Will do what China does and nothing the west does will change that.
It's been a fairly troubling week in terms of the relationship between China and the Western world. Chiefly, America announced stiff import tariffs on Chinese-made tech, Microsoft gave key engineering and cloud staff the opportunity to get out of China while they still can, and the UK signaled it is absolutely fed up with …
Is this the new version of mutually assured destruction, .... do we have fingers in each others systems to the point where no one's willing to risk a major conflict because if they do they're looking at the total collapse of their internet and digital ecosystem ?..... Brandon Vigliarolo
Yes, and a practical perfect breeding ground it is too, for all manner of sociopathic and pathetic apathetic insanity feeding final solutions to disciples and enemies alike, aided and abetted and presented to humanity via main lining media streams and barbarous brainwashing corporation agents/popular presenters of news and opinionated editorial views.
MADness indeed, and confirmed in deeds in spades.
Do you think Alien Interventions with AI will bother themselves to seize the 0day and save the day and rescue that very particular and peculiarly ailing planet from the festering folly of fanatical fools fouling up the foundations of a fledgling autocratic technocratic meritocracy ....... or would such a source and force be much more likely to decide to swiftly end the farce, purge the systems of constant suffering and lay waste corrupted infrastructure to present a novel virgin field for SMARTR colonisation and utilisation of the future, designed and manufactured for former fanatical fools by A.N. Others with Advanced IntelAIgents in Powerful Command and Energetic Control of Derivative Affirmative Ventures and Life Giving Events in a Live Operational Virtual Environment and Almighty Singularity ....... and would those two seemingly polar opposite options essentially be one and the same ?
What would y'all like to see happen all around you everywhere now that IT can make anything currently happen and go mainstream anywhere in practically next to no time at all?
Don't be shy now, and backward in coming forward with your thoughts on what is needed for a better future for all. This is a rare chance and great opportunity for you to make a real difference in a world where a real difference is desperately needed. Don't be a dumb schmuck and fall and fail at the first practice hurdle provided to you.
Please try to keep up with alien developments, AC, in order not to be realised a fool whenever speaking out removes all doubt. .......
Carpe Diem et 0Diem in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
Big corporations to be allowed to import foreign staff should be required to build or fund building housing, most likely at a 1.2 rate (for every 10 family units, build 12 houses).
They should also be required to pay into a special fund ringfenced for building infrastructure, medical practices, schools, offices / workshops for small business so that the increase of population does not negatively affect the locals.
Unfortunately currently corrupt governments just allow corporation to exploit the local economies by allowing workers to come below the market rates for given professions - so housing and services becomes more expensive for locals and the workers also don't contribute to the economy as simply they don't earn as much, meanwhile the big corporations don't pay taxes or just a small amount using available loopholes and the fact that the tax man is looking away.
FFS. This is the role of the government. That's what it's for. It provides the necessary infrastructure to meet the needs of the economy, and companies feed the economy.
Rather than pointing your ire at companies, point it at the huge number of boomers who have pulled the drawbridge up behind them, refuse to let new houses be built, lest it upset their precious views, or even let bloody solar farms be built, which can really help our path to net zero, again because their fucking views are more important.
The problem isn't the companies. It isn't even the government. It's the scum that vote for the government.
I mean, we need more kids for the future, and that could help in the longer term (20+ years, I know that's impossible to understand for some, especially if you're 65+), but we have stupid rules like stopping benefits for a third or more kid. So make the kids suffer, because the old folk think that's unnecessary benefit payments -- but keep paying the Socialist pension payments -- coz I deserve it: I paid 2/6 for 40 years, I demand my £200 per week. It's just maths, innit. (No, I'll not show my working out.)
Nope, until we get back to thinking about how an economy should work (taxes allow you to provide services for what the country needs, and the voters are NOT allowed to block what the country needs[1]), and not that we are somehow so fucking exceptional (coz we won the war, or some other stupid narrative), this country will remain shafted.
[1] HS2, just as a for instance. Phew, my view is saved... Scum.