back to article Musk burns bridges in Brazil after calling for senior judge to be impeached

In this weekend's episode of "Billionaires Behaving Boldly," X supremo Elon Musk locked horns with Brazil's legal luminaries over what constitutes free speech and what's far-right pablum. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes launched an inquiry into Musk's threats to lift restrictions on various Brazilian accounts banned …

  1. fg_swe Silver badge

    Look at Brasil's Friends

    Then you know them.

    Stay strong, Elon !

    1. Steve Button Silver badge

      Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

      You are going to get a lot of thumbs down for not hating on Elon.

      He does seem to be mostly in favour of absolute free speech. Except absolutely not when it's doxxing him, or criticising him too harshly. Which does seem a bit hypocritical.

      I'm getting the popcorn, this is going to be a fun cage match to watch.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Elon has a thin skin

        no, make that a very thin skin just like his lord and master Donald J Trump....

        The price of 'DJT' tanked again today. If you are a stockholder and wanna sue Donald?

        Too bad, you're gonna have to move to Buenoa Aries, Argentina. Yep folks that is where that sort of litigation has to take place.

        I'd expect that Elon has done something like that for Twatter and Tesla.

        Elon should take his ball back to South Africa and go down that Sapphire mine for good.

        1. aerogems Silver badge

          Re: Elon has a thin skin

          Somehow it seems fitting that it be in a country known for harboring Nazi war criminals.

          1. johntgill3

            Re: Elon has a thin skin

            70 years and 10+ governments ago?

          2. Mooseman

            Re: Elon has a thin skin

            " a country known for harboring Nazi war criminals"

            That was Argentina. Aided by the Catholic church if you want to get right into it.

      2. aerogems Silver badge

        Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

        He's in favor of free speech except when

        1) It's critical of him

        2) It's critical of Tesla

        3) It's critical of Xitter

        4) It informs Xitter advertisers that their ads are being shown next to nazi, white nationalist, and various other dregs of society content

        5) It's about his use of a private jet, which is incredibly polluting

        6) People point out the bad actions of right-wing agitators

        7) Probably a lot of other instances I'm forgetting off the top of my head

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

          "Probably a lot of other instances I'm forgetting off the top of my head"

          And various other things that haven't yet got under his skin.

          1. aerogems Silver badge

            Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

            And various other things that haven't yet got under his skin.

            Fuck that, I'll stick to just listing the things that haven't gotten his drug addled brain agitated.

      3. FIA Silver badge

        Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

        Like most free speech advocates he really means 'I should be able to say what I want'.

        1. Jedit Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

          And like most "free speech advocates", he believes freedom of speech means freedom from consequence.

        2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: Look at Brasil's Friends

          Like most free speech advocates he really means 'I should be able to say what I want'.

          You forgot the "without any consequences" bit. Like a little boy hiding behind mama because he called a big boy a rude name and now the big boy wants to beat him up..

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: Stay strong, Elon !

      He's not going to spot you brown nosing on here, better get on Twitter where there's a tiny chance he might notice you!

      Imagine the thrill!!!!

  2. Chubango

    >It all depends where you fall on the political spectrum.

    I'd argue it's less about the political spectrum and more about whether or not you are able to assess evidence and facts without zealotry. That extremists, in many cases religious zealots that comprise a large part of Bolsonaro's base, are unable to do so is more of a correlation; a fair amount of house-trained right-wingers (including governors, senators, and others) in Brazil are against the attacks on institutions; whether or not this will remain the case as the years go by is an open question.

    As for the content of the article otherwise: twitter will likely be banned, just as WhatsApp and others have (temporarily) been in the past. Companies keep pretending that the rest of the world has to kowtow to their whims. Whether or not you agree with the US and its possible TikTok expropriation, China's rules for foreign companies, India's similar actions with social media, or anyone else, it is well within their prerogative to do regulate companies as they please. Companies are free to do their business elsewhere. Is it against freedom of expression or politics or whatever else? Quite likely. But it's a funny thing, that pesky ol' sovereignty.

    1. aerogems Silver badge

      I'd argue it's less about the political spectrum and more about whether or not you are able to assess evidence and facts without zealotry.

      I'd further argue that this is what passes for politics in the current age. The Internet makes many wonderful things possible, but it also means people, who used to have a distribution list of maybe a dozen people in their local community for their conspiracy theory newsletter, can now reach hundreds of millions of people all over the world. And everyone self-selects what "news" they want to consume. So, Nazi sympathizers, white nationalists, antisemites, and various other dregs of humanity, will flock to Rupert Murdoch owned companies or outlets even further to the right and will come up with a whole litany of reasons why any other news source isn't to be trusted. You can go through each one of them, showing them how they're wrong, and they may accept each one, but when you get to the end of the list, they'll just start over at the top.

  3. cornetman Silver badge

    I hate the terms far-right and far-left. They are such ambiguous terms and are being bandied around at the same idiotic rate as "racist", "nazi", "commie", all now fairly meaningless terms due to their over-use in situations where they are clearly wrong.

    Regardless of the merits of this particular case, as soon as I hear "far-right" and "far-left", it is fairly likely that what follows will be meaningless drivel.

    1. Steve Button Silver badge

      Amen to that. It does seem that in Germany the AfD is being labelled as "far right" and the government is trying to get them banned. For wanting to control immigration a little more.

      Likewise, it's a bit like saying Corbyn is far left. Although of course he's on the left side of Labour. (I don't think you could get a playing card between Sunak and Starmer)

      Unless people are actual Nazis or Commies they generally aren't far-anything, they might just have some slightly stronger opinions.

      This meme does sum the left/right thing recently, and humble apologies it's DM but they are free and the only other place I could find is Twitter/X, where I've lost my password and can't be bothered to recover it yet.

      I tried to find a "left-wing" funny meme, but there's none on the internet.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        The challenge with left and right is that it's relative to what is normal in a country. Some viewpoints or proposals that are acceptable in Saudi Arabia or the United States would get you on a terrorist watch list in Europe. Some everyday centre-right policies in Europe would be branded Communist in the US.

        Extremism is much easier as you can focus on the chosen means of achieving a goal. If that involves overthrowing the democracy, mass-incarcerations, killing, violent deportations of people with a legal right to be in the country then that is certainly extremist, regardless of the political colour.

        But, if you think the AfD wants to control immigration a little bit more then you need to learn to read. They are openly recycling Hitler's talking points, are openly racist, trying to overthrow democracy and advocating violent solution to reach their goals. Is ISIS an advocacy group for you? Was Timothy McVeigh a campaigner? Let me tell you, my grandfather during World War II would have had zero qualms about shooting AfD activists in the head (they had a different name back then). And I would agree with him. Germany has a history of these people murdering millions and they are certainly not allowing that to happen again. The German government is treating them in a much more dignified and restrained manner than I would have done. The US has put people in Guantanamo Bay for less.

        1. Steve Button Silver badge

          I think you might have been reading some of the propaganda spread by the incumbents to try and discredit them. I understand there was some meeting in Potsdam where some pretty extreme views were suggested by some individual (s)!?

          But I don't think that's party policy. Or the views of the vast majority of members.

          They seem to be polling pretty high, so I guess a LOT of Germans agree with them. Make of that what you will.

          I don't know, I'm no expert on German politics, but it smells like propaganda and misinformation to me. It was only an example, I could easily be wrong. Would Reform be a better example?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            It feels weird to write this but ReformUK are considerably to the left of AfD. I haven't heard ReformUK talk about forced deportations of British people. I haven't seen members of ReformUK being arrested for coup attempts.

            1. Steve Button Silver badge

              If you believe Correctiv, then they are indeed a tad on the extreme side. However eugyppius labels them as "state-adjacent propagandists". It could be that the AfD are a massive thorn in the side of the incumbents and this is a smear campaign with a grain of truth. I don't know who's telling the truth here, the waters seem a bit muddy. Is it one or two bad apples, or is that their whole party?

              1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

                "state-adjacent propagandists" - and you thought "left" and "right" were problematic. What a load of plant based, bovine-originating naturally sourced fertiliser.

                "their alleged plan included attacking politicians, storming the Bundestag (Germany’s parliament), overthrowing the federal government, dissolving the judiciary, and seizing the military ... Among those arrested were a judge who sat in the Bundestag for the AfD, former soldiers, aristocrats, and former members of the police force"

                I have eschewed my usual Guardian source in favour of, in the hope that a vaguely neocon-related source might get through to you. If that's "state adjacent" then so were the Red Army Faction. I appreciate this is the Reichsbürger faction not the AfD, but their relationship is like the National Front and the BNP.

                1. Steve Button Silver badge

                  I'd have to subscribe to read the whole thing, but I get the idea.

                  That's the problem here though, because as the OP pointed out the terms far-right and far-left have been so abused that they have become meaningless.

                  When the Canadian truckers had a massive protest, they were labelled as far-right by the CBC of all people. As well as the Canadian prime minister! The BBC almost completely ignored the story whilst at the same time putting out new stories almost daily about whether Boris had eaten crisps or drank some wine FOR FIVE MONTHS. I guess on reflection this was punishment for Brexit.

                  Anyway my point is I'm now skeptical about what I hear and I tend to think there's more to a story than we're being told.

                  This is the damage that the media have done to themselves. There are many people who feel the same way. Also many who believe that everything is a conspiracy. Perhaps it was always like that.

                  I'd hate to think that Germans would actually feel like that, after what happened 80 years ago. When I went to school Germans were pretty embarrassed about what their grandparents had fallen for. I guess the next generation should ask for a refund from their history teacher.

                  Post truth society. Will lead to darker days. I blame the internet.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    look we read what you wrote, and that's not fucking skepticism, that's just far right bollocks.

                    1. aerogems Silver badge
                      Thumb Up

                      That is maybe the best crystallization of Stevie Wonder's posts I've ever seen. I only have one upvote to give, so you'll have to settle for a thumbs up icon as a bonus award.

                      1. aerogems Silver badge

                        Too early for 4th string's shift to have started, so I must've hurt Stevie Wonder's fee-fees.

                    2. Shalghar Bronze badge

                      Oh dear, where to begin ?

                      Lets start with Soros and state financed "Correctiv" and their made up allegations concerning "forced deportations of german citizens" which they have shadow-rewritten/effectively deleted on their homepage and reduced to a mere "opinion due to a deduction" when rightfully taken to court by one of the attendees, who is, by the way, as the majority of party members on that "secret" (==private) event in the CDU.

                      Then theres the much overestimated "Reichsbürger" some weird people believing that the FRG is non existant which cant match anyone from the AfD since the AfD much too often refers to the constitution/"Grundgesetz", which "Reichsbürger" dont accept as being relevant - much like the current government.

                      The "Sturm auf den Reichstag" happened during the panicdemic. A demonstration to uphold constitutional rights by the "Querdenker" was forbidden, then went to court to be allowed, then relocated several miles far from the Reichstag while the very same demonstration that was reinterpreted as the aforementioned "Sturm auf den Reichstag" was not only allowed but also allowed within the so called "Bannmeile", some kind of political DMZ that goes around the Reichstag and this also without the normally necessary additional exemption by the relevant ministry. This highly dangerous event consisted of a maximum of about 400 people, walking up the steps and taking photos. As you can see, democracy was in heavy danger. What should be rectified is the fact that the AfD had nothing to do with this, as these were people with quite a different agenda.

                      The current government does not treat the AfD "civilized", instead keeps breaching regulations when denying them certain posts that any fraction of a certain size in the Bundestag should have according to the rules and also not doing much whenever anyone from the AfD is mistreated, partly injured so severe he needs a doctor and/or if some criminals when unable to get a hold on the AfD guy burn the car from his parents. Its a bit different when one of them gets a bit too much criticism - without any harm being done - then the whole non AfD-rabble is howling like the end of the world had happened.

                      After All, the AfD is just another neoliberal, market-obsessive bunch of anti socials. Like Kubicki from the FDP who called out against deactivating the last nuclear power plants, Chrupalla from the AfD spoke out against military engagement near Jemen and Merz from the CDU said that the pseudoenvironmental Warmongers "Die Grünen" were a natural enemy. Guess what ? Kubicky voted for deactivation, chrupalla for military engagement and Merz is now trying to get into the political bed with "Die Grünen".

                      There is a sole difference, most of the speeches from AfD members in the bundestag are nearly rational and logically consistent as none of the blabbering from "Die Grünen" ever is, was or will be. And the AfD guys have a tendency of expressively stating obvious problems, no matter if they are woke-compatible while every other party tends to either spew utter male cattle manure or sugarcoats even the greatest mess.

                      Oh and of course, the aversion/hatred/racism/target lock from most other parties is against the working class and the general populace while constantly finding excuses for the poor immigrants even in severe cases of mass rape, a crime that was unknown here before mass immigration began. The AfD seems to concentrate on illegal (!) and/or criminal immigrants.

                      Both officially dislike "the lazy" receiver of welfare, although this dislike is only directed to native "lazy" by the non AfD parties..

                      There is also the unimportant fact that the AfD wants to severely cut down the protection money thats stolen from everyone to feed the "öffentlich-rechtliche Medien" so of course this media manure mess which consists of nearly 100% "party friends" from the other political parties and is as neutral and trustworthy as Kim-Jong-Un is determined to do anything they can (make up) to deter the danger of getting their loot of nearly 10 billion (english billion, german "milliarde") euro reduced. Same for "N"GOs like "Correctiv", they must fear to have they state sponsored money cut, should the AfD have any say in the near future.

                      All propaganda BS aside, the AfD is a threat to those currently feeding off the pork barrel, they are neither worse nor better, just another neoliberal corrupt party with a different approach on campaigning.

                      And as with every other party in the Bundestag, words may be nice but at the end of the day i highly doubt that the promised more direct democracy with the swiss model in mind that the "anti democratic" AfD promises will ever be implemented. Quite like the "Klimageld" that was promised after stealing from everyone with that CO2-taxation will never come.

                      1. aerogems Silver badge

                        Lets start with Soros and state financed

                        Don't even need to read any further. A bunch of incoherent antisemitic conspiracy theory nonsense is the only thing that can follow invoking George Soros as some kind of evil mastermind.

                        BTW, thank you for putting that at the very beginning of your comment. Valuable time saver!

                        1. Shalghar Bronze badge

                          Oh, sorry, i forgot that the "open society foundation" and its meddling also fall under the wide "idontlikefacts" bash reflex invoking made up "antisemitism" or "nazi" or whatever wokists and other reality adverse use as "ihatetohavenoargumentsatall" words..

                          For a rather friendly text see:


                          And directly from correctiv, see year 2016 and following:


                          Luminate is of course also spending here.I neither know nor care what religion Pierre Omydar has. I also dont care what kind of abrahamism george soros says is his favourite "worshipping my invisible friend". Correctiv gets a lot of money from certain organisations, has no own income and a lot of state/government money to waste - be it directly from "Bundeskasse" or via financial obfuscation stations like "demokratie leben" and similar ideologically impaired money wasting sub organisations. All of those spenders,. however are adverse to the AfD so anything "correctiv" says concerning someone not giving them money but being on the bad side of their patrons might not be as neutral and correct(iv) as they claim.

                          As proven in court.

                          1. aerogems Silver badge

                            Oh, sorry

                            Apology refused. Look, it's not that difficult to understand. If you go around wearing a swastika and/or spouting nonsense about how "the Jews are responsible"... don't be surprised when people call you an antisemite and/oror nazi. kthxbye.

                            1. Shalghar Bronze badge

                              Totally agree. Too bad for you and your likewise mindless, i am able to NOT say nor mean "the jews" when talking about one individual or one company or other organisation owned by an individual.

                              Which doesnt mean i have to like what said individual or company/organisation does.

                              I am able to dislike "" and similar hatelists and also able to discuss interesting topics with people from neturai karta or the liberal jewish community here in town. Normally, i dont go around asking people what origin or religion they have. My racism is purely tri-state. Asshole, neutral/unknown,nice guy. Unimportant stuff like optical appearance, gender, genetics, religion and likewise irrelevant things dont bother me.

                              I dislike netanyahu who financed hamas several years ago, i respect the israel citizenship who, despite constant threats, have the highest amount of peace initiatives, spontaneously start solidarity pictures with egyptian female artists and have great individuals like daniel barenboim. This is why i dislike any "boycott israel" activities. Sanctions of any kind are warfare targeted at the civilian population, and as far as i can see (and, in rare cases, have experienced directly) while i may dislike whatever is currently sitting in the knesset(as well as i dislike whats currently polluting the overgrown Bundestag), i cannot accept any warfare targeted at civilians.

                              I also dislike Selensky, not for his religion or other heritage but for his corruptness, killing his own citizens and prolonging a useless war. I also dislike child abusing catholic priests, not "the christians".

                              Then again, i dislike Olaf Scholz and Karl Lauterbach, also for their corruptness and their absolute disrespect for human lives. Which doesnt mean i dislike "the germans".

                              So after all your little pseudomoralic distractions, do you actually have an argument except "you are nazi because i say so and i say so because i dislike what you say"?

                              Should you ever meet people of asian origin, indian, chinese or likewise, please make sure to not prejudice them even when they may have this much abused symbol with them.

                              And yes, there is "Hitler ice" in india, a bland vanilla ice popsicle. So should you ever come across an ice vendor in mumbay/bombay, maybe ask first, insult later (or much better: not at all).

                              1. aerogems Silver badge

                                First rule of holes: stop digging

                                1. Shalghar Bronze badge

                                  One rule of communication:

                                  Read beyond your favourite trigger words and try to actually answer instead of permanently spouting contentless oneliners.

                                  Then again, deducing from your behaviour shown here, i believe that you are unwilling to accept or even read anything that does not fit into your ideology and you are intentionally reducing anything you dont like on a trigger word, reacting only to things you can pseudomoralize on because you are unable or unwilling to argue alongside facts or the classical argument/counter argument method that civilized human beings often use.

                                  This is actually quite funny as almost all german politicians are using the same primitive technique to avoid answering inconvenient questions.

                                2. Casca Silver badge

                                  You have to know you are in a hole first. Sadly he is so far down its not even funny

                              2. Mooseman

                                "Selensky, not for his religion or other heritage but for his corruptness, killing his own citizens and prolonging a useless war"

                                Oh, so he should roll over and accept that Russia has the right to invade Ukraine, and meekly accept his show trial and execution that would follow such a capitulation?

                                You claim the AfD are not proto nazis? Hmm. Up to about 2017 you might have been right, but their current policies and statements are very much of the nazi style.

                                1. Shalghar Bronze badge

                                  You are aware that there were negotiations in istanbul ? You are also aware that the main issue is a NATO membership, even after ukraine originally promised not to join NATO ?

                                  Are you also aware that selensky has signed a law that prohibits negotiations with putin ? Whatever may com from negotiations should be acceptable for everyone involved. Actively prohibiting negotiations is prolonging that useless and unneeded war. "rolling over" will happen anyway, except you take the "wunderwaffen" bullshyte for reality, a deluge that worked so well in 1945.

                                  The longer the slaughtering is kept up, the less ukraine and the less ukrainians will be left. But then again, theres profits to be made so who cares ?

                                  I dont claim the AfD are anything but antisocial market fetish freaks, "neoliberals" and generelly not a really nice bunch to have around. I just dont fall for (proto)"nazis" crying "nazi", when the current government behaves a lot like adolf and his cronies back then, albeit with a different marketing for the atrocities. Same for the "antiFa", officially calling themselves antifascist while in reality their shown behaviour doesnt differ much from the former SA anymore. Ignore the newspeak, look at what the respective groups and parties really do. The AfD cant do much, they have no real power, so the current naziesque atrocities must come from someone else.

                                  - "Strafbefehl" against critics and peace activists. A "Strafbefehl" is a court verdict without court session, you are judged in absence without even being asked on the matter.

                                  - Implementing and creating denounciation platforms, financing "n"gos to actively seek out dissidents.

                                  - Onesided media, resurrecting the old adage "ganz Deutschland hört den Führer durch den Volksempfänger".

                                  - Terrorizing minors for inconvenient opinions.(Three policemen guide a innocent girl across the whole school,for everyone to see.They talk to her without any legal guardian nor lawyer present or even informed, according to the girl "to protect" her from whatever. They were called by the school headmaster after an anonymous letter about some not illegal tiktok videos from said girl. The headmaster called the police. The mother was only informed after the "talk".)

                                  - abolishing the obligation to neutrality for teachers.

                                  - encouraging teachers to report children with unwanted opinions. This in a video directly from the ministry for school.

                                  - inverting "innocent until proven guilty" - currently only in disciplinary regulations (And factically for everyone in the target lock with the aforementioned "Strafbefehl"). Any state employee can be fired on a mere hunch, then has to go to court on his own cost to prove hes not a bad guy.

                                  - Fasers ideas to convert the so called "Verfassungssschutz" to an effective Stasi/GeStaPo, including the idea to report people with unwanted opinions to employer and landlord.

                                  - Faeser and Paus officially wanting to censor and punish opinions that are legal but unwanted "unterhalb der strafbarkeitsschwelle"==not unlawful.

                                  In general, take a close look at whats happening currently in germany from the "democratic parties", especially minister faesers ideas, actions and proclamations, then grab a history book and compare with both the GDR and adolfs dark times.

                                  1. Casca Silver badge

                                    Good of you to post every russian talking point ever. Poor little vatnik/conspiracy nut

                                    1. Shalghar Bronze badge

                                      "Good of you to post every russian talking point ever. Poor little vatnik/conspiracy nut"

                                      And theres the oneliner again.

                                      It seems you dislike facts and have no own arguments. I have no issues to accept information even from "the (insert evil ones of the day)".

                                      After all, just because a "nazi" or "russian" or whatever is the paria insult of your choice says that water boils at around 100 degrees celsius, this doesnt get less correct just because one of "the (again, insert evil ones of the day)" said it.

                                      By the way, the " walk of shame" the girl had to endure happened, although naturally the mainstream tries to promote this as harmless and normal- if its mentioned at all - and tries to put the girl into the "nazi" corner, business as usual.

                                      So how about a swiss source ? After all, switzerland has a reputation of being neutral.


                                      Everything i mentioned can be found, even on youtube, also from official sources like the "Bundespressekonferenz".

                                      Go-Go gadget-o denial.....

      2. Gene Cash Silver badge

        > Unless people are actual Nazis or Commies they generally aren't far-anything, they might just have some slightly stronger opinions.

        Actually, it's kind of the other way around, people are saying far-left/far-right to imply people are Nazis or Commies, without coming right out and saying they're Nazis or Commies.

        1. aerogems Silver badge

          Won't anyone think of the hippies!?

      3. jonathan keith

        The significant problem in that cartoon is that it omits the movement of the political centre (the Overton window) ever-rightwards for decades.

        1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

          First I've heard of the Overton window, thank you - I like the concept. I'm not sure I totally agree with "decades" - I imagine if you're black, gay, or a career woman then society is a better place for you now than it was in the 70s due to society becoming less accepting of bigotry - I'd call that a "leftward' movement, and I guess Elon would too based on that cartoon. But If you'd said "decade" I'm totally with you.

          I wonder how many people would not place themselves in the center in that cartoon? I'm sure even our resident codejunky would put himself in the middle somewhere, outflanked on the left by some and on the right by... uh... well, I'm sure it will come to me eventually. 80% of drivers think they're above average too.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            There is some argument that the current movements (attacks on human rights, attacks on freedoms, attacks on equality, attacks on democracy etc.) are a response to some of those societal trends towards more freedoms and rights. Either because they are happening at all or because they are happening a bit too quickly for some people.

            And optimist would say that this is actually a good sign that this is just a sign that the overall trend is heading in the right direction. A pessimist would say that we are heading for a dark ages again.

            1. Groo The Wanderer

              The attacks are indeed a knee-jerk reaction to the freedoms that have come with modern society, but it isn't just a fear of change, but an active hatred of change that is involved. The way they see it, you can't give someone a freedom without taking it away from someone else, and they see themselves as the "victims" whose rights are being "taken away" to give to other peoples and groups.

        2. aerogems Silver badge

          Sociologists have been describing this basic phenomenon long before Overton was born. Generally speaking, IIRC, after about 2 std deviations from the societal norm, people will start applying social pressure to you to get you to conform to within those 2 std deviations. The further away from what is considered acceptable behavior, the swifter and harsher the pressure applied will be.

          Ever the preeminent philosopher of the later part of 20th century and early parts of the 21st, George Carlin had an amusing example. "Say you're sitting in a bar, some guy's in the corner reading a book not bothering anyone. Another guy's banging a machete on the bar saying, 'I'll kill the next motherfucker who comes in here!' Who ya gonna watch!?"

      4. katrinab Silver badge

        AfD *are* actual nazis though.

      5. Dan 55 Silver badge

        You make it sound like two AfD supporters asking each other "are we the baddies?" and perhaps they're just misunderstood.

        Yes, they are actual far right Nazis. Which I suspect you know.

        1. Steve Button Silver badge

          No, I didn't know. And I've only got a passing understanding of German politics. I've skim read a few articles. (see above).

          I can't tell if it's propaganda by the current government, or if they are genuinely "the baddies". I guess we'll know for sure in about 20 years. Perhaps that was a bad example to choose. ( embarrassed smiley)

          Either way thanks for the Mitchell and Webb (again - have watched many times), although I guess many on here would say it will go way over my head. Why can't we have actual funny comedy on TV any more?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Maybe if you'd done more than just skim read articles and gained some understanding of German politics then you'd have not posted the drivel in your comments where you seem to be apologising for and minimising the nazis in the AFD?

          2. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

            Funny how if the government say they're nazi's it's propaganda, but if some random website calls them "state-adjacent propagandists" it's food for thought. I appreciate you not trying to bluster through this, that's unusual around here. But it's your starting position on this I'd be worried about.

            1. Steve Button Silver badge

              It's not funny. I don't trust the German government on this particular issue because they have a lot of skin in the game and they stand to gain by discrediting the AfD.

              It's also not strange that I trust eugyppius more, because I've been reading his substack for a couple of years now and listened to him a couple of times on podcasts, and he talks a lot of sense about many things. Likewise I listen to El Gato Malo about many things, although I don't agree with him on everything.

              But why would I trust "the government" (UK or German or USA) when they have demonstrably lied about so many things in the last three of four years!?

              Have you been living under a rock?

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                The German government have skin in the game for everything that happens in germany, by definition. So logically the moment anyone is elected they immediatelly become biased and should be ignored? Skepticism ad absurdum.

                1. Steve Button Silver badge

                  Don't deal in absolutes.

                  When someone gets elected you should treat what they say about the opposition with a grain of salt. Particularly when the opposition are rising in the polls. Likewise when the opposition says something about the incumbents.

                  This works here in the UK where Labour and the Conservatives are constantly throwing shit at each other. You can safely ignore most of it as highly exaggerated.

              2. Casca Silver badge

                You seem to live on twitter...

        2. Shalghar Bronze badge

          If wasnt anyone from the AfD who created the "Demokratiefördergesetz" nor was it someone from the AfD who wanted to reactivate adolfs "Sippenhaft". which means punishing people who did nothing but are family members of a criminal.

          Nor was it anyone from the AfD who wants to reduce punishment for possession of child pornography and it was noone from the AfD who does everything possible to destroy any semblance on the remaining free speech by creating denounciation platforms, inverting "innocent until proven guilty" to the opposite, or performing constant warmongering up until phrases like "Der Krieg muss nach Russland getragen werden" (Kiesewetter,CDU). The genocide granny Strack-Zimmermann is also not in the AfD.

          As any neoliberal party, the AfD are a bunch of corrupt idontwantthem but there is no real difference to any other party currently sitting in the Bundestag in this aspect.

          Outright naziesque politics however, are initiated by the current government, not by the AfD. Instead of following the "nazi" howls, take a closer look on "democratic" Blitzwolf (reference to tex avery) and what hes currently doing for real instead of getting into full panic mode what the oh so evil AfD MIGHT do.

      6. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        hm. Except the AFD actually are nazis, and some (many?) of them quite openly.

      7. This post has been deleted by its author

      8. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        sorry your meme is a far right bullshit image.

        so you can do one.

  4. Shalghar Bronze badge

    One of the newer redefinitions from germanies "green" party is "disinformation" which, according to two of them, may be "correct information spread to cause dissent".

    Whatever laws are made(up), maybe we should cast the word definitions in stone before making another mess with fluffy "definitions" that can be bent at will any time ?

    How about "any terms used in these laws will have the defined meaning as laid down in the oxford dictionary/Duden/(general spelling and meaning reference of the affected country) from 1990".

    Its a bit tedious to see the constant political abuse and mutation from words i thought to be precise (well, as precise as language may be), so laws that are referring to ever mutating words dont seem to be a good idea.

    Even such seemingly precise words like the inflationary abused "antisemitism" have their history....

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      How about "any terms used in these laws will have the defined meaning as laid down in the oxford dictionary/Duden/(general spelling and meaning reference of the affected country) from 1990".

      Unfortunately, many/most words in a dictionary have multiple definitions, not all of which are even similar. And then there's the words which have very specific meanings in legalese and are often entirely at odd with the general public's understanding of the meaning.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      word meaning is fluid and changes over time.

      especially when far right wankers try to use them to manipulate or pretend they don't mean what they said, see "brandon" for a fucking clue

      1. Shalghar Bronze badge

        As if it was only the "far right wankers" who keep abusing, twisting and redefining any words they can get their hands on.

        See my example on "disinformation" above. Same goes for "nazi" in germany in these weird current times. Anyone not being perfectly on government and/or mainstream media line can be called "nazi" at any given moment. This has become so utterly silly that real nazis might slip through as this inflationary devalued word has lost any and all meaning except "you said something i dislike and i have nor real arguments to answer.".

      2. Chinamissing

        Or far left wankers doing the same. Whilst you sit there and proselytise and slag off the far right, you seem to ignore the far left, who range from Cornyn 'I was not at the funeral at all' to Xi 'Concentration camp' and of course the great hero of NK and his love of banning denims..

        The depressing thing here is that George Carlin was right (thank you aerogems), the more abusive and screamy you are, the more people look, listen and act on. Check out self censorship in the UK and all that fun stuff.

        Being a prick and loud is not limited to the far right, though you would think it was given the inability of people to acknowledge that loud, screamy behaviour is common to all extremes. The level of vitriol and abuse over what counts as a woman for pro sports is an easy example of where sense and calmness is drowned out by screams from both sides of the extreme spectrum.

        And no, I find myself sitting unhappily in the middle and then floating to one side or the other depending on what the particular issue is (train strikes, break the unions... Worker rights in Amazon warehouses, pro unions.) Sitting on the fence this long is starting to hurt the nether regions.. ;-)

        1. Mooseman

          "Cornyn 'I was not at the funeral at all' to Xi 'Concentration camp' and of course the great hero of NK and his love of banning denims.."

          Oh dear. Corbyn was an idiot who should never have been allowed to get t the position he held. Xi is no more left wing than Codejunky, and "the great hero of NK" is a far right dictator. IF you're going to use people as ex,[lars of "the left" then try and use actual, you know, left wing people. Being a prick seems to be almost exclusively the domain of the right wing - unless you think Tommy Robinson, Liz Truss, Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Doald Trump and Elon Musk are merely telling us the truth?

  5. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

    Free Speech Absolutist

    I think I've finally figured out what he meant by this: there's only one way to do free speech, and it's my way. Like an even more absurd version of moral absolutism.

    1. Rafael #872397

      Re: Free Speech Absolutist

      "A democracy is when I boss you around. A dictatorship is when you boss me around" -- Millor Fernandes, a Brazilian writer, journalist, humorist, and playwright.

  6. Dr Paul Taylor

    Brazil vs US

    Brazil dealt with Bolsonaro's coup plans. The famous American "justice" system, cf George Floyd, has failed to deal with The Orange One. Come November we'll see the consequences. God help us all. (And I'm a devout Atheist.)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Brazil vs US

      Strange, isn't it? A country where you can easily become the subject of an extrajudicial killing for driving with a broken tail light doesn't seem to be able to deal with the perpetrators of a violent coup attempt. Curiouser and curiouser...

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Brazil vs US

        Especially if the perp is "not white". Does orange count as "not white" :-)

        1. algol60forever

          Re: Brazil vs US

          No. Orange is the New Black. (I'll get my coat...)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Attacker of democracies

    De Moraes has something of a reputation as a defender of democracy in some circles
    There you have it, that's enough to be a target for Apartheid Clyde. Musk will lose this.

  8. Howard Sway Silver badge

    it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

    Erm, the reason was that the groups that were blocked used twitter to encourage a mob to overturn the results of a democratic election. Which unsurprisingly is illegal. And is a rather more serious example of betraying "the constitution and people of Brazil" than not being allowed to tweet anymore. Musk is once again siding with those who think they should have the right to use free speech to incite crimes. The thought may not have crossed his mind yet that these kind of people might turn against him one day for some pathetic reason, and you can be sure he'll stop defending them very quickly and banning them from his platform if they do.

    1. may_i Silver badge

      Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

      Thank you for the first comment about the article.

      Elon seems to be under the impression that his own personal interpretations of the term "free speech" apply to every sovereign state in the world and override their laws. For a supposedly intelligent man, this is remarkably poor reasoning.

      So is Elon stupid or just fucking arrogant?

      I am leaning towards the latter opinion. There is a good chance that Elon's self-centred arrogance will eventually destroy Xitter and in five years from now, Xitter will just be a reference on Wikipedia. I hope it bankrupts him. Of all those who desperately need taking down a peg or 5000, he is close to the top of the queue. People who live under the illusion that they are invincible or untouchable tend to get their comeuppance in the end.

      ELON! Try keeping your public gob shut for six months and stop micromanaging your companies. You might be able to pay off the loans you took to destroy Twitter!

      1. cornetman Silver badge

        Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

        > personal interpretations of the term "free speech"

        I think that most people's reasonable interpretation of that term would be, wherever possible, for people to say and write whatever they want.

        Really there are very, very few instances where people should be barred from saying absolutely anything and I think that most of the useful argument is at the fringes of what should be permitted, not the concept itself.

        In actual fact, I can think of only two instances of exceptions that I would tolerate curtailment to free speech (only the first am I actually certain about):

        1) Lying in a court of law - because a lie there can cause real, physical harm to someone, imposed by the government, or

        2) "Speech" reasonably thought to be intended to commit fraud e.g. lying for actual monetary gain (I would include breach of contract in that, since it is a kind of fraud). Note that I'm not *absolutely* certain about this one.

        I think that people should be free to hate anyone and anything that they choose.

        1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

          Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

          There are so many exceptions to your list I barely know where to begin, but let's start with someone shouting "kill the X" in the street, for any value of X that troubles you. Out society doesn't tolerate this because our society has evolved beyond medieval.

          You're welcome to hate anyone you like, but do it quietly. Unless the people you hate are hated because they're breaking this rule, then do it loudly.

        2. jospanner Silver badge

          Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."


          undermining democracy is fine but *think of the money, won’t someone think of the money*!!!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

        " So is Elon stupid or just fucking arrogant?"

        Is there a reason he can't be both?

      3. Bebu

        Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

        《So is Elon stupid or just fucking arrogant?》

        Always one to upsize I would say he took the bundle and is arrogantly fucking stupid.

        Shitter being banned in BR. Good. Might start a trend in the global south or brics states.

        I didn't quite follow the relevance of WW2 Nazi fugitives hiding in BR. I don't think there would be too many extant today - VE Day was nearly 80 years ago and most fugitives would have to be well over 100 (Martin Bormann who was once said to be living in S.America would be 124 [actually died 1945].)

        Perhaps their genes have infected the far right of BR politics.

      4. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: it "does not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued."

        So is Elon stupid or just fucking arrogant?

        Yes. Next question?

  9. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    On the whole arguing with the judge doesn't work out well. You can argue a case before him - and the judge might ask a few probing questions about your argument but that's just to test it. The judge can send you down for contempt of court but it doesn't work the other way round.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Will no one rid me of this meddlesome


  11. BradNail

    Who remembers Turkey?

    Kind of surprised that no one has brought up the situation last year where Musk was happy to have Twitter restricting Anti-Erdogan posts in Turkey.

    When challenged he said that he "cannot go beyond the laws of the country to defend free speech"

    Yet here he is - literally going beyond the law, as laid down by a country's judiciary, in order to defend the free speech of *certain* people

    Sooner or later the penny surely has to drop with EVERYONE that he is only really interested in the free speech of people on the far right

  12. MachDiamond Silver badge

    The Cult of Elon

    Elon has a problem that all of the companies he is a part of are seen as a part of the whole. If he incites issues in Brazil with Xitter, that will paint Tesla and SpaceX with the same brush. Elon has to have looked at a map and found that Brazil would be a very good country to have a launch facility. Tesla could sell some EV's there or acquire materials to use at Tesla factories. By giving the bird to a justice of the highest court, he's making all of that improbable. Investors should take note as this isn't Elon's first mouth running debacle and they seem to be getting worse over time. He's also putting staff at his offices in country in a very bad position. Whether they have the ability or not to implement the court orders and not have them reversed, they are in a position for police to arrest them and hold them on charges for violating those court orders. Frankly, if I were in that position, I'd resign and run away. The prospect of languishing in a South American jail for any length of time while politics occur in not on my bucket list.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Elon Musk is a hero!

    You have no idea what has been happening in Brazil in the last five years.

    A minister of the supreme federal court, who is not and has never been a judge, like the majority of his eleven peers, became an 'emperor of Brazil'.

    He completely ignores the constitution, creates laws from his own head, interferes directly in the executive, pardons and releases highly dangerous criminals, going so far as to return the assets of drug gang leaders, and puts people in prison for nothing, absolutely nothing, for they did nothing illegal, like the case of a 71-year-old retired teacher who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for participating in a protest against the restriction of freedom in Brazil.

    In another case, he arrested a person who he claims had left the country and who he had arbitrarily prohibited from doing so, just because he was part of the previous president's staff. He proved with all possible documents, including those from US immigration that he never left the country as it is claimed, with photos of him on that date in locations within Brazil, with plane tickets on the same date and time to locations within the country. He remains in prison and his lawyer was fined for insisting on knowing the reason for his arrest and why his client remained in prison.

    This all is happening among several other arbitrary acts that are truly impossible to happen in any minimally civilized country.

    Therefore, you should never give your opinion on matters of which you do not have the slightest knowledge.

    Stop being part of the extreme left, the horrible extreme left and, as you are part of the media, rise up against dictators who do everything to implement censorship, as this minister is doing to us.

    You do not have the foggiest idea of what you are writing in this site.

    1. Mitoo Bobsworth

      Re: Elon Musk is a hero!

      Hello, Donald - branching out from Truth Social , are we? Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.

  14. Mitoo Bobsworth

    "it's only wafer thin..."

    Greed has always been a staple of corporate America, but this is a 'Mr Creosote' level of avarice. And yes, when he does explode, it will be just as messy - keep a mop & bucket ready.

    1. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: "it's only wafer thin..."

      "keep a mop & bucket ready."

      And a cleaning woman.

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