back to article Atos in chaos as bailout talks unravel faster than you can say 'restructuring'

Crisis-stricken Atos says the chosen bailout proposal from its largest shareholder has fallen through, just weeks after being confirmed, leaving the IT services biz to consider two alternative bids. Earlier this month Atos said it had accepted a restructuring bid from a consortium led by Onepoint, along with Butler Industries …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Hmmm, maybe we need luxury industry world leader LVMH (Louis Vutton handbags, Moët-et-chandon champagne, Hennessy cognac) to bid for the whole of Atos (Atos, Bull, Eviden, BDS, ..., whatnot). They could make some truly fashionable "Nano Diane" mini-supers (in 4+ colors), Neverfull and OnTheGo bucket supers, as well as Croissant, Speedy Bandouliere, and Loop Hobo HPC-AI pack-it-alls! The possibilities would be endless, and the style ... just breathtaking (eh-eh-eh)!

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Plan B or maybe C? That's only for starters. We might run out of letters.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      No problem, after Z there's AA like in Excel.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    the resilience of the Group's clients

    This statement made me laugh a lot. I'm an ATOS employee BTW.

    If I was to list the all of leaving customers I'm aware of, I would crash the site !

    Some additional info: Layani and OnePoint finally had access to the full finance audit a couple of days ago. Yes, both Kretinsky and Layani had to make assumptions on the finances situation. Bad news: after massive depreciations (march, for the 2023 exercise), the cash situation, which "changed" from 2.4 billions end of 2023 to ... 600 millions 3 months after, the audit apparently revealed another 0.5 billions missing ! There are corpses in every locker in ATOS ...

    So Layani's offer became obsolete, as it was already under funded.

    End of the Layani story. Let's see if Kretinsky will take over, now.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: the resilience of the Group's clients

      Do you know if any US aerospace companies are on that list, such as No Goodman, Boing, or Heedless Martin?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: the resilience of the Group's clients

        "Do you know if any US aerospace companies are on that list, such as No Goodman, Boing, or Heedless Martin?"

        No idea, as I am in Europe and I'm very unaware of the US customer base.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Well run companies do not go bust

    Do they ?

  5. Jase Prasad

    Brace yourselves everyone U-bend approaching


  6. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

    1. Wait for nationalist government to come in (left or right, doesn't matter)

    2. Get nationalised

    3. (still no) Profit!

  7. IT Hack

    All these IT service (laughable) behemoths like ATOS, IBM, InfoSys, TCS, Capita etc have done more to destroy professionalism in our industry than any amount of government legislation.

    Every time I engage with these organisations I end up with some middle management talking head who's idea of customer centric is how much can I bill while my consultants fill out their billing sheets or visibly blanch when you ask about ensuring quality in delivery of services.

    The worse is that often the workers get very bad work practices ingrained in their daily routine.

    Frankly MSP's and these 'digital transformation' companies are so crap at delivering...but then that is also on the people looking to engage with these flimflammers...all in the name of reducing cost. We see the costly impact of that kind of thinking daily.

  8. Morphosis

    Failure is expected.

    Atos was terrible when I worked for a company that used them for IT services. The French team took forever and when they were being replaced were hostile with the knowledge transfer.

    Most MSPs are mediocre at best but they were way below that. Even other very large MSPs do better.

  9. luis river


    French ATOS co. that european country made powerful supercomputers in "la grand Francais"... buy also "evident" (dont irony) ruineux enterprise !!!

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