that ad exposes the real apple.. keepers of the walled garden
Samsung takes bite out of Apple over its mega marketing misstep
If Apple thought it could forget about last week's marketing disaster — which saw the tech giant roundly slated for appearing to crush human creativity in the name of computing progress — it was wrong. Although Apple marketing veep Tor Myhren apologized for the ill-judged ad, smartphone and tablet rival Samsung couldn't resist …
Thursday 16th May 2024 16:06 GMT Plest
Re: Synonym
It's relateable I guess. I'm with you on your sentiment, what makes a hairy string twanger on a stage any more creative that a shit-hot coder who got that piece of code to run 20x faster, or some old dear with a pocket camera taking photos of some mountains. Heck just finding a better way to store your cutlery is creative, and the reason I thought the furore over the Apple ad was complete bollocks. Apple took some recognisible creative stuff, squashed it to sybolise squeezing it into a tablet and a bunch of morons lost their shit and virtue signalled like a gaggle of Stop Oil protesters on a good day.
Thursday 16th May 2024 16:19 GMT Dan 55
Re: Synonym
Personally I'm about as creative as a brick but even I managed to see that if you wanted an advert that symbolised sheer Big Tech arrogance, you couldn't do better than Apple's.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a hydraulic press stamping on physical objects and then being allowed to consume digital equivalents until your account is closed - forever.
Thursday 16th May 2024 22:00 GMT doublelayer
Re: Synonym
Meanwhile you took people expressing derision at best and assumed that they were a lot more upset than they really were. You somehow think that people were distraught after seeing that advertisement, when reading what they said demonstrates that they were not. Most responses I saw in these forums were of people expressing one of two thoughts:
1. This advertisement is stupid (that was my view).
2. This advertisement is insulting (not really my view).
But you will have a harder time trying to argue why the ad was actually a good idea, so since you can't argue against what people actually said, you had to exaggerate their reaction to have something you can contest.
Friday 17th May 2024 14:02 GMT Stuart Castle
Re: Synonym
I do see your point. After all coding is creativity too, and while most people don't really understand the significance of the code without knowledge or experience, the same could be argued of modern art. I didn't really understandard the significance of Tracy Emin's messy bed for instance, but I have artist friends who can lecture you for hours on it. And I would argue some games, and some of the demos produced by the members of the various demo scenes definitely qualify as art.
But I don't think that's the only reason people think the ad is wrong. There is a perception , which I don't think is entirely unjustified, that big tech is trying to replace things like music , writing and painting. This ad is rubbing people's noses in that.
I don't normally believe in conspiracy theories, but Big Tech likely doesn't want people writing, painting, playing with toys or playing musical instruments. They cannot make money from you while you are doing that..
Thursday 16th May 2024 18:40 GMT MacGuffin
The Samsung Avalanche
That being the same Samsung that buries you in an avalanche of ads on their Smart TV hardware? The same Samsung whose “Smart Things” app won’t function without a connection to the mother ship? Whose smart TV also requires a connection to the mothership?
I’ll call that mighty creative for Samsung, but not the consumer.
Friday 17th May 2024 10:21 GMT Anonymous Coward
How very dare you !!!
Apple took LGs ad and 'improved it' ...... so much that it removed LGs ad from reality itself !!!
Therefore, as per usual, Apple 'did it first' !!!
I am of the Japanese sensibility regarding destruction of instruments (and all creations of artisans of all colours).
I honour the skill and craft of the people who make great instruments/creations as well as the people who play/use them.
(You cannot have one without the other !!!)
Friday 17th May 2024 12:45 GMT Greg 38
"The South Korean consumer technology mega-corp posted a short video on Twitter — which now calls itself X — "
Oh, I'm so glad the author took the time to remind readers that X used to be called Twitter! Had almost forgotten in the intervening long 9 months.
Please be sure to keep mentioning it since some people don't pay attention to changes. Hey wait a minute.... when did elreg move from its domain?!
Tuesday 21st May 2024 12:43 GMT The Sprocket
Regardless of that ad, I still see Apple as a premier component WITHIN the creative community, while Samsung doesn't even seem to exist. And while I personally don't know any creative artists actually creating much on an iPad, they ARE used in subservient roles. I use mine for chasing down typefaces, colour swatches, and sheet music from IMSLP. Could I do that on a Samsung tablet? Sure, but from what I've heard in my social circle, Samsung isn't quite that reliable and they're hooked up to data-slurping Google. Pass.