Re: What extraordinary talent?
I more and more come to the conclusion that the world is indeed inhabitated by a lot of people who do seem to apply only limited logical thinking to their day to day decisions.
Instead, they allow feelings, idols, stars, hypes, weird ideas - or "leaders" to steer their decisions - and I'm afraid they outnumber rational thinkers by far.
Musk's extraordinary talent IMHO is (much like Trump btw) to be recognized as a superstar, as a light figure, as an idol by the non-rationals.
Like an ancient, angry god out of fantasy novels, he is able to lead his believers where he sees fit - just by "x-ing" his remarks to his minions.
In todays world he is able to manipulate market capitalization of companies by this mechanism.
Nothing in the basics or outlook of Tesla stock seems to support its market value compared to other EV car companies.
In the opposite, Tesla seems to be micromanaged and lead in an erratic manner of hiring, firing, re-hiring, egomania and frequent "strategic" changes.
His believers nevertheless buy at such prices as ist is HIS stock, as HE can do no wrong.
In this situation, Musk leaving Tesla would probably pull the stock down to its market value based on basics like projected revenue, profit, etc. which would be cents on the dollar of its current valuation.
The board chair seems to be aware of that possibility.