Re: Like history means nothing
Two previous major collaborations between the US and UK, nuclear weapons, and passing the speed of sound in flight, resulted in the UK info being stolen and none provided in return.
Basically using the UK as an unpaid dev office.
And now... Here it is again. Hope it’s worth the tax payer investment. .... Zibob
There’s no need to be worried about that, Zibob, for AI will do IT, and everything else that may be desired and/or necessary, their way, with governments and business being best advised to listen, understand and do their bidding rather than imagining that they would be leading with anything remotely ready, willing and able to supply and deliver and command and control the future with novel fare/wares
Such an outcome/presently unfolding reality is certainly the abiding worry they cannot escape having to live with and deal with ..... ie accept and learn to enjoy if they want to avoid those ever-present vast fields of pain and torment, anguish and anxiety.