back to article US-EAST-1 region is not the cloudy crock it's made out to be, claims AWS EC2 boss

Amazon Web Services' US-EAST-1 region is not a problem child – it's the region where the cloudy colossus often runs things at bigger scale than elsewhere and therefore stresses services the most, according to Dave Brown, global veep for compute and networking. Speaking to The Register at the AWS Summit in Sydney today, Brown …

  1. Gene Cash Silver badge

    I see...

    So you're saying US-EAST-1 is the dev instance. Got it.

  2. StewartWhite Bronze badge

    If only...

    If only there was a way of architecting systems so that there wasn't a single point of failure...

    1. notiggy

      Re: If only...

      There's never a way to get rid of all the SPOFs. Anyone who says there is, is full of it.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    'The region is no less resilient than any other AWS region for its age'

    Too true, although as the oldest region there aren't any others of its age...

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