back to article Palantir's CEO calls 'woke' a 'central risk to Palantir, America and the world'

Analytics platform biz Palantir saw its share price dip yesterday despite posting on-the-nose revenue growth of 21 percent year-over-year to reach $634 million in the first calendar quarter. The company — with its background in spy-tech — disappointed markets by nudging down growth expectations for the current year, while …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "a 'central risk to Palantir, America and the world' "

    Woah there, boy.

    A central risk to Palantir ? You can die, nobody will regret you.

    A central risk to America ? You mean the USA. The USA has a lot more risk than woke, it has Trump and the Republican religion. You can take a hike.

    A central risk to the world ? Now you're dreaming. And overselling yourself.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: "a 'central risk to Palantir, America and the world' "

      "And overselling yourself"

      But if they don't oversell themselves nobody else will and he wouldn't want that.

    2. DS999 Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

      Because the left wing tends not to like the military/spy industrial complex very much.

      They're a double threat to Palantir right now because Israel is a major customer and the longer that war goes on the better it is for Palantir's bottom line. Pressure on Biden to not deliver aid to Israel unless conditions are met are the last thing he wants to see.

      In fact what Palantir would really like to see is the war escalate to a full blown Middle East conflict that drags the US in. That's their dream scenario for profits!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

        "Because the left wing tends not to like the military/spy industrial complex very much."

        I'm sorry, are we in bizarro world? How many Dems voted for the billions to Ukraine and Israel bill? That would be all of them. The political left LOVE war! FFS it was Labour who dragged the UK into the wars in the middle east.

        Heck, Chuck Schumer is threatening the ICC so it doesn't take any action against Israel for the blatant war crimes it is currently committing.

        "Pressure on Biden to not deliver aid to Israel unless conditions are met are the last thing he wants to see."

        Didn't they impeach Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine?

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

            Impeachment proceeding s were brought, but he was acquitted both times.

          2. Citizen of Nowhere

            Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

            >the traditional and unique peaceful transfer of power that has been the hallmark of the US for over 200 years

            You really think the peaceful transfer of power is unique to the US? The whole American exceptionalism bit which underlies this ridiculous claim is probably why the US has been enabling violent transfers of power all over the world almost since its inception.

        3. Whiznot

          Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

          Democrats haven't been left wing since 1963.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

            Not sure that many of them were particularly left wing before that, if I'm honest with you.

      2. JoeCool Silver badge

        Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

        What left wing ? In mainstream American politics, there aren't any.

        Which US administrations have put restraints on the CIA ? NONE

        How many "left wing" administrations has the US had ? NONE.

        And you can repeat that argument for the Industrial complex - ALL admins are ALWAYS promoting the industry. F35 anyone ?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Anything "left wing" is a threat to Palantir

          "Which US administrations have put restraints on the CIA ? NONE"

          I can't remember if it was Schumer of Schiff who said that Trump would seriously regret going against the wishes of the CIA. Anything that goes against the MIC, CIA or Israel is quickly squashed.

          It was fun watching the AOC get schooled on how to behave like a good uniparty hack.

  2. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Big steaming pile of Karp

    "those same software systems may also make possible and indeed hasten the beginning of the end of an era of total and indiscriminate war"

    It sounds much more likely to be the beginning of an era of much more total and indiscriminate war to me. Money + weapons has always been a dangerous combination. Money + weapons + automated targeting + reactionary nutcases like Thiel and Karp is a lot worse.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

      Where there's war there's profit and these psychopaths want to be there making that profit.

    2. Filippo Silver badge

      Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

      War. War never changes.

      1. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

        Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

        This is why wars are still resolved by single combat between champions chosen from each respective army.

    3. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

      I thought the Israelis were using this type of information processing in Gaza to look for -- and eliminate -- Hamas members. Obviously there was a bit of unfortunate collateral damage, couldn't be helped and all that....

      (I think if we trawl around the Reg's archives we'll find the first attempts at this sort information collection date to 1970s Belfast where a bit of extra milk delivered or water usage could attract the attention of the authorities.....)

      1. Citizen of Nowhere

        Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

        Yep, 700,000 civilians was considered an acceptable level of collateral damage.

    4. Citizen of Nowhere

      Re: Big steaming pile of Karp

      An Israeli intelligence official who spoke to the Guardian newspaper admitted that they had identified 37,000 militant "targets" using AI software, that they were willing to accept civilian casualties of 15 to 20 civilians for each of their AI-identified targets and that they preferred the cheapest method which was to take down tan entire building with dumb munitions where it was just suspected that there might be some of their targets, regardless of who or how many civilians were killed. The people who Palantir sells its systems to would rather keep their genocide cost effective than end total and indiscriminate war.

  3. KayJ

    "A central risk to the ongoing privatisation of the NHS, our data exfiltration and election meddling" more like.

  4. theOtherJT Silver badge

    Thin pagan religion

    I think the central risk to Palantir, America and the world is a regressive way of thinking that is corrupting and corroding our institutions that calls itself progressive, but actually — and is called woke — but is actually a form of a thin pagan religion

    I have absolutely no idea what he means by this.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      Don't worry, he only has access to your medical records and your social media profiles and he's just demonstrated that he's a level-headed type. What could possibly go wrong?

    2. Grunchy Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      I think he means that everything would work a lot more smoothly if everybody does (and thinks) as they’re told.

      When they tell you to jump your correct response is to ask, “how high?”, etc.

      1. ThatOne Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        Nope, don't bother the man with your stupid questions: Maximum height is implied.

      2. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        Don't forget "Off what cliff?"

        1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: Thin pagan religion

          Don't forget "Off what cliff?"


          "Off which cliff?"


    3. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      I have absolutely no idea what he means by this.

      That's OK, neither does he. But it sure makes for good bumper-sticker politics, dunnit?

    4. Jeff Smith

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      Deep down nobody really knows what woke means.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        Sure they do. At least they do know what being against it is: It's RWNJ shorthand for, "Why can't I be a racist/misogynist/[insert -ist of your choice] any more? Waaah, waaah, waaaaaaah!"

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Thin pagan religion

          Odd how that list of things is more often seen from the LWNJs. Especially with the latest Gaza/Israel disagreement.

          I've never seen RWNJs chanting 'death to america'.

          1. jonathan keith

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            "I've never seen RWNJs chanting 'death to america'."

            They restrict themselves to only the parts of america they don't like. Democrats, for instance. Or women. Or minorities.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Thin pagan religion

              Citation needed. I've seen many LWNJs calling for the death of anyone to their right and there have been a fair few instances of TRAs making threats against women and in some cases causing physical harm to them. A male TRA punched a 71yo woman at a protest. So much brave of this man to beat up an old lady.

              1. jonathan keith

                Re: Thin pagan religion

                Yeah, I don't think I'll bother answering the questions of an Anonymous Coward.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Thin pagan religion

                  It is hard to twist reality enough to justify the beating of a 71 year old woman by a much younger male.

                  1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

                    Re: Thin pagan religion

                    They did much worse than that on Oct 7.

          2. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            They just call in death/bomb threats to judges/libraries/politicians/celebrities/etc who do things they don't like. You know, because assassination is a perfectly acceptable way of settling political disagreements.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Thin pagan religion

              Yes, the woke mob do exactly this! Congrats you have finally come to the light side!

              Madonna wanted to blow up the white house, Johnny Depp anted to shoot Trump, the paedo who runs the Lincoln project wants to put a bullet in Trump's head, the list goes on.

              1. Someone Else Silver badge

                Re: Thin pagan religion

                But nobody back on Jan 6th wanted to hang the Vice President. Nope, nobody there would evah think of doing that. No, siree!

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Thin pagan religion

                  I have decided that it should now be called the Jan 6th Infitada.

                  What is odd is that they have never identified the people who built the mock gallows. There is video of the people building it in the very early morning hours before the protest and they even had time to get coffee while they built it. The structure was then completely ignored by the authorities despite it being a crime to erect structures on the capitol grounds and then it was used by the press to get some nicely 'framed' shots of the capitol.

              2. Bebu

                Re: Thin pagan religion

                Madonna wanted to blow up the white house, Johnny Depp anted to shoot Trump, the paedo who runs the Lincoln project wants to put a bullet in Trump's head, the list goes on.

                Must be difficult to buy a gun in the US? If Johnny and Mr Paedo etc aren't all wind - or is ammunition in short supply?

                Like most sensible people they understand removing one dodgy obnoxious, politician never makes a difference as there are a dozen, nay a gross, that will pop up to replace them.

                The death of rational discourse and civility has been the responsibility of all sides of politics which has sown the wind of the future whirlwind which none will ever live to reap to their benefit.

              3. aerogems Silver badge

                Re: Thin pagan religion

                So did Madonna or Johnny Depp actually call in a bomb threat, or make a death threat, or did they just make an obviously hyperbolic comment to someone in the media? Besides, I thought you RWNJs didn't trust the main stream media. I guess that only applies when it's telling you something you don't want to hear.

          3. HereIAmJH Silver badge

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            I've never seen RWNJs chanting 'death to america'.

            Too many syllables.

            "Hang Mike Pence!"

          4. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            I've never seen RWNJs chanting 'death to america'.

            Because they are mostly ultra-nationalists flag-shaggers, right?

        2. ThatOne Silver badge

          Re: Thin pagan religion

          > [insert -ist of your choice]


          1. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            Orthodontist you clod!

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Thin pagan religion

              Going by that icon, you meant to say Unorthodontist.

              1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

                Re: Thin pagan religion

                Unorthodontist: someone who offers, in exchange for money, to not knock out some of your teeth.

                There were a lot of them at the Capitol on 6 January.

      2. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        Deep down nobody really knows what woke means.

        Yes, the precursor to a coffee and breakfast.

      3. nijam Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        > ... nobody really knows what woke means

        It's the past tense of wake. Nothing else.

      4. Nightkiller

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        But they sure know what it doesn't mean.

      5. theOtherJT Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        Seems to be a word that exists in order to get anyone who uses it yelled at by a bunch of angry people. Not sure it achieves any thing else at this point. It's one of those "It's too late to undo the damage that's been done to that word" situations.

    5. Mike 137 Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      Regardless of what this guy specifically means by 'woke', his rhetorical technique is well established. If you want to denigrate something in the public mind, the easiest way is to cast vague aspersions about it that nobody can actually understand objectively but that sound sufficiently negative to arouse concern.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        So, he runs a company and is concerned about religion and politics? Seems like someone should really look into a replacement that can focus on the business keeping the lights on and the employees paid.

        1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

          Re: Thin pagan religion

          That would knock out about 90% of the large & mid-sized company CEOs by my lights.

          Wait a minute, you might have something...

      2. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

        *Does* he mean anything specific by it?

        As you yourself pretty much said, the imprecision and vagueness of "woke"- or rather, the strawman version of "woke" that has been adopted by those who use it as a derogatory term (*)- *is* the point. You don't say anything that you can be pinned down on and forced to defend. You haven't said anything precise enough to be used against you.

        It's also a useful weapon where anything can be dismissed as "woke" without having to think it through- whether by design or whether you're a thick bigot- and one can't really defend or argue against that because there isn't anything to defend or argue against. Indeed, you're dignifying that shit by doing so, and you'll still lose.

        Perfect for your smirking right-winger who likes knowing that *you* know he's an outright bigot, but has (intentionally implausible) plausible deniability and nothing to pin him down on.

        And finally, using "woke" in that derogatory form isn't just an (anti-)argumentative technique. It's a fucking dog whistle aimed at those who know damn well that it's just a cover for outright racism/misogyny/homophobia/etc. and feel the same way, "it's okay to be a fucking racist POS [etc] and proud of it".

        (*) Of course, it originated long ago meaning a particular thing to the black community who created it. Then in more recent years it was adopted by those outside that community, but in the process also- arguably- misunderstood and reduced to a more generalised term for anything that was socially progressive. And finally, it was appropriated by those on the right as the "anything I don't agree with is woke" bogeyman/strawman parody of itself.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

          u will get on your knee and praise them. For they are the chosen ones and can do no wrong.

          Dont even go into the extreme ugliness that is left-wing nutters. You wrote a wall of text to say you are a spineless trend follower who hasn't quite got the memo yet, or until and there is sufficent enough numbers of people in your social circle that can you change mutate 'your' beliefs into what ever is the going fashion.

          Your arguments are simplistic and very sock puppet like. You cd of saved that wall of text by just saying "Im a lefty/liberal and woke is good".

          Without doubt, the only real remaining pleasure for this destruction of White middle class values is watching those like u in the lower-middle class who forever called the working class all sorts of names like racist, bigot, you name it, you threw it - watching the slow creep up the social order.

          Ive given up on you lot quite a while ago. I want even more rights for BAME, women, and less rights for you. I want you to be their bitch which you are not far off now.

          And form the beaches of the Caymen Islands I shall sip cocktails in the Sun and enjoy the peak of human existence. We did warn you but now it is way too late and the number of turncoats on here is funny. It is almost 4chan-like now. LOL

          1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

            Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

            "You wrote a wall of text"

            Says person who replied with a big wall text.

            "you are a spineless trend follower"

            I'm old enough to have cheered when Thatcher resigned.

            But I bet you think *you're* the heroic rebel, when you're the epitome of the anti-woke bandwagon jumper. You couldn't be more of your time if you tried.

            " who hasn't quite got the memo yet,"

            I did get it, and it was full of your illiterate drivel.

            "And form the beaches of the Caymen Islands I shall sip cocktails in the Sun and enjoy the peak of human existence."

            Sad bastard fantasises they'll be the one on top in the end, a sort of "rapture" fantasy, where you go to heaven and the disbelievers are left behind to suffer.

            Typical right-wing loser's wish-fulfillment dribblings.

            1. cyberdemon Silver badge

              Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

              Don't feed the trolls... This one is particularly obnoxious.

          2. Drakon

            Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

            Did you forget to take your meds today?

            1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

              Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

              Judging by that sad fantasist wank about sipping cocktails on the beaches of the Cayman Islands et al, the med they're most likely on is copium.

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

              Woah, sanist alert +++ WARNING +++

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

                It's fixed, we think. All socials were too easy. So was Reddit.

                But this one lasted much longer than we expected. We just needed more moderation data. And at no time during its brief existence did anybody think it was nothing more than a human.

                1. that one in the corner Silver badge

                  Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

                  > But this one lasted much longer than we expected.

                  Oh come on, you are supposed to finish that with "muaaah ha ha!" at least.

                  Just can't get the evil maniacs these days.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: tl;dr - Anyone who uses "woke" as a derogatory term is a POS

            "wank"> It is almost 4chan-like now. LOL

            It certainly is with this level of incel-RWNJs now posting.

      3. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        There's a duo of comedians, think they call themselves the Good Liars, but they have a penchant for letting Trump supporters troll themselves. They recently asked some people at a Trump rally to explain some of the conspiracy theories they were espousing, and none of them could. It was just a bunch of hand waving shit like, "when you know, you know." You know, the same shit god bothering types use when you ask them to explain anything about their professed religion.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Thin pagan religion

          Like the people chanting 'from the river to the sea' and they have no idea which river or which sea?

          1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

            Re: Thin pagan religion

            Or what is in between

    6. Geoff Campbell Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      Me neither, but the one thing I can glean from it is that I'm on the side of the thin pagan religion. Where are the meetings held?


    7. aerogems Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      He's bigly mad he can't be a racist asshole.

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Thin pagan religion

        He's bigly mad he can't be a racist asshole in public.

        There, FTFY

    8. Ken G Silver badge

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      I liked their early recordings but they've gone too commercial now

    9. Bebu

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      I would have thought a thin pagan would be a whole lot rarer than christian hermits starving themselves in the syrian desert. :)

      The general impression I have of the average pagan is that they did themselves proud with the pleasures of the table (and the bedroom if the murals of Pompei and the truth be told. :)

      Why would the world take any notice this naff Suruman? :)

    10. doublerot13

      Re: Thin pagan religion

      As a fat pagan I'm absolutely offended.

      If I was woke I'd be fat shamed and furious.

  5. SnailFerrous

    Go woke, go broke?

    "The company — with its background in spy-tech — disappointed markets by nudging down growth expectations for the current year,"

    So they didn't go woke, yet still went a bit broke.

  6. Grunchy Silver badge

    What is “woke”

    That sounds like a word you’d call somebody who suddenly realizes they have a certain amount of political and financial power that’s independent of the incumbent ruling elite (that’s accustomed to making all the decisions and ignoring everybody who doesn’t like it).

    Why, it almost seems like “woke” is a good thing?!

    Bad news for CEOs though. Shazbat.

    1. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

      Re: What is “woke”

      Woke is treating your fellow humans as if they're, you know, human.

      As far as paganism goes, perhaps a little tree, rock, and stream worship might be in order, given the current state of the ecosystem, they could use it[1].


      [1] Yes, I know that's actually more specifically animism but let's not split theological hairs, okay?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What is “woke”

        "Woke is treating your fellow humans as if they're, you know, human."

        Sadly those infected with the wokeness seem all to happy to treat those they see as being in opposition as subhuman and are all too quick to justify force and violence in the pursuit of their goals 'by any means necessary'.

        1. Curious

          Re: What is “woke”

          That's not limited to those "infected with the wokeness"?

          It's a primate brain thing dividing other people and creatures into multiple in-groups and out-groups; and being less forgiving, more reactionary, having "viscerally negative feelings", less respect for their thought process, less inhibited in commiting violence in those that we perceive as sharing fewer groups.

          ( Robert Sapolsky's book Behave suggests it hits in fractions of a second when measured under MRI, and requires prolonged neutral-to-positive individual contact and experience to train other parts of the brain to balance this out, or create positive in-groups to slow hostility.)

          "Woke" bouncing against "socially conservative" are just two more groups where all the common positions are temporarily forgotten when two mobs stand in front of each other, and the common society is weak at holding them to rules of decorum and debate.

          And in any large group we'll have those people with poorer impulse control, worse reactions than the normal.

      2. Eclectic Man Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        According to the InterPleb, "woke" is the past tense of of the verb "wake" .

        But I guess Karp means the annoying habits of some people who complain about bigotry and injustice based on stereotypes and prejudice. Like the famous film star who complained that the 'n-word' wasn't an insult until recently (i.e., the last decade or so), not realising that it has been one of the most derogatory terms in use for over 200 years.

      3. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        "Woke is treating your fellow humans as if they're, you know, human."

        It's not - it's categorizing people into groups, normally based on a single characteristic, then forming a hierarchy of groups and setting various of those groups against one another. While claiming to be about being 'kind', 'inclusive', etc. And spitting hatred at anyone who questions any of the woke dogma, of course.

        It's an utterly corrosive ideology which claims to be about fairness and unity but actually causes division and hostility.

        1. aerogems Silver badge

          Re: What is “woke”


          "Woke" people aren't the ones insisting on the idea that there are two genders, or the separation of races/ethnicities/sexual orientation, they're the ones seeking to break down those divisions. So, pray tell how you arrive at that particular conclusion.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: What is “woke”

            But there are only 2 genders. I suppose allowing men into women's spaces could be classed as breaking down divisions.

            1. aerogems Silver badge

              Re: What is “woke”

              Really, there's only one gender if you want to get pedantic about it. We all start out as female in the womb, then some of us get a big ol' bath of testosterone and some of us don't. So, technically the male "gender" is a subform of female.

              1. HereIAmJH Silver badge

                Re: What is “woke”

                Wait until they learn about Intersex and CAIS. Gender seems to have a lot of shades of gray.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: What is “woke”

                  Intersex are types of production defects - which is not to in any way throw shade on them. They happen at low rates, in a variety of ways, and are then used by interested parties to justify their own, totally unrelated issues and agendas.

                  I imagine it must be quite annoying if you are actually born intersex, to be dragged into other peoples political mess and barking mad ideologies when you have real, unavoidable issues of your own to navigate.

                  1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                    Re: What is “woke”

                    I imagine it must be quite annoying if you are actually born intersex, to be dragged into other peoples political mess and barking mad ideologies when you have real, unavoidable issues of your own to navigate.

                    Yep, it's a mess. I knew about intersex because I have relatives who were midwives. Rare, unfortunate, especially the way society dealt with the issue. So births had to be registered with a binary gender choice, and that was often the closest biological/physical match. Sometimes with the addition of surgery. That included some rare cases where babies born as hermaphrodites and castrated because making them female was generally simpler. And possibly headed off future issues like the potential for self-fertilisation. I did find a paper from the early 1900's proposing to encourage this, just to see what the outcome would be. Luckily, our medical ethics have improved somewhat. But there were (and still are) nature vs nurture issues, like encouraging (or forcing) a child to fit in a box they may not want to fit in because although physical gender is traditionally set at birth, sexual gender isn't.

                    Then I got interested in body modification, and 'extreme' body modification. In which I came across people who didn't identify as any gender, and didn't want to be identified that way. There was someone lobbying hard for 'official' recognition and a brand new lable of 'neutrois' which they'd invented, and which most of the people I chatted with in the body mod scene hated. And those people are still trying to sit out the gender wars, and mess like this-


                    Which is the problem with 'wokeism'. A true woke approach would just be to accept people for whoever or whatever they want to be. Instead, gender politics steps in and creates an utter shitshow. Some for the better, ie people can now sleep with whoever they want and not end up in jail. Well, unless you're sleeping with a furry because although they may have the right to identify as an animal, bestiality is still illegal in many countries.

                2. aerogems Silver badge

                  Re: What is “woke”

                  True, but of course such people always seem to ignore the "identity" part of "gender identity" because they just don't want to put in the effort to learn some new terminology to treat others with the respect they themselves expect to be given.

                  If you take the time to really learn more about how babies are born, beyond just "sperm fertilizes egg, and nine months later the stork brings a baby" you realize that there's a very good biological explanation for why some people may feel like they are the wrong gender or be born being attracted to people of the same sex. Too much or too little of any of the hormone cocktails in the womb can have significant impacts on your development.

            2. LybsterRoy Silver badge

              Re: What is “woke”

              WOW - lots of people do not have a sense of humor.

          2. 43300 Silver badge

            Re: What is “woke”

            As regards separation of races / ethnicicities / sexual orientations - that's exactly what I was referring to. The woke define people by one charaterisitic (that person is black, that person is gay, etc) and group them based on this single charateristic, then assume that they automatically have a lot in common with others who share that single characteristic (which they may not), and then put these groups into hierarchies, and sets them against each other. It's ignorant and simplistic - and this is especially so in the UK with concepts imported from the US where politics and social dynamics are very different. Thus we have talk of 'white privilege' as if it's a universal - when in fact, in the UK, young white blokes from working-class backgrounds are one of the least privileged of all groups by most measures. Or the assumption that women are under-represented in a particular sector and need special treatment (courses only open to female staff, etc) even when a look at the actual employment stats for the sector show that this is not the case and women are actually the majority, including at senior level. But the woke don't look at specifics or see nuance - everything is seen in terms of hierarchies based on simplistic categories and labelling of people.

            The equality movement started out with the admirable aim of providing equality of opportunity for all. That isn't what wokery (and it's relative, EDI) is about at all - they seek equality of outcome, measured solely on the basis of which arbitrary groups they have assigned people to. Actual equality is regarding these things as irrelvant for most purposes - e.g. when interviewing for a job, choose the best candidate in terms of meeting the job criteria. Male/female, black/white, gay/straight, etc - they shouldn't be a consideration in making the decision.

            Attaining a better level of actual equality across society is not going to be achieved by dividing people, and wokery is all about creating division.

            1. aerogems Silver badge

              Re: What is “woke”

              That's a lot of words to say that you're confessing to what you do by accusing others of doing it.

            2. Curious

              Re: What is “woke”

              "The woke define people by one charaterisitic (that person is black, that person is gay, etc) and group them based on this single charateristic, then assume that they automatically have a lot in common with others who share that single characteristic (which they may not), and then put these groups into hierarchies, and sets them against each other."

              How should we read this...

              If this (flawed) definition is true only for "The woke" then the writer 43300 defines himself as being woke using his own definition.

              It's inaccurate because the default for human brains is to instantly assign dozens of group presumptions and probabilities on the people they encounter.

              Then in the second lump of the post, wokery is defined as "seeking equality of outcome, based solely on the basis of which arbitrary groups they have assigned people to"

              No. That's taking the legal "action based on a particular protected characteristic". e.g. Public Sector Equality Duty 2010 in the UK.

              Instead of poorly thought out versions of 'wokery' perhaps you can look up definitions.

              Better yet, consider that overuse of muddled collective nouns like "the woke" which have original, modern expanded and pejorative understandings make a mess of your post.

              for example

              One of Oxford's definitions of woke is "alert to injustice in society, especially racism.". If you assess the equality duty act to be a cause of injustice, could your own post be considered as a woke alert?

              1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

                Mod note

                Hi -- just a note from the moderation team. This discussion was going OK until someone (not the above poster but someone who replied to the above poster and has had their post removed) started using racial slurs.

                Can we keep it civil and respectful, please. Ta. We don't want to get in the way.


        2. LybsterRoy Silver badge

          Re: What is “woke”

          Looking at the voting going on it looks as though the majority of elReg readers (or at least those commenting on this article) had their alarm clock set, have drunk the coffee (or kool aid) and are fully awake.

      4. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        Woke is treating your fellow humans as if they're, you know, human.

        That's the problem as far as the modern (American) conservative is concerned. Not only have they made cruelty part of their identity, it also means they have to treat blacks, jews, women, and basically anyone who isn't a white male, as an equal. That just doesn't work for their white nationalist identity. There's white men*, followed by white women*, and then everyone else.

        * As long as they're Christian

      5. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        Woke is treating your fellow humans as if they're, you know, human.

        No, because this obviously discriminates against Furries. As does Netlfix. See the mess they made out of Woken Furries?

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: What is “woke”

            Sad thing is that in your mind this probably came across a smart, damning and piercingly-witty riposte against those smug woke types.

            Nope. Trolling is like fishing, you just have to use the right bait.

            Rather than the usual low-rent..

            And just like that, I caught one! But for the low IQ, here's the current law-


            (7)An image falls within this subsection if it portrays, in an explicit and realistic way, any of the following—

            (d)a person performing an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive),

            and a reasonable person looking at the image would think that any such person or animal was real.

            And a dose of wiki-

            Some furries identify as partly non-human: 35% say they do not feel 100% human (compared with 7% of non-furries), and 39% say they would be 0% human if they could (compared with 10% of non-furries).

            So the typical 'woke' mess where if a person is legally permitted to identify as their 'fursona' (WTF have we done to English?) then images of sexual activity would be illegal, as well as the activiity itself, regardless of consent. And the images would be a strict liability offence. Then there's the issue of 'reasonable person' because the 'reasonable person' would obviously be discriminating against the fursona.

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

              1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                Re: What is “woke”

                Anyway, since you just admitted you were trolling, why would we need to waste more time on your quasi-legal meanderings?

                'We' again. But it's a question you really should be asking yourself. Or selves. Or perhaps you should consider going back to school? I admitted to catching trolls, and once again appear to have been successful. So I'll just carry on living rent-free in your brain, or what passes for one.

                1. This post has been deleted by its author

                  1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                    Re: What is “woke”

                    "We" as in myself and everyone else here who might- or might not- waste time taking you seriously.

                    You do seem rather obsessed with attacking me, along with dear'ol Aerogums who's now started seeing phantom Eels everywhere. But I think you also started that meme by falsely alleging that I used sock puppets. You would never do that I suppose, and are still content to launch your ad homs from behind an illusion of anonymity. And even though your attacks have been pretty much exclusively off-topic, you do present as an object lesson in what woke is. And Curious pretty much nailed it in a previous post-

                    "Woke" bouncing against "socially conservative" are just two more groups where all the common positions are temporarily forgotten when two mobs stand in front of each other, and the common society is weak at holding them to rules of decorum and debate.

                    And in any large group we'll have those people with poorer impulse control, worse reactions than the normal.

                    Being 'woke' started out quite reasonably. So people concerned about social injustice. Then, as that movement expanded, it attracted more fascist, authoritarian people who saw social injustice everywhere and like you, didn't read Popper's paradox of tolerance fully.

                    ... that anyone cares about them personally outwith the times they notice that it's another post from that "Jellied Eel" pillock and click downvote.

                    From the number of your posts attacking me, you obviously care about me, and are happy to attack me personally. Thus demonstrating your intolerance, and as Curious pointed out, poor impulse control. Along with a lack of sense of humor. It's been SOP for decades to follow the DNFTT rule, but not you. If you did that, you wouldn't be able to demonstrate to the world that you're woke and part of that minority in-group that thrives on hate and attacks anyone who doesn't conform to your twisted view of reality. And of course you do this as an anonymong because you're either incapable of registering an account, or just a coward who's too afraid of attribution.

                    That bland, off-the-shelf insult *really* the best you can do? Pay rubles, get monkeys, I guess.

                    Only joking... vatniks like you do it for free, right?

                    And there you go again with the implicit racism, and more ad homs. I thought we'd established the definiton of 'vatnik', and it's racist connotations, but again you double down on your hatred by mentioning it, along with rubles when this subject has nothing to do with Russian propaganda. But you just can't resist spewing hate, can you? Which again demonstrates your poor impulse control, intolerance and infantile behavior of many of the 'woke' mindset. Like a baby, you learn a new word and shout it out regardless of relevance or context.

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: What is “woke”

                      "people concerned about social injustice"

                      Sadly the solutions they often come up with are equal or worse social injustice.

                      The common theme with the current generation of woke is that they are generally white, at least upper middle class, often eternal students and have likely never held a proper job or work for a government department or some activist NGO and have certainly never experienced the hardships they are fighting against.

                      We've just seen this with Kathy Hochul and her comment about black kids in the bronx not knowing what a computer is. This is just a continuation of the 'black people can't get ID as they don't know where the DMV is' soft bigotry of low expectations we've witnessed over the last 10 odd years.

    2. aerogems Silver badge

      Re: What is “woke”

      Was reading an article the other day which was basically talking about how the modern day American Oligarchs are basically deluding themselves into thinking that they can somehow control or manage Trump if he becomes POTUS again, and get him to do things they want him to do. Except, if you look at history, the enablers of every single dictator/autocrat, always end up on the wrong side of history. They always end up with the person turning on them, or just doing whatever the fuck they want to do because who's going to stop them, once they have power. Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Xi, Mussolini, and down through the ages.

      As someone said: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And repeat it they do. One of the major financers of Hitler in the early days wrote a book basically describing what an idiot he was. It should be mandatory reading for anyone with over a million dollars to their name.

      1. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        Ok, I'm looking from a UK perspective but I really don't see why Trump inspires so much hatred on one side, and so much adulation on the other. If you look objectively at his first term as president, it's fairly unremarkable. He wasn't a great president, but neither was he an especially awful one. He didn't start any major conflicts, for a start!

        Is it mainly just because he's regarded by many as having an extremely abrasive personality?

        1. aerogems Silver badge

          Re: What is “woke”

          He was an especially bad POTUS. Maybe not the worst ever, though he probably gives them a good run for their money, but certainly the worst in living memory. He very nearly started a nuclear war with North Korea for one, and spent most of his time destroying relationships with allies and being all buddy-buddy with dictators and autocrats -- like the time in Helsinki when he came out of a meeting with Putin looking like Putin was leading him around with a leash. There's something like 1,000 kids who were separated from their parents at the southern border who were then trafficked into some fake Christian adoption program and are still MIA. He was barely actually in the Oval Office doing actual work, he spent most of the time in the White House residence, or down at his club in Florida, calling people to talk about himself, as narcissists are wont to do. Speaking of, he used his position as POTUS to advance his own personal business interests by charging the US government exorbitant rates for Secret Service agents and other staffers to stay at his properties -- he should have waived the fee since he was dragging them down there. At the same time, everyone who came to kiss the ring made sure to stay at some Trump property, meaning the money went directly into his pocket, as a way to get around prohibitions on bribes. Then there was the time Trump used the military to clear out protesters so he could cross the street and hold a bible upside down for a photo op. He didn't know people in Puerto Rico were US Citizens, and that island is still suffering after that massive hurricane swept through during his administration. He politicized a global pandemic, causing literally tens of thousands of people to die unnecessarily because he was using it as a wedge issue.

          Almost without exception the people he hired for top-level cabinet positions were corrupt AF and used their position to line their own pockets with anything that wasn't nailed down, or gut federal regulations related to business interests they had. Then there's a special place in hell for people like Stephen Miller, a literal Jewish Nazi whose family barely escaped the Hollocaust. He's the one behind all the racist immigration policies, including separating children from their parents at the border, and reinstituting concentration camps for people caught crossing the border illegally. At the same time, funding was generally slashed for things like actually processing legal immigration claims.

          Then we get to when he lost the election and tried to first corruptly steal the election, and when that didn't work, he tried to stage a violent coup. There's also other little things like violating the nation's policy on negotiating with terrorists when his administration agreed to leave Afghanistan. These, you might notice, are all things that are really apart from him as an asshole person, and about what he did while in office. I'm not even touching on the stealing of classified documents and refusing to give them back, while simultaneously storing them somewhere any half-decent spy could easily gain access, because that happened after he left office. He wasn't charged with several criminal counts because he took the documents, it's because for over 6 months the government kept asking for them back and he kept refusing to hand them over. There's also how he kicked off his campaign by basically saying Mexico is full of rapists and drug dealers and the Mexican government is deliberately sending them to the US.

          You think you had it bad with Johnson and Truss, but they were like Churchill in comparison. Johnson likes to play the fool, but he's actually at least half-way competent. Truss, as I recall, was the least-bad option out of a selection ranging to goddamn awful to fucking horrible. Also, she was elected PM by her fellow MPs not the voters, unlike Trump here in the US.

        2. JacobZ

          Re: What is “woke”

          Maybe you should look more closely. In surveys of historians and political analysts, he is generally rated the worst or second worst (after Buchanan).

          Others here have given a long list of his corruption, nepotism, bloviating, demonization of all opposition, cozying up to every flavor of Nationalist and the violent extreme right, etc. etc. so I won't repeat that here.

    3. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Re: What is “woke”

      I have no idea what "woke" means but the ones saying they hate it are a very specific type.

      I chuckle hearing them call it a "mind virus" that they're completely immune to. It's like the joke of being somebody that doesn't attract brain-eating monsters.

      1. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: What is “woke”

        The power of denial is very strong.

        Think Einstein is the one who defined insanity as repeating the same behavior and expecting different results, which basically describes all conservative policies. Especially economic policies, like supply side economics, which has never worked as intended, but they always insist that this time will be different. Imagine going your entire life not realizing that liberalism more closely aligns with objective reality. Not perfectly, not by a long shot, but it's like say 30% on average vs 5-10% on a good day.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What is “woke”

          Is this like the 'it wasn't real communism' argument?

          "liberalism more closely aligns with objective reality"

          Is this the one where if you don't record crimes you can claim you reduced crime while in reality senior members of your own party are having their cars broken in to and having all their stuff stolen?

          Or the one where you spend billions 'tackling' homelessness but actually just hugely enrichen your political friends and make the real problem 10x worse?

          You are the living embodiment of the 'this is fine' meme.

          1. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: What is “woke”

            Every one of your posts could simply say, "I accuse others of the things I do" and it would save you a whole lot of typing.

    4. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Re: What is “woke”

      Reading the many postings in response to this post and the responses to responses etc. I find there are several different definitions of "woke" from posters, so I looked it up and fond this on WikiPedia:

      "Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights."*

      So those above who claim 'woke' is about labelling people with a single shared characteristic and then assuming they are one homogenous group with identical beliefs, desires and experiences is the exact opposite of what 'woke' actually means in the social context.

      The problem here is that people are using the same word with diametrically opposed meanings and getting all angry and annoyed at one-another for disagreeing. It is rather similar to religious people arguing with scientists about 'truth'. For scientists, 'truth' is factual accuracy in statements about the real world. For religious people 'truth' is the 'revelations of their faith and their god'. For example, in the book 'Belief'**, Madeleine L'Engle writes:

      "Nevertheless there is stil the common misconception, the illusion, that fact and truth are the same thing. No! We do not need faith for facts; we need faith for truth. In his letter to Titus Paul speaks of the mystery of faith, and in Hebrews 11.1 he writes, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (KJV)."

      When people sue the same words for fundamentally different meanings their arguments, however amusing to bystanders, are completely pointless and a waste of of energy.


      ** 'Belief', edited by Francis S. Collins, pub HarperOne, ISBN 978-0-06-178734-8, page 90-91.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What is “woke”

        "labelling people with a single shared characteristic and then assuming they are one homogenous group"

        Isn't that what the democrat party already does?

        Biden has stated that the black community isn't diverse and Jill compared Latinos to breakfast tacos.

        Same goes for the LGBTQAI+, you are either a member of the entire group or you are an outsider and thus against them. You can't be just L or G for instance. Something which has pissed off the L quite a lot.

  7. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "the central risk to Palantir ... is called woke"

    So it can't be entirely bad, then.

  8. MichaelGordon

    Yet more evidence for the rule-of-thumb: Anyone who uses "woke" as a pejorative is likely to be a f**khead.

    1. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

      I think we can go ahead and upgrade that "likely to be" to "is".

      1. 43300 Silver badge

        Why don't you actually engage in an articulate discussion rather than throwing petty insults around?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Hey, u caught them out. They are criticizing people who use the slur woke and then slur those people with santism.

          Which means they are no better really, just left-wing <INSERT_INSULT>.

          It is so much like 'my Dad is better than your Dad' and it amuses me how many people do this.

          1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

            > They are criticizing people who use the slur woke and then slur those people with santism.

            What's wrong with Santa anyway?

        2. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

          Because there is no percentage in debating with people who are clueless and/or arguing in bad faith.

  9. Dostoevsky Bronze badge


    > I think the central risk to Palantir, America and the world is a regressive way of thinking that is corrupting and corroding our institutions that calls itself progressive, but actually — and is called woke — but is actually a form of a thin pagan religion.

    Almost spot on. Leftists *do* believe in themselves as the morally infalliable arbiters of society's actions. Our civilization moved past that a long time ago. Let's not bring it back.

    1. jonathan keith

      Re: Paganism.

      A leftist writes: "You're wrong!"

    2. aerogems Silver badge

      Re: Paganism.

      Look! Another confession in the form of an accusation! Quelle surprise!

      1. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: Paganism.

        You know Vatnick Eel, if you managed to learn this particular lesson, maybe you wouldn't find yourself in prison again.

        1. Effigy

          Re: Paganism.

          Hey Joe McCarthy: stop Russia-jacketing and dehumanizing everyone you think is sus. This lowers every discourse, which is certainly your intent. I'll call you Joe McCarthy in every thread I see you do this, or maybe just start reporting you.

          1. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: Paganism.

            Whatever you say Vatnick Eel. Pro-tip, coming to your own defense is always a surefire giveaway of an alt account.

            1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

              Whatever you say Vatnick Eel. Pro-tip, coming to your own defense is always a surefire giveaway of an alt account.

              Oh look! Aerogums is another racist! Couple of pro-tips for you though, dear Aerogums. This is my first post in this article. I don't use anonymong or alt accounts. I have no alt accounts on El Reg. Seeing imaginary things is however a surefire sign of delusional thinking.. Oh, and you spelled 'vatnik' incorrectly.

      2. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

        Re: Paganism.

        I don't believe I'm a moral arbiter for society, if that's what you were implying. I believe I should be able to go about my business in peace. Since I'm not special, I should give everyone else the same courtesy. That's the heart of my philosophy.

        Lefties, on the other hand, like telling everyone else what to do, which is funny, since they're usually some of the least productive members of society.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hope he goes broke for not being woke

    And we've just handed how much of our NHS data to that utter cnut?

    1. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: Hope he goes broke for not being woke

      It's not "our" NHS - that's just a government propaganda term. The NHS exists largely to serve itself, as tends to happen with massive state bodies.

      Which isn't to say that there aren't plenty of good staff within it - there are - but the organisation itself is bloated, inefficient and largely unaccountable (as anyone who has been through the dispiriting complaints processes, with their interminable delays and eventual fob-offs which contradict the facts, will know!).

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hope he goes broke for not being woke

        True, the NHS is a massive employment scheme. It isn't our NHS and we shouldn't be conned into thinking it is anything but sh!t - especailly compared to Japan.

        And we pay a fortune each month in taxes for it. It is the biggest con ever. And people were clapping those clowns during COVID.

        Im private now and in truth it is soooooo much better. No rude immigrants trying to enact revenge for coloanial dominance over their countries. Polite staff and doctors. Scrap the NHS.

        1. BartyFartsLast Silver badge

          Re: Hope he goes broke for not being woke

          I asse you've never actually worked out how much of your monthly tax and NI goes to the NHS or you'd not have typed such bullshit.

          And it is "our" NHS because its paid for out of the taxes we pay, not because of some government spin.

  11. aerogems Silver badge

    What a bunch of precious little snowflakes. A guy kneels during the anthem of an (American) football game and they piss and moan about how they should just play the game, not try to make things political. Now these assholes are trying to blame their own incompetence on "wokeism" and other nonsense. As CEO of a company, the buck stops with you. Every single employee in the company ultimately reports to you, so if they aren't doing their jobs, it's your fucking fault.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I'd immediately don my wife's Guardian-reading Tofu-eating Wokerati tee shirt, but it won't fit … [NewsThump]

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Darn!

      I thought the grauniad was currently disliked by the wokerati due to their quick turn on the trans issues after the Cass review.

  13. IGotOut Silver badge

    So in short.

    Educated and rational thinkers are a threat to the Industrial Military Complex.

    Got it

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "hasten the beginning of the end of an era of total and indiscriminate war" - Palantir

    "I am authorised to say that the action we are now reporting may well bring the war within measurable distance of its end" - 1984

  15. RedGreen925

    What is destroying with the world is the parasite corporations and their fascist, nazi allegiances that are trying to destroy a secular democratic society based on dignity and respect for human rights. I say take all their ilk out to be shot and pissed on.

    1. Tim99 Silver badge

      I'd do something much worse: Prosecute them and, if guilty, imprison them for a year. Then whilst they are imprisoned investigate them using "proceeds of crime" legislation and, if there is evidence, confiscate all of their assets; including all wealth transferred to pensions, other businesses, and family members. Then release them to live with the rest of us.

    2. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

      Hey, look, an infalliable moral arbiter of society!

      (See comment above.)

  16. prh99

    Woke just means something conservatives don't like.

    They don't like a lot of things, like basic human rights, free speech, and especially anyone who isn't a straight white male Christian.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Aren’t you a little late to the whining about whatever “woke” means, Alex?

    Maybe cut down on the microdosing for a while?

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Do you really want trumpian arseholes in charge of your medical data?

    Fuck off does not even begin to cover it.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "corrupting and corroding our institutions"

    Come on Hollywood, where's the Dr Strangelove reboot when we need it?!

  20. chuckamok

    Knights of Malta are a pretty big risk.

  21. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    The real risk to the world are ceos.

    WIth their greed, they are taking far more than is fair, they are stealing and taking credit for the hard work of others. Capitalism is about rewarding people on merit not thieves who talk bullshit, and dont actually provide the capital.

    THis same greed is what built up China with tech, wealth whic in turn is being used to build up a military power.

    Millions of people are working ever harder and longer hours and having their lives and wellbeing stolen so CEOS can live in luxury, its Paris 1789, or RUssia 1918 all over again.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Paris 1789"

      Within 5 years of this date some 45 thousand French people had been executed by the revolutionaries which culminated in the mastermind of the whole thing finally losing his head after everyone got really pissed off with him. A further 5 years on and there was a military coup and the French people ended up with Napoleon in charge.

      "Russia 1918"

      Only 6 years from this to Stalin and another 14 years to see around 1 million Russians dead.

      1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        Sure stalin was a bloodthirty monster, but Russian history is full of millions dying. Tens of thousands died just building St Petersburg, the Czars like the Emperors of China didnt care if millions of their peasants died, thats why god gave them millions o peasents.

  22. kmckaig


    Yeah this frothing-at-the-mouth nonsense would really entice me to send these asshats my money. You'd be better off wasting it in AI.

  23. JacobZ


    Anything that Palantir is opposed to, I'm very much in favor of.

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