Re: Not surprising...
"catering to the people that just can't let go of retro stuff."
They dont cater to anyone except a spitting image of what management believes is "the gamers/consumers".
I also dont let go of "retro stuff". (Including new games that are "retro" when it comes to fun, originality and quality).
Maybe because "retro stuff" had no chance to hide utter boredom and game design failures behind astounding gfx ?
Wizball, Paradroid, Elite, Nebulus, The Last Ninja, Maniac Mansion and others back when Lucasarts did good, Defenders of Oasis (GameGear), Phantasy star 1 (Master system), Ultima series, Decathlon (the joystick killing game), Phantasy 1-3.....
Thats only 8 bit titles, spontaneously remembered and sometimes indeed replayed.
Maybe that the olden days also had a different approach on general quality, apart from deviants like R.I.S.K. or Phobia (the second disc side of the C64 version was never finished, still sold), you could be sure that what you buy is the full version instead of a basic 2 hour demo with expensive "DLC" to come later on and that the stuff you buy actually works.
But maybe also because the current "gaming industry" is just that, a beancounter controlled "nothing creative, only things that have proven to make profits" copy and paste boredom generator (as you correctly assumed), a misguided melange of ever the same elements with too few and fewer new concepts.
To add financial injury to insult of unfinished trash for full price, the abusive online DRM and faster hardware cycles devalue whatever you buy faster and faster.
Bought a multiplayer game with gamespy arcade ? Well in a few years the gamespy licence will run out and suddenly your multiplayer game has no multiplayer part anymore.
Bought anything on Steam ? Too bad, Steam does not support your OS anymore, so you lose access to everything you theoretically pseudo-own until you force "upgrade" to the next OS - which may lead to the games not working properly anymore.
And in the bigger picture, with all the politically ignited, worsened and prolongued crisis, inflation and insecurity, quite a few people have other issues than another ever the same with better gfx half completed game. Things like energy bills, food, shelter, all those useless little things nobody really needs seem to eat up more and more of the gaming funds of consumer livestock.
As hard as it may be to accept for some individuals, games are not necessary to survive. Everything that affects peoples amount of spare change/fun funds will affect every industry that thrives on "nice but not necessary".