carolina Criminal Justice Information Services. Plaintiffs, defendants and prisoners caught up in the justice system. Their families. Crime victims. The mentally ill.

    Who thinks it's OK to harass these most vulnerable members of our society and dox the under-paid, over-worked professionals who serve them?

    SiegedSec hit Atlassian, who's mottoes are "Open company, no bullshit" and "Don't #@!% the customer," exposing PII on 13,000 members of our IT family.

    Who thinks that's funny?

    SiegedSec tried to hack NATO.

    Who waves Ukrainian flags and despises Putin for the invasion and for actions like assassinating rivals and imposing wintertime natural gas and oil embargoes against Western Europe, but also thinks the only organization capable of keeping Russia in check is a legitimate target for hacktivists?

    Here's my editorial, Jessica: "The answer to all these questions, evidentially, is SiegedSec. They may have damaged the reputation of gay furries more than The Heritage Foundation ever could."

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge


      If you think any of our coverage of SiegedSec is sympathetic to them, you need to look again but not through a lens of some persecution complex.

      There's a reason we call people like them miscreants – and this article and others have covered SiegedSec's previous intrusions. Chill out.


  13. Nameless Dread

    IT aspect ?

    Where's the IT angle in all of this ? (speaking/writing as an Anglo)

    1. MonkeyJuice Bronze badge

      Re: IT aspect ?

      Baby if you gotta ask, you'll never know.

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