I have done the air-con shuffle in the past!
A server room with two air-con systems, with the first failing over to the second on failure. But we almost always had one of the air-con out of action awaiting repair.
Took me a while to figure it out, but the thermostat was set for 16 degrees and the units installed weren't capable of actually pulling the server room down to that temperature. So the main unit would run continuously ...... until it failed. Then while the main unit was waiting for repair the second would run continuously.
I finally just started sneaking the thermostat up by half a degree every few days. After a couple of weeks the server room was at a nice cool 18 degrees, and you could hear that the units were only running about 20% of the time.
From that point on we didn't have another air-con failure, and the only people disappointed with this were the air-con repair company who lost a nice little earner!