Re: re : While battery innovation is welcome, growth in demand for EVs is slowing
OK, I'll bite...
Tesla currently have four models of road car, plus the Cybertruck, plus the Semi.
I find the road cars anything but boring, have you tried driving one?
Feedback from early purchasers of the Semi seem to indicate that it's about as far from a vanity project as one can get, and any attempt to de-carbonise trucking is *way* more worthwhile than doing the same for passenger cars.
I'm really hoping that Tesla use what they have learned from the Cybertruck to develop small and mid-sized vans for local delivery work, there's huge amounts of carbon to be taken out of the system there, as Amazon and others are already proving. There's a lot of really innovative technology in that truck, whatever you think of the styling.
Then there's the "Model 2", or whatever it ends up being called. ~$25,000 car, due for release next year. Yes, this is Tesla, and of course they are trying to develop a whole new never-before-done production method for it, because they get bored doing the same thing, so they'll probably be late, and perhaps a little over the price-point. But it should fill exactly the gap you identify, although I might argue that is close to being solved already with things like the MG4 and various small French and Italian EVs.