"The Register has contacted Musk's legal team, offering it the opportunity to respond."
So do let us know when you receive the Poo Emoji, wont you?
OpenAI has responded to Elon Musk's lawsuit over an alleged breach of contract, publishing a trove of emails that appear to show Musk was not only aware of the need to become a for-profit entity, but also wanted to merge OpenAI into Tesla and become CEO. "We're sad that it's come to this with someone whom we've deeply admired …
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Or to put a more honest spin on it: Musk was forced out after failing to provide the funding he promised AND trying to take control (by attaching the condition he become CEO). it's in TFA
> I will cover whatever anyone else doesn't provide.'"
> Things did not turn out that way. OpenAI went on to claim that by late 2017, its board and Musk decided to create a for-profit entity, but allegedly Musk wanted majority equity and to be CEO. He is also accused in the post of withholding funding, which OpenAI claimed meant Reid Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn, had to step in to cover salaries and operations.
Not to mention, of course, that you have entirely missed the point: Assuming that what OpenAI have said is even remotely true it means that Musk's lawsuit has no basis.
Of course, there is a valid argument as to whether Musk being full of shit really constitutes news at this point
《300 pounds of shit in a 200-pound bag?》
Must be approaching critical shitmass?
A 136kg fusion shit bomb would need a pretty big fan to spread the fallout evenly.
I thought he was just putting on weight but it seems he may have a twisted bowel (volvulus) and there is an accumulation of his frustrated No 2s that haven't yet been verbalized.
If the emails were relevant to the law suit, which the contents would appear to suggest they definitely are, then Musk was utterly stupid to try and sue with the claims he made, at least if he didn't want them public as discovery would have brought them up, and Open AI would have filed them as part of the defence with the result they would have been on part of the public record of the case.
In short it sounds like Musk forgot that those emails would have been part of a valid defence against his claims.