back to article Google I/O is Google A/I as search biz goes all-in on AI

Google's annual developer conference is still called Google I/O, though this year Google A/I would be equally apt. Almost every developer-oriented announcement coming from the event, which began on Tuesday, includes a reference to AI, a one-size-fits-all term that's been enlisted to describe everything from text summarization …

  1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge


    Android tinkerer here... I hope I can disable all this stuff. My CPU is kinda old, and I don't want to be running a matrix math cocktail shaker every time I open Android Studio.

  2. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

    Fret not...

    ... Just like many other pursuits Gargle has gone "all in" on, this too shall pass.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Fret not...

      They also announced a feature which will transcribe your phone calls on device send the transcription to the mothership in real time and to check if they're scam calls.

      That option's staying, Google would love a transcription of every phone call as would TLAs.

  3. captain veg Silver badge

    funny, that

    '"Android is an OS with AI at the very core," said Matthew McCullough, VP of Android Developers.'

    There was me thinking it was Linux.


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    All-in = how many times can we vomit "AI" into each paragraph.

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