back to article NASA solar sail boom demonstrator reaches orbit

NASA's Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3) mission has made contact with Earth and confirmed that all is well with the diminutive spacecraft. Engineers established two-way communication with the spacecraft a few days after launch as the microwave oven-sized CubeSat passed over the ground hub located at Santa Clara …

  1. hammarbtyp

    standard units

    21,500 square feet ... how much is in relation to the size of Wales?

    1. 42656e4d203239 Silver badge

      Re: standard units

      >>how much is in relation to the size of Wales?

      That will be 96.1309 nanoWales

      May I present, for your convenience, the El Reg. Standards converter

  2. Neil Barnes Silver badge


    I am unable currently to locate anything to tell me where to look to see it (apart from 'up' :)

    1. Vulch

      Re: Sadly

      Heavens Above have just added it in the "Satellites" -> "10-day predictions for satellites of special interest" section of their front page.

      1. Neil Barnes Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: Sadly

        Thank you very much for that. I was previously unaware of the site.

    2. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: Sadly

      The universe. Some information to help you live in it.

      One: ‘Area’. Infinite. As far as anyone can make out

      Two: ’Imports’. None. It’s impossible to import things into an infinite area, there being no outside to import things in from.

      Three: ‘Exports’. None. See ’Imports’.

      Four: ‘Rainfall’. None. Rain can not fall because in an infinite space there is no up for it to fall down from.

      1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

        Re: Sadly

        Five: Since intelligent life does not exist everywhere in our infinite Universe then the amount of intelligent life must be a finite value. And since any finite resource spread across an infinite environment is indestinguishable from not existing at all, then intelligent life does not exist in our infinite Universe! If you personally encounter intelligent life then this must be a figment of your imagination and you will just need to deal with it!

        -------------> Mine is the statistical anomaly that does actually exist!

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Sadly

          I always thought that was the explanation for there being no rain too, not the "official" one :-)

          After all, in an infinite universe, anything not omnipresent is effectively not there because you can't divide infinity by anything to get an answer other than infinity, which clearly defines an infinite universe as an empty void :-)

          1. Spherical Cow Silver badge

            Re: Sadly

            Curiously conversely, an infinite universe which has at least some rain (it does, I can see it out of my window right now) must have infinite rain (it certainly feels that way some days).

            Mine's the waterproof one.

    3. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Sadly

      I am unable currently to locate anything to tell me where to look to see it (apart from 'up' :)

      With a 1,000 km orbit it's going to be down more than up, but there'll be this bloody great rock in the way.

  3. STOP_FORTH Silver badge

    Sizeist nonsense

    It won't be diminutive for long.

    1. Spherical Cow Silver badge

      Re: Sizeist nonsense

      It's a grower not a shower.

  4. DJO Silver badge

    Highly Circular?

    Would that be the same as "slightly elliptical"?

    Except in perfect 2 body isolation, circular orbits don't work, the slightest perturbation will make it elliptical.

    1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

      Re: Highly Circular?

      Ah! The three body problem!

      1. Spherical Cow Silver badge

        Re: Highly Circular?

        Given there are many more than three bodies, all orbits are a bit wobbly.

  5. Scott Broukell

    Hmmm ... I'm not really sure that the correct technology company is involved in this project.

    I'm sorry but shouldn't it be Thales, you know, as in . . . . Tholar Thales.

    (*bonus - they could also write the project code in Lisp)

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