I agree with this
They need a single place where you can lock down settings for anything privacy related. The problem they have is that there are several categories of privacy related settings that are put in different places, so unless you explore the settings menu to find where it is all kept you might miss something.
It also wouldn't hurt to have a single "max privacy" setting you could select per app (or even as a "select all") with the proviso that if an app needed something to operate (like location for a mapping app) it would be able to re-ask about that setting once after you flip the app's "master switch" since people may want "max privacy" but then would complain if an app stops working with no explanation as to why.
I think they should have all built in app ask for permissions just like third party apps do on first use. That might be a little annoying, but treating their apps exactly like third party apps is something regulators would like to see. I'm sure they'd hate to do that simply because it would be a bit jarring for new users to be bombarded with permissions dialogs before they even download a single third party app, but I don't see a way around it without putting their own apps in a special category. At least users would know exactly what data is being used by the various built in apps.