Re: So basically...
> is the original "full feed" still available, but only to Apple's own monitoring app?
There is an argument to be made that that is the case: from TFA, that feed is now going into Apple's own processing, that Neural Net, HRNN (and presumably from that into IRN). Those are clearly doing a lot of processing for Apple, in service of its own app, and under Apple's control; anything built on top will just be a variant GUI and underneath will be 99% of "Apple's heart app".
So the Apple app effectively has the full feed, as Apple is the one who can update its app by updating the HRNN. But of course that isn't a monopoly on the data, anyone can get the output from HRNN and - only replicate Apple's app's functionality perfectly.
But many (most? all?) non-trivial apps are shipped as a (pile of) libraries with just a simple exe to glue them together; just documenting the API to a couple of them does not change the fact that they are nothing more than the guts of this specific app from Apple.
But this line of argument is probably going to be contentious in this comment section, good luck getting it past a judge with Apple lawyer's arguing that just having a variant GUI is clearly enough to say you have an app that competes against Apple's.