Reminds me of a complaint when I was a Parish Council Chairman.
Some loud mouth from a City Bank had retied in his 40's (when us mere plebs will be working into our 80's) and had moved into the largest house in our village.
He had the gaul to actually come to the Parish Council Meeting to complain about:
(a) the 1870's vintage Church clock chiming 24 hours a day
(b) the sheep bleating in the fields (which they also do a little during the hours of darkness)
(c) the Cockrell breading unit which emanated all sorts of sounds and an amount of smell
I was more diplomatic than the farm owning Church Warden, who was also one of our longer standing PC members! He also suggested that he could move his manure heap much closer to the complainants house!
The countryside is a working area where salt-of-the-earth people are trying to scratch a living, not just a playground for city folk!
[Disclaimer: Ex-Deputy President of the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, but working at the forefront of technology, whilst embedded in my local community and doing voluntary and charity work - so not some swivel eyed loon!]