Re: Not a big surprise
- You're an AC so your claim is worth nothing
Wow, it sure must be interesting to have your name in a passport. I don't envy your youth, but it would explain a few things.
- You've got no citations to back up this claim
It's not a claim, it's a fact. Maybe learn how to use a search engine? It's not like it wasn't well reported at the time.
- Nation-state threat actors don't need help from any AV company to get malware into a network (as Kaspersky Labs know, having been pwned themselves)
Nation-state actors use any method they can get their hands on. That's why, for instance, we have all these mass surveillance ideas floating around by Microsoft, as far as I can tell they have been at at this for a very long time, and we're helping them by (a) using their login system and (b) hosting in their cloud so they don't even have to bother breaching your on prem systems. But they're but one example, plenty more actors in that game.