Loyal Wingman, Dog & Dynamite
As down as I am on self-driving cars and trucks, the Airbus model of computer assistance/control, and anything I'm riding in being drive/fly-by-wire, I think this would be a very useful development .. if I were flying in a combat situation, I'd want one or more autonomous outriders.
The development of such outriders will be costly, in human lives, as well as treasure. Consider this scenario: outrider off on a recce, picks up an enemy heat-seeking missile. Outrider jinks and janks, keeps the missile at bay (no human pilot == outrider can stand much-higher G forces). Human pilot on the mothership, unaware of this, issues a recall order to the outrider. Outrider responds, missile "in tow". Outrider (and enemy heat-seeking missile) near the mothership, and the missile, detecting the much-stronger heat signature of the human-piloted mothership, targets the mothership. Scratch one human pilot and one mothership, much as in the "dog and dynamite" urban legend (idiot goes ice-fishing, fuses and lights a stick of dynamite to blow a hole in the ice and kill the fish, throws the lit dynamite stick ... and his dog retrieves it and brings it back to him).
More such potential mishap scenarios for motherships/outriders exist than I can think of, and that the design team (and people above them in the command chain) can think of, either.