back to article Cloudflare CEO sues over free-roaming fidos at his ski resort paradise

When regular people have disputes with neighbors, the more reasonable party will grit their teeth, bite their tongue, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. When billionaires have disputes with millionaire neighbors, they'll see you in court. Such is the case with Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince, who has had it with his …

  1. tekHedd

    "Aggressively approached"

    Well, I don't need to hear more. They're Bernese, so "aggressive" seems pretty unlikely. Unless flopping down on the ground is considered aggression these days. Some people are really really scared of dogs though...

    1. JamesTGrant Bronze badge

      Re: "Aggressively approached"

      He lollupped up to me and was drooling and then aggressively sat down and looked at me. Then… he layed down, your Honour.

      1. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: "Aggressively approached"

        He even rolled over and wanted me to rub his belly!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Aggressively approached"

          When I met Matthew Prince, he only wanted his lovely wife to run his belly.

          1. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: "Aggressively approached"

            I guess you're just not as cute and lovable as I am.

    2. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

      Re: "Aggressively approached"

      How would YOU like it if your ears get licked off, eh? Getting the Mr Fusspot treatment, only larger?

      And then, you get The Doggy Stare - which goes right down to your soul and, in this case, lays bare the emptiness of your billionaire existence?

      1. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: "Aggressively approached"

        Wait, billionaires have souls? I thought they made some kind of faustian bargain to get that status.

    3. Casca Silver badge

      Re: "Aggressively approached"

      The dogs knows an asshole when they see him

  2. I am David Jones Silver badge

    …and forced me to tickle him.

  3. mikus

    Another bilionare building his doomsday palace, non-privileged humans do not belong

    He's building his secret villain/zombie-survival lair underground, he shouldn't hear the dogs anyways. Bad as Zuck buying up his Hawaii survival layer and displacing all the natives like a good colonization strategy.

  4. aerogems Silver badge

    Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years to be absolute masters at reading human body language. So, honestly, it sounds like the dogs pegged the Prince's for assholes immediately and it has been borne out by the filing of a lawsuit... under a shell company no less.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Especially if they have been subject to the garbage spewing out of Cloudflare and their customers.

  5. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    I wish I was a billionaire

    I'm tried of Cloudflare's favorite long-term customers shitting in my e-mail inbox with their fake storefronts and phishing scams. Being a billionaire with pet lawyers would be a nice means for me to solve this.

  6. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

    Too bad he's not the Governor of South Dakota

    Then he could just shoot them.

  7. skershaw54

    Agressive dogs don't live long in some neighborhoods. People don't put up with that.

    1. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

      In this case, it might be "if anything happens to these dogs now, he will get the blame no matter what, and his house will go up in flames".

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Not sure whether to upvote or downvote. It's certainly true, but with limits - if the dog is somewhere it's allowed to be, tough luck. If it's on someone else's property and is behaving aggressively, particularly if toward, say, small children, that's a very different story. Plenty of trespassing dogs have been shot by property owners.

      At my old house, one set of neighbors (the rest were excellent folks) had several large, very aggressive dogs with a habit of escaping, including into our yard. (One even broke a section of fence to do it - I heard several cracks from the wood before he broke it.) On multiple occasions I stood between my very young kids and one of their dogs, holding a 6' pole and ready to start swinging. Never had to, but if it went beyond the "in our yard, 5 feet away, and barking at us like mad" stage toward actually charging, I definitely would have.

  8. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    Yup the cult of the ceo is actively present in the american media.

    Hardly a shock given Americas history of inventing religions and cults from Koresh to Bingham Young...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Though some of these CEOs make religious cult leaders look well grounded and stable...

    2. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge


      Take a look at the Reformation and its outfall sometime if you think America has a monopoly on inventing religions.

      Double predestination or the Anabaptist dominion of Münster, anyone?

      1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        Good one Philo.

        Did i actually say America is the world champion at inventing religions ? Can you show me where i said that ?

        Then again given your nick is a famous america bullshitter is natural too see why you pick such an appropriate name.

      2. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        You might want to read your history books about what the Mormons did, how many towns they masscared and then its pretty obvious why the american army was chasing them out west.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Matthew Prince, who by the way has blocked me on Twitter, should be required to solve 100 of his CAPTCHAs before each and every legal filing he makes.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Mr. Prince (or is it Prince Matthew Prince?) hasn't yet got the hang being a zillionaire. I thought plutocrats set up their own social media sewers/echo chambers so they didn't need to get involved in trivia like blocking riff-raff on Twitter, assuming twitter still a thing these days.

  10. Bebu

    Tabloid voyeurism

    When the 'naires are behaving like petulant princesses and starting pulling each others hair in public who actually gives a rat's?

    The theatre of the ridiculous.

    A least the dream house isn't the 11 thousand square metres that I first read (its sq ft - bloody customary units*) - I thought building a data centre on the sly. ;) Still 1000 sq m is pretty palatial even for a prince.

    *it must be possible to use a stylesheet and some javascript to convert logical SI units into presentation US customary when the browser's locale in en_US. Or indeed £, p. into £sd for the faredge ukip fringe (give them their own gibberish locale gb_GB;)

    1. Ball boy Silver badge

      Re: Tabloid voyeurism

      May I respectfully point to El Reg's very own Vulture Central Standards Bureau which has very adequately covered the thorny issue of converting areas, volumes, salaries and so on into internationally acceptable terms? As a quick check will confirm, 11,300 square feet is just over 50 NanoWales. I might add that's a very respectable base unit for a dwelling in the mountains.

    2. R Soul Silver badge

      Re: Tabloid voyeurism

      it must be possible to use a stylesheet and some javascript to convert logical SI units into presentation US customary when the browser's locale in en_US. Or indeed £, p. into £sd for the faredge ukip fringe (give them their own gibberish locale gb_GB;)

      Why? The Register can just keep using its well-established units of measurement: the giraffe, London bus, Wales, etc.

    3. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

      Re: Tabloid voyeurism

      You can thank the american media for constantly promoting these parasites, which in turn gives them more power especially to pay thesmelves more. Just look at thereg, its no different.

  11. David Austin

    Streisand effect

    While Millionaires and billionaires may be able to screw the rules because they have money, I have a feeling the negative publicity of suing over a pair of doggos will negate any net gains he was planning for.

    now pass some of those stickers over.

    1. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Re: Streisand effect

      Not likely. Cloudflare offers "protection" to enough web sites that nobody says much bad about them. I'm surprised The Register is even running this.

      1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        Re: Streisand effect

        Really ?

        How exactly does Cloudfare protect antyhing... if the backend website allows sql injection its still going to happen because in the end they wwill still get that string and still execute the sql.

  12. Larry the lobster

    Everyone sucks here

    Nobody finds your ratty little poop machines cute but you and NOBODY wants to play hopscotch trying to avoid the mess you have left using public walkways as a toilet.

    That said, don't buy land with a public easement and then try to control public use of it. It doesn't matter how many billions you have - you don't get to keep a public trail to yourself. If you want seclusion and privacy, buy some land without an easement through it.

    This is no different than people trying to kick someone off the sidewalk in front of their house/business. You don't have the right.

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