I'm not sure this will succeed..
Unless there is a good reason they are using a dedicated box and earphones, it's not really doing anything that couldn't be done more cheaply with other devices (perhaps a phone and bluetooth headset). Devices that are already owned by the user, and, for enterprises, likely already managed by whatever MDM solution they have. Fair enough, it may be possible to manage this device with whatever MDM system you have (and, TBH, in my experience, most devices can be managed by System Center, even if the excperience isn't pleasan). Even enterprises need a good reason to spend hundreds on a device when their users already have devices that can perform that function.
Also, there is a the problem with automated translation. There are plenty of words and phrases in most languages that are pertfectly valid in the language that aren't necessarily used in certain contexts. I can't think of any right now, but they are there. Current translation systems don't take that into account.
I think the youtuber, Stop, Drop and Retro (who used to do an excellent series of videos covering crowdfunding scams, but doesn't seem to be active now) covered it, when talking about small translation devices that have been crowdfunded covered it well when he said that these devices get the syntax correct, but don't take into account how we communicate.. In fairness, the devices he talks about appear to be aimed at single blokes looking for hot foreign women, but I think his comments are valid. https://youtu.be/BwI8MtcmqyU?t=181