AI Search is shit
Google must have AI checking their customer satisfaction or something.
The more they put "AI" into their search, the shittier their search becomes. Google is now filled with these little paragraphs of, usually unattributed, snippets (or machine learning summaries) from various websites as well as "other people also asked this entirely not similar question" - which you can click on to get some even less relevant shit results.
A couple of times I've caught the ML summaries being totally wrong as well.
The other day I looked up the number of days in 80-odd years, because my nephew wanted to know how many days his Nan (my Mum) had been alive. It came out with 230,000-odd - which is wrong by an order of magnitude. So a striaght mathematical question, how many days between these two dates. That search also didn't throw up one of the many websites that exist which will easily do this calculation for you, but a quick new search for one of those got it for me. Google being shit meant it would almost have been quicker to work it out myself.
OK, tirivial example. But that should be a really easy query for a language engine to parse, and then a really easy anwser to spit out. I've also done searches on historical characters, to get summary paragraphs that are complete bollocks. Worse because they're using ML to summarise stuff, almost the only source they actually admit to is Wikipedia, so except for those attributed paragraphs the rest of it has to be regarded as junk.
To be fair, the Wiki summaries I've seen have been reasonable one paragraph summaries when I've clicked on the aritcles to check.
But they're seemingly doing no testing to see if the stuff they're using now works. And rather than working on that, they're going to try to add complexity so the results are now even more unreliable?
What a shitshow.
Excuse me while I end this post here, I just need to search Google for "alternative search engines that aren't as shit as Google"...