back to article Why Microsoft's Copilot will only kinda run locally on AI PCs for now

Microsoft's definition of what does and doesn't constitute an AI PC is taking shape. With the latest version of Windows, a dedicated Copilot key, and an NPU capable of at least 40 trillion operations per second, you'll soon be able to run Microsoft Copilot locally, ish, on your machine. Redmond's requirements for its AI model …

  1. cyberdemon Silver badge


    So, all of the privacy and lock-in implications of the cloud model, but we'll use YOUR electricity and YOUR hard-bought silicon?

    Sounds great..

    1. GoneFission

      Re: Locally..ish?

      I for one don't feel taken advantage of enough, please add proprietary hardware that is DRM-locked to a single vendor and goes straight in the trash once they stop supporting it

    2. druck Silver badge

      Re: Locally..ish?

      For Microsoft, meanwhile, shifting more of the AI workload onto customer devices frees up its own resources for other tasks, such as helping train the next OpenAI model or offering it as a cloud API profit.

      Microsoft don't reduce the Copilot subscription fee if you are stupid enough to buy more expensive hardware and use your own electricity for the computation, but I'm sure they are grateful for the extra profit.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Locally..ish?

      "Sounds great..."

      at least for Microsoft, of course.

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    I think I have one possible useful application for such a device. Screening emails to detect those touting for reviews, ticking all the boxes for the most negative response and entering complaints about touting for reviews in all the text boxes, perhaps varying it occasionally to say "This reviews has been completed at random by computer".

  3. b0llchit Silver badge

    Clippy with a loaded gun

    They really want to automate the hallucinated package injection process locally on your computer.

    It is Clippy with a gun trying to shoot both your feet and then "accidentally" hitting you right in between the eyes. Must be progress to automate holed software production.

  4. captain veg Silver badge

    Sounds great!

    ... If this means that all the current non-AI PC inventory is suddenly massively discounted. I could do with a new laptop.


    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Sounds great!

      I too am watching with interest.

    2. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Sounds great!

      I for one will be quite happy taking a pre-Dreadnaught PC off the shelves since my enthusiasm for AI is measured in atto Trusses

  5. williamyf Bronze badge

    nah. the Microsoft stickers will save the day!

    Windows Vista, ... errrr sorry, Windows 12 AI PC Capable will be PCs with 16GBRAM, no NPU, AVX2 and a GPU that supports DX12 Feature level 12 + a specific set of OpenCL 3.0 primitives.

    Both the AI and overall experience will be terrible, but at least you could upgrade your Win11 cluncker

    Windows12 AI PC basic will have 16GB RAM, an NPU below 40 TOPS, and a GPU with DP4a support. The experience will not be much better

    finally Windows12 AI PC Premium will require minumum 32GB DDR5 RAM, and an NPU above 40 TOPS

    marketing saves the day, big bonuses all around, ans then the unwashed mases buy the Windows 12 AI PC Capable machines, and complan about the OS experience.

  6. navarac Silver badge

    Co-pilot key

    Why should all PC keyboards have a Copilot key? Microsoft doesn't hold the patent for keyboards. Just put it on your Surface stuff if you must. What would Microsoft say if Google said they wanted a Google key?

    1. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: Co-pilot key

      Your PC doesn't *have* to have a Co-pilot key.

      You just have to be prepared to have a reduced Windows experience if the key is not detected. This may range from Windows 12 refusing to install the best driver for your GPU (just to be spiteful) all the way up to the Microsoft Azure AI server emailing you an hourly email advertising the range of Surface devices you could be using instead (these emails, as expected, have an unsubscribe option, just press the Co-pilot key and type "end").

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Co-pilot key

        "You just have to be prepared to have a reduced Windows experience if the key is not detected."

        Oh. yes please!

        Although it'd be kind of difficult for me to have less of a Windows experience ...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Co-pilot key

      > Why should all PC keyboards have a Copilot key?

      Microsoft have already convinced a lot of (most?) PC users that they need to have a special Windows key in order to use the Windows OS. Does your keyboard have a Windows key?

      Convincing people that they need a Co-pilot key as well is not much of a stretch after that.

      > What would Microsoft say if Google said they wanted a Google key?

      Microsoft say what you need (!) to run a Microsoft OS.

      If Google say you need a Google key in order to run a Google OS on your PC then what would that have to do with Microsoft (apart from their marketing department probably releasing ads to mock it, without understanding the irony)?

      Although Chromebook PCs have a special search key, in a very prominent place on their keyboard - opening up a new search tab, isn't that pretty much the Google key?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Co-pilot key

          AC you are replying to:

          > But PCs (except Surface) are not exclusively Microsoft PCs, nor do they belong to Microsoft as much as they think the PCs do.

          Who - in this thread - ever claimed that PCs are exclusively Microsoft?

          OTOH why are you so threatened by this idea?

          You are totally at liberty to attach a keyboard to your PC that has no Microsoft-oriented keys, no Google-oriented keys, no Nestle's Milky Bar-oriented keys. If you are not sure where to buy one, I can give you a few pointers (probably ot the cheapest options, as I like hefty keyboards, but options nonetheless[1]).

          You can even buy one for each OS (with a Tux key or a BSD Daemon key or ... - they are all available), plug 'em into a USB hub and swap as you move from VM to VM!

          All that was pointed out is that MIcrosoft will tell you "to get best results, use these keys", Google - as I was responding to - will tell you "to get best results, use *these* keys".

          And many, many, people will follow that advice. The OSes may even one day insist on finding those keys - in which case, if you feel the need to run a Microsoft OS you will need to use such a keyboard. Still won't make *your* PC a Microsft-only machine, unless you choose to make it so.

          If you do not want to have a Microsoft-oriented keyboard, then - just don't! That is it. End of story.[2] [3]

          I seriously do not understand this angst - you are free to use whatever keyboard you want, in whatever colour scheme.

          The only limiting factor may be that it is hard to find a *laptop* replacement keyboard - oh, no, wait, you can get - or even make - your own keycaps, even for laptops!

          [1] I know you are all wondering: I use an old keyboard that predates Windows keys (also predates USB, so has a converter from Big DIN Plug to USB); I also have floating around the (far less lovely) keyboards that came with the last couple of PCs, complete with (bleeurgh) Windows keys. Which don't get used very much at all.

          [2] No, you are WRONG! Work makes me use a keyboard with a Co-pilot key! This is so unfair and breaches my Human Rights". Oh, suck it up, you are getting paid, just don't press the bloody thing!

          [3] "But it will cost more, because all the sheep will buy those keyboards so they'll be made in bulk!" Again, oh, suck it up, freedom of choice means you can buy the cheapest or you can pay more and pander to your whims. Anyway, what does a piece of masking tape and use of a Sharpie cost nowadays?

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: Co-pilot key

        "Does your keyboard have a Windows key?"

        Nope. Windows didn't yet exist when this particular Model M keyboard[0] was made.

        [0] This one claims it was made Feb 1985 and is Pilot build. I usually use later M122 Battleships, but those are down in Sonoma.

      3. vtcodger Silver badge

        Re: Co-pilot key

        My keyboard does have a Windows key. And yes it is useful. I use the Windows + Arrow keys to switch to alternate Linux desktops.

        1. Mage Silver badge

          Re: Windows key

          Also if I hold Windows key and mouse left drag, anywhere on a window, I can move the window. Handy if the title bar has gone off the screen. Linux Mint + Mate.

          Any suggestions for menu/list key, which isn't on all keyboards. My Caps Lock is Compose.

    3. vtcodger Silver badge

      Re: Co-pilot key

      I have to have a Copilot key? Does it have to be on my keyboard? Could I maybe keep it in the back of the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom? Or maybe in the garage? Up high? Out of the way?

      1. MyffyW Silver badge

        Re: Co-pilot key

        I'd say keep it in the medicines cupboard, next to the broncho-buster cough syrup, but behind the pile ointment and the sudocrem, because let's face it AI seems to be a major pain in the ... Hello, I'm your version 2 commentard, you appear to be composing a critical response, please let me re-educate you

        MyffyW is offline

  7. xyz Silver badge

    I only have one rule...

    My pc stays offline unless I desperately need something for it online. I found out the hard way when I clicked on MS games (you know solitaire etc) by mistake whilst online.. Try it,

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: I only have one rule...

      I know..... late at night with the speakers left on..........

      Earned me a right ding from Mrs Cockroach.

      Just why those game advertisers seem to need the volume set to '11' even when your speakers are set to quiet mode I have no idea.

      Maybe the microsoft AI can tell me.....

  8. jake Silver badge

    "plus more privacy, in theory"

    From Redmond?

    ::checks calendar::

    Hey. ElReg, April 1st is TOMORROW.

  9. 43300 Silver badge

    "Before you get too excited about split-brained AI PCs drafting off-grid manifestos"

    Don't think you need to worry about the readership here getting too excited about the latest Microsoft hype!

  10. Ropewash
    Big Brother

    "more privacy" as the NPU dedicates 80% of it's runtime to the new AI powered telemetry.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is this new hell

    That nobody asked for?

  12. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Now wait a minute

    You're telling me that, if I get a Windows AI PC, I will be using Borkzilla's cloudy thingy whether I want to or not. Okay, got it.

    Now, tell me that I will not be paying for the privilege with a monthly subscription, because I don't think that Borkzilla is going to plan to serve up all that cloudy goodness I never asked for for nothing.

    1. vtcodger Silver badge

      Re: Now wait a minute

      Surely, Microsoft will comply with industry standards. In this case, the industry would be free-lance drug distribution and the industry standard would be "It's free until you're hooked"

    2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Re: Now wait a minute

      You're telling me that, if I get a Windows AI PC, I will be using Borkzilla's cloudy thingy whether I want to or not. Okay, got it.

      But of course! It's the future! Possibly not one most of us want to live in, but Windoze exhibits a number of interesting behaviours if you try to use it with just a local account.

      But my WinBox now has a Copilot. I know this because Windows Update did the usual thing of updating, but not shutting down again. Despite having every option to wake the PC disabled, and telling it if it really has to update, then it should update and shutdown. I wonder how much energy that collectively wastes? But MS force a Hobson's choice. You must update. If you pick a time where you might be using your PC, it'll happily shut down in the middle of you trying to do something, if you don't see the notification. So I set mine to update just before I normally wake, but it still seems to do a double reboot the next day.

      If MS is that incompetent, why would I trust my Copilot?

      But I got got. So I fired up Copilot and asked it "How to uninstall Copilot". Luckily it didn't go into HAL-mode. But it turns out that according to MS... I can't. It told me how I could use group policies to disable it. Luckily I have the 'Pro' version so have some illusion of control. But I want to uninstall, delete and prevent it from ever installing again.. But that doesn't seem possible.

      Another 'feature' that snuck in is telling me the weather on the login splash screen. Not sure why MS thinks that's useful as I have real windows to tell me this. But I'm guessing this is where the ads will go. Which might have interesting consequences in an office environment, if ads are selected based on individual's browsing habits. Go ahead, lock your screen, go to lunch.. meanwhile, your cow-orkers may get to see some insight into your lifestyle. But another feature I'm going to have to figure out how to terminate with prejudice.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Now wait a minute

        "You must update."

        So update. I recommend formatting the drive and installing a professional OS instead of the toy that is Windows.

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: Now wait a minute

          So update. I recommend formatting the drive and installing a professional OS instead of the toy that is Windows.

          But.. but.. I paid for the Pro version! Alternatively, this is my games/dirty box, and although the number of *nix games is increasing, a lot don't run on non-Win boxes*. It sits on a DMZ and means I can limit tracking by proxying out via this PC, should I be elsewhere.

          *current game recommendation: Enshrouded. Am having fun with that but Steam only, and not sure it runs on a Steamdeck, which I guess is another option to eliminate Windoze from my life.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Now wait a minute

            "But.. but.. I paid for the Pro version!"

            As it's clearly unfit for the stated/advertised purpose, demand your money back.

            "Alternatively, this is my games/dirty box"

            If you need games, stick with the toy OS if you like. You can surf pR0n anonymously on any OS; a VPN can help with that.


            What do you mean "That's not what I meant by dirty!"?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Now wait a minute

        > Windoze exhibits a number of interesting behaviours if you try to use it with just a local account.

        Care to elaborate? Oh, and W'10 or 11?

        Just curious, really.

        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

          Re: Now wait a minute

          Care to elaborate? Oh, and W'10 or 11?

          Currently Win 11 'Pro', version 23H2. In which MS continues it's journey of turning a desktop OS into a 10GB+ 'thin client'.

  13. mpi

    Ah yes...

    ...I was beginning to wonder how Redmond would somehow try to incentivize new and expensive hardware with AI.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Coincidentally, I had a suggestion pop up on my screen this morning that I should try out Windows Copilot.

    So I disabled Copilot, then I disabled suggestions.

    1. myhandler

      Yes me too, first ad crap spam I've had direct on screen. Still on W10. Bastards. Yes that's right, you lot at Msoft. I don't want distractions. FO

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

  16. This post has been deleted by its author

  17. This post has been deleted by its author

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Dev: Did you get the brain, I mean chip?

    Igor: Yes master.

    Dev [addresses audience]: Ladies and gentlemen, I present the ability to create local artificial life.

    Dev [flips switch, lightning strikes Clippy]

    Anon [shouts from audience]: Clippy, what programming language has brought you to life?

    Clippy: Aaaaarrrrr!

  19. Mostly Irrelevant

    I've used this thing a few times, I have no idea why it needs to be a component of the OS.

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