Wake up sheep.....le!
They can come and put one in LLanelli if they want to!
But you'd just see sheep, and cars going past at 20mph ......... not!
Doomed internet cesspits Omegle and Chatroulette should have been warning enough of what happens when a webcam is placed between random strangers, yet the Portal art project linking New York City to Dublin didn't last a week before being shut down. Among the examples of "inappropriate behaviour" flaunted before the Portal were …
Sheep can get a fair pace on, I would say 20 MPH just about possible near the top end of their speed range.
..Live in countryside with lots of sheep nearby & have been impressed at the pace they can reach when something spooks them (sadly it's often a moronic dog walker with dog not on lead which then runs off and harasses the sheep)
It was suggested at a meeting of arty oriented people -or people who like to believe they were arty - with frequent use of words and phrases like "empowerment", "democratisation of art", "accessibility" and similar twaddle. If anyone questioned it, they'd have had a response along the lines of "well, you wouldn't understand because you're not an artist"**
Plus grants, gravy trains, pork barrels and easy money.
**This actually did happen to me once, several decades ago at a public art installation, with the words coming from the mouth of the "artist" herself when I asked her to explain the work.
I was in Saltaire a while back, looking at the Hockneys, & amongst the books noticed "Why your 5 year old could not have done that".
Which was basically that same feeble attempt at defending some modern art works with a bit of psycho babble & implications of deep meaningful artistic significance BS beyond the comprehension of most mere mortals.
.. Unconvincing (IMHO), but I despise BS in general, & that book was full of it.
I disagree, although I’m not entirely sure why. Video calls between continents are nothing new, and I wouldn’t think anything of it. Same for webcams from around the world. So rationally speaking, this is nothing special.
And yet a big screen on the street has a very different feeling, indeed like a portal of sorts. I would like to see it, just to watch NY life pass by. I hope they get the blurring working properly, and maybe it’ll get installed in my city sometime.
Well, there's a shocker. The unofficial head (possibly official, I don't know how you guys decide these things) of El Reg's Grumpy Old Farts Brigade only likes boring, conventional art. I presume you have a particular fetish for depictions of The Grand Triumph of Brexit, The Glory of the Tories, and Great Leader Truss.
"Some numpty wankers always ruin it for everyone else."
Are you implying that some "members" (SIC) of the public were on display and might have been in the grip of some external manipulation ?
Maybe someone can instead "hack" the portal and instead link it to a suitable OFans account where at least someone might profit from the "exposure" ;-)
Daithí de Róiste (Da Hee De Roast). It's a tradition of the Gaelic bourgeoisie to anoint their progeny with traditional sounding Celtic names. Whilst the authentic people, the travelers (tinkers, gypsies), are shunned and marginalized from polite society.
Ashamed to say even with an Irish name --- though not the Gaelic --- I had no idea whether this name is male or female.
Male, it seems: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daith%C3%AD_de_R%C3%B3iste
Mayors are bad enough, but worse: He has worked in marketing and communications for over a decade
I've seen the one in Lublin in Poland and there was no rowdiness or odd behaviour around it. It's connected to Vilnius in Lithuania and was really interesting to watch.
I do wonder whether there's a 'settling in' period where this sort of embarrassing behaviour happens, and then goes away as the shock value has gone.
I agree with the comments above though - the time zones difference is problematic.
"the time zones difference is problematic."
If we could do away with "live", it's possible in theory to record on both ends and rebroadcast at the same (destination local) time later -- FIFO with a really looooong data queue.
NYC would get Dublin's feed from ~5 hours ago; Dublin gets yesterday's (19-hour delayed) NYC vid.
(That should be enough time for the AI to analyze and blur/black box the nastiest stuff.)
If we could do away with "live", it's possible in theory to record on both ends and rebroadcast at the same (destination local) time later -- FIFO with a really looooong data queue.
Yet if censored, and not live it's just going to be as authentic and real as a staged meeting of that fearsome old bore Mr. Biden and whomever is current Prime Minister sharing their mutual delight at being Irish and discussing trade policies.
the time zones difference is problematic
Well, maybe...but does each portal show both the remote and local live video at the same time? and hence there is the possibility of real time interaction taking place across the pond?
Just remove the live feed and use a time-lagged version, maybe an hour or two out of step with the live feed and that then mostly solves the issues of any interaction which may be gratuitous...
First they take away the Floozie in the Jacuzzi.
Well they move her to make room to install a massive replica of a heroin needle pointing to the sky in the middle of the street.
And now they have installed a camera, so that every morning New Yorkers can watch live, the drunken debauchery and late night shenanigans (Best viewing times are probably Thursday to Saturday nights just when all the pubs and clubs are closing, oh who am I kidding it is seven nights a week).
The icon had to be beer, just one pint for the road. Sure since you got one, I should shout a round in as well and then we can squeeze in one in before the last call. Sounds like a plan.
+1 for mentioning the Floozie in the Jacuzzi - which is what was on my mind. How about siting this portal over in Grafton St - perhaps right opposite Brown Thomas - the shoppers in that vicinity would be expected to be better behaved - then again, I could be wrong in that assumption
Those statues (and most especially their local nicknames) for me really sum up the warmth and fun of Dublin and the people there.
I'm over there quite frequently for work, and had a very nice afternoon "stroll" (about 16000 steps) to try and see as many as possible of them.
I do have to agree that they've dumped the Floozy too far out from the centre, but it's still walkable or by the tram (she's now quite near the National Museum of Ireland, across the river from the Guinness site). Was fun finding them all, and I hear now that they've "upgraded" them via QR codes to be talking statues.
Best one is the Phil Lynott one, who appropriately is also the only one to have a more positive nickname too.
For more details of some of them - https://www.irelandbeforeyoudie.com/10-dublin-monuments-with-bizarre-nicknames-and-stories/
As already noted in another thread, the organizes have literally run a similar project, in fact, an identical one, that worked, and works. There are two of these "portals" in Vilnus and Lublin, set up in 2021, and still active. So bad news about that "it's all the stuuuuupid organizers fault"...
Whoever thought of the installation had never been around a bunch of schoolkids.
Does anyone else here remember the Schoolkids issue of Oz Magazine. Or even that there was a magazine called Oz?
For the rest : It was an early part of the counterculture, although "culture" didn't have much to do with it.
Foolishly, I followed you to Dublin
Like a ghost I walked the streets of Temple Bar
And all the bright young things were throwing up their Guinness in the gutters
And once I thought I saw you from afar.
Now I'm in a nightclub in Helsinki
And they're playing La Vida Loca, once again,
And I can't believe I'm dancing to this crap but I'm a chance here
And every fucking city sounds the same.
- Every Fucking City, Paul Kelly
(Okay, so Temple Bar's the other side of the Liffey...)