Let me tell you the ultimate mouse jiggler story
Cast your mind back to 2020, Covid was in full swing and I was determined to make my way to the USA from the UK despite the travel ban, which stated if you had been in the UK/Europe in the past two weeks, you could not enter the USA (including transiting). Why so determined, you ask? Love, dear reader.
I managed to figure out that 15 nights spent in Turkey first was possible, affordable, end with a direct flight to LA, and, most importantly, would circumvent what had become a pointless ban. However, the next hurdle was the government organisation I worked for not allowing me to work from abroad. This was an issue - I was a contractor, so extended time off was out of the question. However, I wasn't going to let a job prevent me from pursuing my heart's desires. (By the way I was working on an ITSM platform that contained no sensitive data and I was under no kind of secrecy act contract etc. Think civil servant offices rather than MI6). Despite discussions, I was firmly told I could not take my kit out of the UK and as I had to use their issued kit with VPN etc, there was no way around it. Or was there?
I hatched the ultimate plan. I bought a device (AdderLink) that connected physically to my laptop using usual HDMI and USB sockets, that I could then connect to via my VPN. It provided VNC access to the government issued laptop as if I were in front of it, but without needing any special hardware or software. Of course, the laptop would auto-lock - the mouse jiggler saved me here. The laptop would stay awake and I could remote into it at any time. I even bought an old iPad touch, which was set up to mirror my work issued iPhone, so that I could leave all my kit in the UK, but still appear as if I were still there, answering calls and working on government systems.
The plan was amazing and it worked, and I wasn't breaking any government rules. There was one thing that let me down. I also had my iPad set up with work email access. And one day, it disconnected from my VPN, and a Turkish IP address popped up on their systems. I was locked out - and, despite my manager not wanting to, my contract terminated. I set about learning how I would work around such a mistake in the future - turns out you can set up an iDevice to only allow internet access when a VPN connection is established and cut it off when it wasn't. Lesson learned.
I still think it was an amazing plan that worked for over a week and would have continued to work if it weren't for those meddling kids. I mean VPN disconnections.
Oh, and it was totally worth it to spend 3 months in the California sunshine instead of being locked down at home. And the love thing? Well it was semi-long lived but actually in hindsight maybe I wish I hadn't have bothered but that's another story...
PS you haven't lived until you've taken a taxi ride in the Middle East.