Sure, polish that turd
This is the clearest example of Turd Polishing I've seen this month. Congratulations, Google Search is now not quite as feculent and terrible as it was this month, it has gone back to being as feculent and terrible as it was last month. Now instead of giving you completely wrong AI generated answers up front top and center, Google will go back to deliberately giving you AI generated search spam as your top results (because they get more ad placements when you have to click through wrong results). Wow, what an improvement! Consider your worms replaced with corn.
Well, I guess if you're still using Google Search you deserve all the abuse you get, ditto Google Chrome (where ad-blocker blocking is kicking in now too).
Or you could be a sane person and leave your domestic violence situation, though I know that's not much of an option where your work forces you to use them.