back to article AI to boost datacenter capex by 28.5% and become the top server workload

AI is currently the big driver in datacenter investment and will push capital expenditure on the facilities up by nearly 30 percent this year, and is also on track to become the top server workload by deployment within a few years. The AI boom continues to shape datacenter spending, according to the latest Cloud and Data …

  1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    I can't help thinking that AI and Crypto-mining should both be taxed out of existence on environmental grounds.

    1. TheBruce

      I expect another massive overproduction of infrastructure and production to support all this growth, followed by massive lay offs of tech workers.

    2. MrAptronym

      If these industries had to pay for their negative externalities, they would not exist at all.

  2. Rich 2 Silver badge

    This MUST be bollox

    Other than the obvious (Googlies, that twat at faecesbook etc) who is investing ANYTHING at all substantial in “AI” (doesn’t exist!)?

    Lots of people might be playing about with it, in the same way that people play about with Minesweeper or gaze at Youtube, but as it’s essentially all a load of hype with bugger-all value then that’s about all

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