back to article RISC-V PCIe 5 SSD controller for the rest of us hits 14GB/s

A demo of Yingren Technology's YRS820 PCIe 5.0 SSD controller – built entirely on the RISC-V architecture – showed it reading at 14GB/sec and writing at 12GB/sec, without any active cooling required. The YRS820 is 100 percent based on RISC-V CPU cores, and is an among the first PCIe 5 controller to use RISC-V exclusively. The …

  1. nautica Silver badge

    Just the start...

    ARM is in trouble.

    They knew they were in trouble from the very first moment RISC-V was announced, and their response (from the very first) was nothing more than a very-well articulated, but patently transparent, smear campaign directed at RISC-V.

    Moments like this, right now, were the basis of their first--and continuing--responses to RISC-V.

    Big clue for you, ARM: this is just the start.

    1. nautica Silver badge

      Re: Just the start...

      ...see, for example

      “Scaleway shows off its new RISC-V devices at Kubecon”,


  2. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

    They are not THAT late

    Actually taking advantage of >10 GB/s vs "only" 6 GB/s drives in pro-sumer and small workstations? Outside of benchmarks unrealistic. The big mass of NVME drives are around 2 GB/s to 3 GB/s, since office machines don't need more yet. Including most workstations. Only working with 4k videos and other similar "huge mass of data" workflows benefit.

    By the end of 2024 / beginning of 2025 it might change, as earliest, possibly due to Windows 12 needing that to boot the UI in less than 15 Minutes :D. (The actual OS below the UI is getting faster with every gen, but then the UI and applications eat that up)

    1. nautica Silver badge

      Re: They are not THAT late

      You ever run 'track' (as in "Track and Field"); or ever watch any T&F events; or races (cars; horses...) of any sort?

      The second person across the finish line is THAT LATE.

      1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

        Re: They are not THAT late

        You keep forgetting: 19 out of twenty, or 99 out of 100 are "that late". Only of those who actually take part in such a race, and only one winner. Of a few million of the country, who just watch.

        If you are one of those millions, then that SSD would be too slow anyway. You'd run a striped RAID0 set with four or more of those drives. Or you run of a RAM-disk since you have 6 TB of RAM for that reason - 12 channel RAM of course, without interleave you won't be fast enough. But wait, you have four of those CPU, so you have 24 GB of RAM, spread over 48 channels, and your software adjusted for that reason. But wait, don't you need AMD or NVIDIA special compute units? A few thousand of them?

        1. nautica Silver badge

          Re: They are not THAT late

          "You keep forgetting: 19 out of twenty, or 99 out of 100 are "that late". Only of those who actually take part in such a race, and only one winner. Of a few million of the country, who just watch."..."...19 out of twenty, or 99 out of 100 are "that late"..."

          Your absolutely impeccable validation is deeply appreciated...and nothing was 'forgotten', by the way; was it.(?) Your saying that I 'forgot something' does not make it so any more than the statement, "...a few million of the country, who just watch." adds anything to your (attempted) point. But...thanks again.

          "The only place success come before work is in the dictionary."--Vince Lombardi

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