back to article BBC exterminates AI experiments used to promote Doctor Who

The BBC has decided to exterminate its experiments using generative AI to promote venerable sci-fi show Doctor Who. The broadcaster announced its intention to use AI to create some promos in early March, a move that earned it a thorough pasting from fans – including the folks behind the Doctor Who Companion website, which …

  1. bemusedHorseman

    You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

    Funny enough, there legitimately was a "Who Trek" crossover comic at one point, titled Assimilation², revolving around a cross-dimensional teamup between the Borg and the Cybermen... eventually going very, very wrongly for the former (Cybermen have no organic matter to be Borgificated, but Cyberization works just fine on the Borg). So the Doctor has, canonically, been on a Starfleet vessel at one point.

    1. Andy Non Silver badge

      Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

      I thought Cybermen had human brains as the only remaining vestige of human bodies? Hence the emotion and pain dampening gadget on their front. There was an episode or two around humans being herded into Battersea power station to have their heads chopped and brains inserted into the mechanical bodies.

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

        You are both right.

        It was not the most canon-caring story line.

        I suggest trying "Ensign Two: The Wrath of Sue"[1] for your Doctor Trek / Star Who reading pleasure.

        [1] hmm, the server is having trouble today, so not a good idea to give the easy-to-click URL right now :-(

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

          I'd go further and suggest reading three parts of the Mary Sue comic. Mary Sue Must Die is a great send-up of the concept, followed by the next two stories taking it seriously (and also being very good).

          1. trindflo Silver badge

            Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

            The evening. It just died. And the four hours ahead of me, all dead. Soon to be consumed by binging on the adventures of Sue.

        2. timrowledge

          Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

          Surely somebody has made “The Wrath of Karen”?

    2. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

      Hmm... sounds like that's got potential for a weird fanfic for those robosexuals...

      1. NoneSuch Silver badge

        Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

        The 'Dr Who in a Starfleet uniform' image looks more like an Elite Guard from the Dishonored series.

    3. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

      > canonically

      Is it, though, and whose canon? Various Dr Who Wikipedia pages seem to suggest that spin-off media like novels, etc. aren't necessarily canon w.r.t. the TV series at least.

      1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

        Re: You will be upgraded, resistance is futile

        The series seems to have a loose canon.

  2. Winkypop Silver badge

    Apologies to Jim Croce

    "You don't tug on Superman's cape

    You don't let Ai write poo

    You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger

    And you don't mess around with Who”

    1. Catkin Silver badge

      Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

      I think we're a bit past worrying about messing with Who, considering what Chibnall did to it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I think we're a bit past worrying about messing with Who,

        And if not, just take a few deep breaths, and escape to the all classic Dr Who's on iplayer... :-)

        Currently I am about mid-Pertwee....

        1. cyberdemon Silver badge


          You mean to say you are Pertwee-through watching all of them?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: You mean to say you are Pertwee-through watching all of them?

            Well! One really troughton't say it like that.



      2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

        I didn't think much of the Christmas reboot. Doctor Who should lead by being itself rather than listening to the luvvies on the media pages, of which the Grauniad is probably the worst example: should never have left Manchester.

        1. Catkin Silver badge

          Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

          I think it's possible to be political and still be entertaining. For instance, The Sun Makers is politically straight out of an excessively activism-focused student union but is still an entertaining watch because the priority isn't placed on viewer indoctrination.

          1. rg287 Silver badge

            Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

            I think it's possible to be political and still be entertaining.

            And to be honest, I like it that way. Science Fiction has a long and proud history of social commentary and indeed satire. It's the place writers go to discuss topics that the mainstream publishers or broadcasters are scared to go near.

            In the Soviet Union, Sci-fi was a hotbed of political commentary because the censors didn't treat it as serious literature and as long as communism had prevailed on Earth, you could do whatever you liked with aliens that bore a remarkable resemblance to certain leaders. See, e.g. the Strugatsky brothers.

            Even in the US, Kirk and Uhura had their early interracial kiss, and ST:DS9 had a transgender storyline in the 1990s. The networks would have run screaming if you'd told them that Dax was a thinly disguised trans character.1

            But I also prefer it done subtly and intelligently, if only because it gives the consumer the smug satisfaction of "I understood that reference". A lot of Chibnall's storylines were downright patronising. It definitely feels like Chibnall exclusively targeted a younger audience, where you have to lay it out a bit more obviously. Which is fine in that Dr Who has always been family entertainment and isn't post-watershed like Torchwood. But he didn't get the balance right of leaving some more sophisticated stuff in for older viewers (in the way that Pixar masterfully blend really adult themes for the parent's benefit into what are notionally children's films. How many adults can get through the first 10 minutes of "Up" without tearing up?).

            In his defence, some were quite well delivered - the Rosa Parks episode for instance. Graham's discomfort at having to sit and watch history unfold, knowing he mustn't intervene is a standout moment. It's notable though that some of the better episodes weren't written by Chibnall - "Rosa" was written by Malorie Blackman.

            1Even the Klingons respected her new identity, in S2 episode "Blood Oath":

            Kor: "Curzon, my beloved old friend" (pulls Jadzia into big hug)

            Jadzia: "I'm Jadzia now"

            Kor: (smiles, continues hug) "Jadzia, my beloved old friend" (without missing a beat, switches to using exclusively female pronouns in all future interactions).

            1. Catkin Silver badge

              Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

              While I prefer subtlety, I don't think even on the nose commentary is a sure-fire recipe for a bad end product. The example I would use is Arachnids in the UK. It was fairly standard Who at the core concept but failed to be an enjoyable watch because, in my opinion, the villain was written as a Trump stand-in. This meant (as far as Chibnall seems to be concerned) he couldn't be charismatic, sympathetic or have any other interesting depth; he could only be an unpleasant, weak-charactered, ignorant businessman, which was made all the more bland by everyone else having to be entirely good in their motives and actions.

              In some ways, this sort of storytelling reminds me of 'uplifting' American Christian cinema.

        2. jospanner Silver badge

          Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

          Oh yeah Doctor Who has never been political.

          1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

            Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

            Not when it wanted to be good. It may have strayed somewhat from the attempt to educate, which is reportedly why William Hartnell left it, but it has done best by attempting to entertain.

        3. Patrician

          Re: Apologies to Jim Croce

          Dr Who has always been political; it would be difficult to find a story that wasn’t.

  3. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge


    He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: FFS

      Yep. It's going to annoy some firebronies for sure.

    2. ldo Silver badge

      Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

      So who is the title character?

      1. ChoHag Silver badge

        Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.


      2. lglethal Silver badge

        Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

        Who's on first base?

        1. C R Mudgeon

          Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

          No, Who's on second. Guess Who's on first.

          1. TchmilFan

            Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

            Who’s on stage?

        2. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

          Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

          I don't know.

      3. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

        Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

        So who is the title character?


      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

        He's "the doctor".

        In response, many reply "Doctor who?"

        Hence the name of the programme. The title is not named after a character.

        1. ldo Silver badge

          Re: He's "the doctor".

          So Gallifrey has no other postgrads, then?

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: He's "the doctor".

            There's at least one Master :-)

      5. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

        Re: He's The Doctor not Doctor Who.

        That's the first question, the oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.

    3. Roj Blake Silver badge

      Re: FFS

      Yes and no.

      The season one credits list William Hartnell's character as Doctor Who.

      1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

        Re: FFS

        Pretty much most of the classic run did & as did Chris Eccleston's credits, so what's your point?

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: FFS

      As so amusingly described above, I am currently pertwee through the classic episodes. And having just watched "Three Doctors", I can confidently state that all three of them were credited in episode four as:


      Dr. Who



      Make of that what you will.


      No, not you Omega, you already caused quite enough trouble by willing things as it is.

    5. Sudosu Bronze badge

      Re: FFS

      Who is?

  4. shraap

    Capt Kirk with sonic

    Stewart Lee has let himself go.

    1. STOP_FORTH Silver badge

      Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

      Nice crossover comment.

      1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

        Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

        I was thinking more that he's morphing into Rick Astley...

        1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

          Re: Capt Kirk with sonic


          If I click on your Rick Astley link and it doesn't lead to William Shatner "singing" 'Never Gonna Give You Up' on the Youtubes, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

          Maybe that could be even "better" than his interpretation of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'?

          1. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

            Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

            Not enough shatner commas in that title.

            Lucy, in the, sky, with, diamonds

            I prefer the Walken comma though

            LUCY, In the SKY, with DIAmonds

          2. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

            Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

            @I ain't Spartacus - be careful what you wish for. Not singing, but asking, which in Shatner's case is probably close enough.


            Although if you search "william shatner singing never gonna give you up" on Google, the first video suggestion is ironically appropriate...

        2. Version 1.0 Silver badge

          Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

          I would have loved to see Dr Who with Rick Astley as the new Dr Who, he looks great for the historical image of the Doctors and the "new show" would have been so much fun with Rick singing Dr Who!

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

            Yes, to Rick Astley as the Doctor, a resounding no to any more swearwording musical episodes or sonic screwdriver generated force fields.

            That's it, I'm going off in a sulk to watch old Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy episodes....

          2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

            "so much fun with Rick singing Dr Who!"

            You mean this one?


            Yeah, sorry, the Whovian version of rickrolling :-)

        3. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

          Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

          You're never going to give that up, are you?

          1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

            Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

            You're never going to give that up, are you?

            He never lets us down.

            1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

              Re: Capt Kirk with sonic

              And we know he's always running around, especially down corridors...

  5. STOP_FORTH Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    AI Doctor

    OK, he has two hearts, but he doesn't have six fingers on each hand.

    Been watching this mildly entertaining drivel since 1963.

    1. Forum McForumface

      Re: AI Doctor

      If he only has six fingers on one hand, he’ll be in for one heck of a swordfight.

      1. STOP_FORTH Silver badge

        Re: AI Doctor

        Oh yeah, he's got three hands now, hasn't he?

        Sometimes I think the writers just make everything up as they go along.

        Give the AI a fair go.

        Bring back the Yetis.

      2. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

        Re: AI Doctor


    2. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

      Re: AI Doctor

      I was behind the sofa for a good few of those

      1. STOP_FORTH Silver badge

        Re: AI Doctor

        I think Sixties sofas were eventually developed into Chobham Armour.

        Probably a sofa from Chobham.

        Why don't we ever see the Zarbies again?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I don’t understand its appeal, why the dude is described as a doctor, a doctor of what? Magical thinking?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fantasy

      You know that thing you like but doesn't give me any pleasure?

      Well, I just took the trouble to come here to tell you it sucks, so nyaah!

      Gosh, I feel so proud and manly now. Cower at the sound of my self-chosen nickname.

    2. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: Fantasy

      Probably a Doctor of Philosophy. Maybe in timey-wimey stuff.

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: Fantasy

        I'm pretty sure he's displayed medical knowledge as well on occasion, so maybe (at least) a medical doctor?

        1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

          Re: Fantasy

          Practically everything!

        2. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

          Re: Fantasy

          "At least" indeed: contrary to popular perception, medical doctors are actually using a kind of "honorary" title: a PhD is a real doctorate.


    3. Herring` Silver badge

      Re: Fantasy

      All the senior timelords are named after old professions. "The Doctor" ,"The (School)Master", "The Accountant" etc.

  7. Bebu
    Big Brother


    Capaldi really does look like a Vulcan - more Spock than Spock ;) Although he might have trouble with the traditional deadpan Vulcan delivery but as an uninhibited Vulcan reprising his "In the Thick of It", Caledonian Mafia role might liven up the franchise. :)

    Looks like Matt Smith messing with r2d2 and I thought it was quite clever AI grayed his hair and generally aged him until I realized it probably lifted the images from "The Time of the Doctor" during the latter part of the siege of Trenzalore.

    The Doctor's two enduring adversaries, dalek and cybermen, weren't AI but basically cyborgs which demonstrates that, while machines can be really nasty, it takes biological intelligence to take it up to another level for evil. :)

    1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

      Re: Actually....

      I still think that when Capaldi first opened the door of the Tardis and stepped out, a glorious "What the fuck?" moment was lost forever.

  8. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Guessing the prompt

    Old Shatner with tube of toothpaste? Peter Capaldi with Anson Mount hair?

    R2D2 has a fairly consistent look and style but the Doctor has a selection of faces giving Leonardo some difficulty latching on to a specfic one.

    Spambots have been able to produce content faster than humans can delete it since the '90s. Perhaps one day AI will be able to sift through the dross an pick out a few good stories for me. Targeted ads convince me it will not happen any time soon.

    1. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

      Re: Guessing the prompt

      In a world of AI generated content, no one will bother reading what no one could be bothered to write

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Guessing the prompt

        "In a world of AI generated content, no one will bother reading what no one could be bothered to write"

        Hmm, sounds like The Register's sibling site, Dev Class (and the other ones)… ;-P

        (But seriously, I genuinely would be interested in reading more programming/developer content on The Register, especially on the actual Register, where the comment section and the informed commentariat provide at least half the value.

        But the sibling sites don't have comment sections, for some reason, and for the most part don't seem to be very much more than reheated press releases, so I'm not really sure what purpose they actually serve (Does anyone here actually read any of the sibling sites?). I suppose if you can convince advertising weasels that those sites get a lot of crawler-bot user visits, and the advertisers will pay for ad slots on them, then there's a bit of flesh on a corpse for a vulture to chew on?)

  9. b0llchit Silver badge


    Exterminate! Exterminate!


    1. KayJ

      Re: Exterminate!

      We are the superior beings! We do not apologise!

  10. Ordinary Donkey

    R2D2 appears to have the annedroid's hair. Meanwhile the starfleet doctor seems to be a mash-up of Capaldi and Tennant with Christopher Eccleston's ears.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Hang on, is that starfleet as in he search for F-Zero 1?

  11. Felonmarmer

    Doctor Who replaces top half of Dalek with top half of R2D2, upgrading both at the same time.

  12. tony72

    I don't know, maybe they should have gone through with it. Doctor Who has sucked in recent years, sucky AI marketing would have pretty much in line with expectations.

    1. abend0c4 Silver badge

      According to the showrunner, it will be out of the BBC's hands in due course...

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Yeah, supposedly, Disney is only buying distribution rights for the "rest of the world", hence the new series being series 1 on Disney+ and series 14 on the BBC. But it's blindingly obvious that Disney will be taking more and more control over it. I wonder how they'll manage to to fit Doctor Who into the Marvel and/or Star Wars franchises?

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Maybe it'll be like Blackmirror where internationalising[0] it basically killed it...

          [0] By which I mean making it more American [1]

          [1] Not that we know anywhere like that...

  13. Pascal Monett Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Great pics

    I tried Leonardo after an article here on El Reg mentioned it. It's fun to fool around with, but apparently asking Leonardo to put Star Destroyers in the sky above Earth is still subject to some sort of copyright (because I fail to see how it can be a lack of reference material) - the spaceships are triangular, but Star Destroyers they ain't.

    That said, I understand - and subscribe to - the notion that AI-generated blurbs on shows published by the BBC should never happen.

    Unfortunately, I am also aware that this is reality, and in our current reality, there is nothing AI will not be applied to, whether successful or not.

    Live with the times . . .

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Great pics

      Surely marketing blurb created by text and picture generating algorithms from IP that you own yourself is a perfectly legitimate use of the technology? It's putting a few very low level marketing copywriters out of a job, assuming it works - but I'm not sure it's much of a threat to anything.

      I'm a lot more impressed by the image-generating tech than the text stuff - although I strongly suspect there's a lot of selection bias. People generate a bunch of images and only show the best ones. But nonetheless that seems technically a lot harder than summarising text.

  14. TheMaskedMan Silver badge

    ::sigh:: is there nothing Doctor Who fans won't complain about? I've watched and generally enjoyed the show since Pertwee, and could reasonably have been described as a Who nerd in my teens (in fact, I was), but fans' tendency to complain really gets on my wick.

    Of all the things you could do with AI, this seems like such a trivial use as to be insignificant. As long as the description is accurate, what does it matter how it was created??

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      AI would explain the singing goblins. I'm pretty sure there's no other rational explanation....

    2. low_resolution_foxxes

      I find it hard to believe large groups of Dr Who fans would carpetbomb the BBC over an AI language model that wrote draft marketing script for their PR campaigns.

      Most Dr Who fans of the nerdier variety stopped watching it when Capaldi left.

      My assumption, reading between the lines, is that this is more likely to be a concerted effort by journalists/writers/unions to prevent the BBC from spreading the use of AI generative models in their industry. As it directly affects their careers.

      While I am ... disheartened to see anyone lose their careers, IMO 'modern journalism' has degraded so far that I find it a truly embarrassing sector. We're torn between awful social media clickbait content, awful politicisation/social campaigning with minimal regard for truth, a horrendous problem with PR/bias degrading the trust between reader and writer, cheesy predictable advertising that everybody hates except marketing droids, all combined with what has become a highly formulaic and predictable writing structure. This all creates a situation where in the absence of people saying something interesting - if you had a choice between an AI that can get the job 95% complete in 1 second for basically £0.01, or an expensive human...I would choose AI.

      It's a sad state of affairs when I routinely have to assume journalists are writing deceptively (is it PR? is it an ad? is it a campaign?) - on virtually any topic I have to verify the story against multiple website to understand what is happening (there's usually some weird kind of social engineering bias messing with the core facts).

      PS of course I love the register journalists ;) It's why I keep coming back for mooaaaar!

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Sadly like every other technological advancement it won't be used to make normal peoples lives better it will only be used to increase returns to major shareholders and let beancounters cut budgets where there are no shares.

    1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: Sadly

      Like every other technological advancement, it's already being used mostly for porn.

      1. TeeCee Gold badge

        Re: Sadly

        If you're really interested in how long soulless, evil mechanisms have been used for porn, I suggest a quick search involving the terms "katy manning" and "dalek".

  16. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Could be worse...

    They might start making dodgy adverts featuring daleks

  17. AnonymousDavros


    (I will see myself out)

    1. Dave559

      Re: Exterminaaaate!

      Just mind yourself on the stairs on your way out…

      (Oh, you seem to have found a work-around for those particular obstacles…(!) Run!)

      1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

        Re: Exterminaaaate!

        Elevate, Elevate

  18. Lon24

    Not very intelligent

    The BBC's intention was fine. AI would write it, a human would check it. So we know where it went wrong.

    Anything that pretends to be 'intelligent' will know any human just before beer o'clock on a Friday will sign off anything without a glance. Injecting a deliberate error and checking whether it has been removed would seem an obvious step in such a process. Otherwise why not just get rid of the meatbags and hack Barb's measurement computers to sample the AI Bot community instead. A Bot rating of what is now mostly CGI would be more objective?

  19. MJI Silver badge

    Funny looking Dalek

    Did not spot what it was straight away.

  20. CountCadaver Silver badge

    AHH the arty nerds are enraged

    So like the luddites smashing power looms, the arty nerds are enraged by generative AI, mainly as they fear their ability to charge £££££/$$$$$ for derivative crap is at risk of anyone can spit out something "good enough".

    Coming from the same lot who run witchhunts on places like wetcanvas over such sins as daring to draw the same location as someone else (the same location thousands flock to every year) or using the same publicly available stock image as it's "plagiarism"

    And that's not even getting onto their major beef "amateur artists" and "mummy crafters" for the sin of "devaluing the market" by charging ££-£££ rather than ££££-££££££

    Meh screw them and their neo-luddite ways

    (My wife is an illustrator and even she rolls her eyes at the online groupthink about AI)

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: AHH the arty nerds are enraged

      Coming from the same lot who run witchhunts on places like wetcanvas over such sins as daring to draw the same location as someone else (the same location thousands flock to every year) or using the same publicly available stock image as it's "plagiarism"

      They'd probably have apoplexy if forced to sit through Irwin Allens full back catalogue :-) He not only reused props and even entire sets, he even slipped in film from previous shows and films, all to save money :-)

    2. low_resolution_foxxes

      Re: AHH the arty nerds are enraged

      Modern art screwed artists.

      When bad artists started celebrating art that is deliberately terrible...

      Come to think of it, that sounds much like Sweet Baby Inc.

  21. Dr_N

    Dr Emu & The Deadly Dustbins

    Nuff Said.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Dr Emu & The Deadly Dustbins

      So you disparage one SF/Fantasy show by using a phrase popularised, possibly invented by, the writer/editor of Marvel comics, some of the corniest stories ever written :-)

      1. Dr_N

        Re: Dr Emu & The Deadly Dustbins

        Don't get your scarf in a twist. It's only a TV show.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Dr Emu & The Deadly Dustbins

          Hey, you brought Rud Hull and Dusty Bin into the fight :-)

  22. s. pam

    Dr. Who is still on?

    It became such abject wokery it was totally unwatchable a few years back and everyone we know couldn't care if it still exists.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Dr. Who is still on?

      So 3 people don't care?

  23. Sudosu Bronze badge

    For another crossover I want to see a Doctor Whookiee.

  24. The Indomitable Gall

    Doctor Who in a Starfleet uniform

    I see no mention of this in the Bootnote itself, but the picture ofDoctor Who in a Starfleet uniform is absolutely fascinating because what I'm seeing is an actor who appears to be a mutual cousin of Peter Capaldi and David Tenant (or maybe if Tenant had a kid with Capaldi's daughter). It's just mind-boggling that the AI could generate family resemblances that way. But logical, I suppose, other than the fact that I don't see Matt Smith or Jodie Whittaker in the mix....

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