Re: The objectives in 1984
@Locomotion69 "We learn by trial, failure, understanding why we failed, then adapt and retry. I believe that this ability could be called "intelligence". And this is not how AI works."
That's one way we learn, but not the only way. And how AI works you could certainly describe some learn by trail and error.
Take supervised learning trained neural network*. The training data set consists of input data paired with expected output. The training data repeatedly runs through the network, adjusting the weights until the outputs match the expected outputs. Outputs don't match the expected outputs (failure), adjust weights (adapt) repeat run (retry).
Then there is game-playing AI that start with just the knowledge of the rules that learn as they play. Could that not be likened to learning by trial, failure, then adapt and retry.
But I have ignored 'understanding why we failed', there is no understanding in AI learning. One of the ways we learn is by trial and error which is what you are describing, in other words trial, failure, then retry a different way whether we understanding why we failed or not.
I don't believe that AI is like HI (Human Intelligence), or is Intelligence, but just because it differs does not mean the two can't be compared. It could be the differences that identify what Intelligence is.
* I was writing neural networks to identify crop types from SPOT satellite images in the early nineties, only did that for 3 years, never done any AI since so knowledge is well dated. :)