What was their product, hard drives?
Manish Lachwani, former CEO of app testing firm HeadSpin, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison and will pay a fine of $1 million. The co-founder of the software-as-a-service biz pleaded guilty a year ago to two counts of wire fraud and one count of securities fraud, in response to charges filed by the US Justice …
"a donkey with a fake horn on its head."
Unless its a jenny there is a sort of rude symmetry to that picture.
Headspin vertigo? giddyness? nausea? Wasn't possibly the most auspicious name.
I was thinking that given it was to be a testing application that Suck-It as in suck-it-and-see might be better but on reflection probably more appropriate for a rather different line of business. :)
Burl as in give-it-a-burl could be better but I think its only found in en-AU, en-NZ. Although more main stream, "whirl" brings one back to a headspin. :)