back to article Google Cloud chief is really psyched about this AI thing

Google's cloud business last quarter achieved an annual run rate of $36 billion, more than five times what it was five years ago, announced Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai at the Google Cloud Next 2024 conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday. While that's about a third of the annual revenue generated by AWS and Microsoft Azure, it's not …

  1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    You aint seen nothing yet*

    It was left to the imagination how much it might cost a business to provide such a service. .... ["Agents process multimodal information simultaneously, conversing, reasoning, learning, and making decisions," said Kurian. "Agents can connect with other agents and with humans, and they will transform how each of you interact with computing devices and the web itself."]

    If you think/imagine provision of that service is likely to be expensive, such pales into insignificance whenever compared to the price to be paid and suffered if ever expected /required/contacted/contracted/tempted and/or exploited to try and deny accessibility of such a service from AIgents to its future business clients.

    Don't step into the path of a runaway freight train ....for survival is always sub-optimal with death guaranteed whenever in the right/wrong place at the wrong/right time.

    * ...... You aint seen nothing yet

  2. itbod

    Chrome Enterprise Premium

    And google would like you to start paying $6 a month for an enhanced browser

  3. fowljr

    Cash Register


  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My AI is bigger than other AIs

    Google’s AI hypercomputer will solve all problems.

  5. Millwright

    "Enterprise Truth"

  6. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    If AI is so great how come spam crap still appears in search results ?

    look at the notepad+++ story

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