Just as America and their allies (and a whole lot of special interest groups) are leveraging the same [social] media to inflame hatred of those "enemies" (or create entirely new enemies), relying on the average social media user being too stupid/lazy to think for themselves, blindly believe what they're being told and launch 'mostly peaceful protests/occupations' "for [insert cause here] justice" among other things ?
Now that I have your attention with that little snark (for which I'm only a little bit sorry) I feel the the need to point this out:
It's a VERY slippery slope between disinformation and dissent, and the dumber you keep/make people, the further you can shift that line without anyone realizing.
Do you want to fight disinfo/misinfo ? Give people perspective and encourage/teach them to critically think FOR THEMSELVES.
Don't try to 'control the narrative' and bombard people with the one side you prefer and exhort people to 'trust the experts' while discrediting/removing the other side.
And that requires access to information on ALL sides of ANY argument; political, economical, scientific, religious, societal, ideological - you name it.
I don't think anyone realize this is still censorship, albeit in a very alluring guise for a noble (corrupted) cause, and effectively, doing this means "the West" has ALREADY lost, emplyojng the same tactics we criticize the nations we call 'enemies' for.
I was going to post this anonymously, knowing it's a pretty spicy/contrarian post most will probably downvote to hell.
But please, before you do: think -for yourself- on what I've said and what it implies.
I have, and that's why I'm posting this under my own name.