back to article NASA hits wrong button, broadcasts ISS emergency training by mistake

NASA provided an inadvertent insight into its training techniques when it accidentally broadcast audio that sounded like an emergency on the International Space Station. There wasn't a crisis, however, the audio made it sound as though something had gone terribly wrong and a crew member was suffering from decompression …

  1. Spazturtle Silver badge

    Sounds like they were doing a drill to test the response to unavailability of critical staff, on the audio you could hear somebody call out that the flight surgeon was stuck in traffic.

    1. MatthewSt Silver badge

      Considering the "hybrid" nature of their working you'd have thought he could have just dialled in...

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Old School Methods

        *dooooooo-deeeeeeee-dalalalalala* WELCOME TO ISS BBS ... NOTICE NEW $(-&@

        NO CARRIER

        "Stupid new telco lossy compression software!"

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      on the audio you could hear somebody call out that the flight surgeon was stuck in traffic

      His rocket had to wait for a line of Starlink satellites to pass by before it could continue on to the ISS?

  2. heyrick Silver badge

    Whatever you can do is better than doing nothing.

    Well... yeah...

    [mine's the one with the "in space everything explodes" in the pocket]

  3. NoneSuch Silver badge

    Meanwhile, and completely by coincidence, a special heavy lift Falcon 9 booster will be taking a decompression chamber to the ISS in a few days.

    1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Maybe they are sending up one of these: , although using a foot pump in zero-g may be problematic.

      1. Dizzy Dwarf

        > using a foot pump in zero-g may be problematic.

        You'd have to put it in between your arse cheeks and twerk for America.

        1. jospanner Silver badge

          I like to think they’d play appropriate music for motivation purposes

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "You'd have to put it in between your arse cheeks and twerk for America."

          Great idea for a Hollywood blockbuster for the summer. Armageddon style movie where NASA and the ESA recruit Lizzo to lead a ragtag group of dancers to save the day on the ISS.

          1. Zibob Silver badge

            You joke, but considering things like Atlas that Netflix puts out, sounds entirely plausible and might I add "It's about damn time"

    2. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      Ironic, becausethe ISS basically is a decompression chamber...

  4. JavaJester

    Is Anyone Watching?

    That's one way to find out if anyone is paying attention to your feed.

  5. Kane

    "There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station"

    Yeah, right, I've seen that sci-fi film before.

    "The International Space Station crew members were in their sleep period at the time. All remain healthy and safe."

    And that one!

    That's exactly the sort of response I'd expect from an imminent invasion of our lizard overlords!

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Re: "There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station"


      "Our frozen dinners were in their shipping sleep period at the time. All remain fresh and tasty."

      1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Re: "There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station"

        OK, I'll just go into the air ducts and flush this creature out with a flamethrower. What could possibly go wrong?

  6. spireite Silver badge

    "Breathe!!! "

    "I'm afraid I can't do that Dave"

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