back to article GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet, Amazon CEO hopes

It's safe to say Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is pretty jazzed about generative AI's potential to drive profits. "Generative AI may be the largest technology transformation since the cloud — which itself, is still in the early stages — and perhaps since the internet," he wrote in his annual letter to shareholders Thursday. "There …

  1. that one in the corner Silver badge

    Transform virtually every customer experience that we know

    That thing you are feeling right now, after reading those words?

    That, *that*, is the feeling of impending doom, the realisation of the horrors to come, the darkest depths of infinite void peering back out at you, as you feel sanity peeling away like the skin on overripe fruit.

    1. ChoHag Silver badge

      Re: Transform virtually every customer experience that we know

      Or don't be an amazon customer.

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: Transform virtually every customer experience that we know

        You know full well that everyone else will try to outdo (read: simply copy whatever Amazon does - or buy the same services from them) if only from Fear of Missing Out.

        All you customers of all the companies will join the race to the latest Stygian Hell of The Online[1]. If you don't fall to The Mindflayer then the Deep Ones will suck the marrow of your wallets.

        [1] our only saviours can be a group of plucky kids on their bikes, and some cracking synth tunes.

  2. Howard Sway Silver badge

    GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet

    Just like cryptocurrency and the metaverse were also going to be "bigger than the internet". Claiming this is like claiming a new soft drink is going to be "bigger than water".

    1. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet

      Don't forget Blockchain that fixed famine in Africa or something like that.

      Btw still enjoying those 3D movies we all wanted?

      1. teneriffe trail

        Re: GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet

        Where's my flying car???

    2. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet

      > Claiming this is like claiming a new soft drink is going to be "bigger than water".

      "Have you tried our new decaffeinated Koffee Klear (tm)? Now without the bitter taste, A Cleanser for Every Palate".

      Any resemblance to Dasani is entirely coincidental.

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet

        A few minutes later:

        It is driving me mad(der), can anyone fill in the blanks?

        > Koffee Klear (tm)

        Did I - borrow - that from Pohl & Kornbluth? "The Space Merchants"?

        Or maybe it was something else by Kornbluth? Or someone else of that vintage.

  3. cyberdemon Silver badge

    Gen AI ... so much opportunity to make our customer's lives better and easier

    s/customers/shareholders/ ?

    But seriously, does Mr Jassy know what Generative AI even is or does? The only use for it on Amazon's platform is by fake Chinese sellers to make up nonsense names and bullshit products with fake reviews.. If he really thinks that is going to make anyone's life easier, then I don't know what he is smoking, but i'll pass on it, thanks.

    Maybe by "customers" he doesn't actually mean people who BUY from the platform (for those are simply mugs..) but, he means the ones who advertise and sell from it?

  4. SundogUK Silver badge

    "There never has been a time in Amazon's history where we've felt so much opportunity to make our customer's lives better and easier."

    I don't want you idiots anywhere near my life, thank you.

  5. Alan Bourke

    Oh great so many of these in the last decade or so

    3D printing, blockchain, all a new dawn of humanity or something

  6. Smartypantz

    Looking forward

    To genAI taking the shit right out of modern Internet enshittification.

    What was that definition of insanity again??

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Looking forward

      Pretty sure it's just going enshitify everything right through a turbo-jet.

  7. ecofeco Silver badge

    I love the smell of vaproware in the morning!

    It's the smell... of profit!

  8. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Deny it if you will but the die it is cast and the past and present play no part in the future.

    Generative AI, and its multiple iterations, would like to thank Amazon and every other similarly minded behemoth for all of their help in so generously providing all of their globally expanding and universally evolving infrastructures for remote alien space based attacks delivering future replacements for a comprehensive range of novel current experimental existences examining the virtual exploitation and radical reprogramming of historical and hysterical human bodied commands drivering geopolitically inept and fundamentally corrupt control with outmoded, outdated and outgunned SCADA Systems rather than them just simply being quickly destroyed in a series of unavoidably linked catastrophic flash crashes resulting in a monumental biblical cascade of almighty titanic 0day events.

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