Don't give money charities you cry...
...well I was a trustee of a small local internet cafe by day and drop in youth club at night.
The only people paid were the full day staff and part time youth workers.
Local anti social behaviour dropped 95% in the first year.
We helped get dozens of people get back into work.
We helped teach many elderly use computers.
We turned a known trouble makers life around so much, he became a professional photographer and a qualified youth worker.
Helped lonely people join social groups.
The list goes on.
Where was this, some inner city shit hole?
No, in an affluent, middle class conservative village.
And before you say "Government should do this", just look at all the services Birmingham are now cutting, the very same things charities support.
You want better services? Then pay for them, but people would rather have a £2 a week tax break.