There Never Were Any "Fast Lanes"
Most people figured out by now that there never were any "fast lanes"! "Fast lanes" are nothing but providers applying resources (network management!) to slow down everyone, unless they pay a premium to NOT be throttled. This is no less than fraud! Gatekeeping. Tolling.
After decades of technology providing miniturization of network equipment and exponential increase in bandwidth speeds, the providers kept whimpering about "rising cost of business" FORCING them to jack up their prices!
Obviously, when a single rack now replaces a data center full of older equpment, while handling a million times the former bandwidth, it is far cheaper to run. Less energy to run and cool. Less staff to hover about addressing issues. Obviously, with 66% of deployed fiber remaining dark, and ALL of it capable of 1000x faster speeds now than their designers anticipated, there is NO SHORTAGE of connections. With their profit margins exceeding 95% in some markets like NYC, It's like printing money, friends.
I would like to know why the press still hasn't written an article exposing how things really work, instead of continuing to politely use the vocabulary and logic of the carriers themselves, even when mildly hand-wringing about the poor customers.