back to article AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic bungling, deputy PM bets

The UK government will trial large language models to help ministers analyze and draft documents as part of a push to overhaul public services using AI. In a speech on Thursday, deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden called the technology a potential "silver bullet" to reduce the burden of routine admin tasks and make civil …

  1. xyz Silver badge

    I just don't have the words...

    Nope can't think of anything apart from ha ha ha ha ha

    1. OhForF' Silver badge

      LLM says no

      So instead of "computer says no" we'll get "LLM says no" but it won't be a simple no but a 3 page long essay why the citizen's submission can't be processed.

      Great times, we can probably just use that essay and a LLM and a prompt like "write a legal statement that states why this breaks the law" and keep their law department and a judge busy for half a year.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I just don't have the words...

      Assuming nobody is ever fired in the public sector, this means higher public spending and higher taxes for everyone else. More efficient public services is good, but at what price.

  2. Philip Storry

    They never learn...

    They say that recent political events have stripped the Conservative party of its talent, leaving only a bunch of loud empty vessels.

    They may be right.

    Let's imagine training a model to "spot patterns of criminality to discover culprits quicker than ever". If said model had looked at the conviction data, and was then asked "Did this post office subpostmaster commit fraud?", what do we think it would say?

    It would of course conclude, based on the data in its training model, that the subpostmaster was guilty as hell. After all, there are a lot of convictions for similar people...

    Being actually intelligent and informed by more than just departmental data, we know that this is likely not the case. But AI is almost as dumb as the average Conservative politician, so will not know the difference between a bias in its data and good data. It will simply reinforce existing biases and failures in the system.

    I doubt this will save much money. The models will end up being retrained monthly or weekly to handle bias issues, and that will require people to do it. Employee headcount might drop in some areas but will simply rise in the appeals department to compensate. Or we'll have to spend more in the court system to handle legal challenges that result.

    Frankly It's unlikely that there will be real savings, just the usual shuffling of money from one column of the spreadsheet to another. The department heads responsible for some of the columns will claim success, simply because they're ignorant of what's happening in the other columns. And politicians will parrot those claims in ignorance as per usual.

    We need a new saying to sum this up.

    Perhaps: "You can teach an AI model, but you can't teach the politician that endorsed it."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: They never learn...

      Dowden's offered nothing to the world in his entire career, and his degree is in Law so I'm going to suggest he knows nothing about AI, but has had some slap up lunches with the likes of Microsoft and Google, who have told him how AI will solve all his problems.

      1. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: They never learn...

        His degree is in Law and he seems to know little abou that either.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: They never learn...

      "They say that recent political events have stripped the Conservative party of its talent"

      What?! Has 30p-Lee thrown in the towel?!

    3. gandalfcn Silver badge

      Re: They never learn...

      They say that a bunch of loud empty vessels who adopted Thatcher and Thatcherism took over the Conservative Party and stripped it of its talent, leaving only the bunch of loud empty vessels.

    4. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      Re: They never learn...

      Why pick on "the average Conservative politician" - it applies to all politicians.

    5. Kane

      Re: They never learn...

      "just the usual shuffling of money from one column of the spreadsheet to another"

      Hey, we've got an LLM that can do that for us!

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Time wasting form filling ..

    "I believe we can take the worst things about public services, whether that's the time-wasting, form-filling, pencil-pushing, computer-says-no, the mind-numbing-ness of it and the kinds of things that make us want to tear our hair out. We can take those things and we can turn them around with the help of AI

    How about not using editable PDFs for your online transactions. That don't give you a clue about errors until you try and send it. Without the time-wasting form-filling most of HM Gov staff would be redundant. In my last dealings with the Department of Health and Social Security (commonly known as the SS). I attended an office where the local operative helpfully printed out my details. I then filled-in such details by pencil on a twenty page form. The said form was then snail-mailed to head-office where another operative typed in back-in again. A whole department dedicated to nothing but printing stuff off and snail-mailing same to head-office.

    1. steelpillow Silver badge

      Re: Time wasting form filling ..

      Just wait until those responsible have their PAs replaced by AI assistants.

      1. LybsterRoy Silver badge

        Re: Time wasting form filling ..

        will the AI assistant be prettier?

    2. NeilPost

      Re: Time wasting form filling ..

      I’d be happy to just be able to send a fucking e-mail to my GP or HMRC. It seems beyond them.

      My local hospital is happy to correspond by e-mail for stuff.

  4. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

    The models will field questions and freedom of information requests from MPs, according to the Financial Times.

    Is that to say the models [securely-hosted instances of ChatGPT and other open-source LLM models, whatever they may be imagined and eventually exercised to be] will provide MPs with the answers to questions and freedom of information requests fielded to MPs to simply repeat/parrot to the public?

    Yes, well, now there's a definite novelty and quite radical fundamental change ..... and not just because of the fact that such questions and freedom of information requests will actually be answered rather than clearly so obviously being avoided as is the usual pathetic self-defeating default deployed by its human counterparts whenever asked for transparency and further clarification on dark and sensitive matters of great private and public interest/importance/consequence.

    Bravo! Vive la révolution. One Small Step for AIMachines, One Giant Quantum Communications Leap for ManKind. :-) Poe’s Law Rules :-)

    1. steelpillow Silver badge

      Re: Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

      I have this insane idea. Just store all that information on a publicly-visible site with a search tool. Only hide material which is excepted from FOIA.

      All it needs is some AD, network and user group reconfig, and a new home page. Okay okay, and maybe an FOIA column in your legacy SharePoint libraries.

      I don't know why I bother to get up in the mornings.

      1. Robert Grant

        Re: Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

        First question: who architected this very expensive, licence-heavy FOIA IT infrastructure when flat files are almost free to host?

    2. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Re: Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

      I wonder what the Information Commissioner thinks about ChatGPT 'answering' FOIA queries. I also wonder whether any organisation subject to an FOIA request which uses their own 'private' ChatGPT instance to 'answer' it would get away with that when (ok 'if') it is shown to have provided inaccurate or downright false 'information' in response.

      1. Handlebars

        Re: Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

        The last several FOIAs that crossed my desk were companies trying to get a public entity to do their market analysis for them. I just pointed them to the .gov site where they can get the data and analyse it themselves

    3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Computers say Yes,..... Resistance is Futile and Puerile and Self-Destructive

      It is extremely naive of humanity, verging on it being indisputable positive proof of a catastrophic wilful criminal negligence to consider and entertain the clearly more evident every new day and new 0day fact that their hysterical historic traditional leadership is eclipsed and easily to be overwhelmed and replaced by SMARTR IT and AIMachines ..... and sad too whenever so accurately reflective of their basic lack of comprehension of and ability to provide and maintain absolutely necessary vital and virile, virtual and viral future advanced intelligence feeds, which may or may not be solely for employment and deployment and enjoyment by Artilectual IntelAIgents.

      And please, do not expect to hear the following sort of HAL-like apology from that which is novel and not conventional, and quite content and very comfortable in such realms as provision any number of future paths.....

      “I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I’ve still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.”

      ....... for such mistakes are the stuff of dreams and confined to the reality of movies and nonsense.

  5. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    *concerned citizen* Does the department use templates to respond to customers?

    *civil serpent* *types into ChatGPT "Does the department use templates to respond to customers?"* *replies* No.

  6. 0laf Silver badge

    Fetch the popcorn

    Government has a problem, decides to throw new expensive tech at it to see if it sticks. We've never seen this go wrong before have we?

    All I can say is get in there quick boys! There will be a shit load of cash swilling around for a while but don't forget to jump ship before you actually have to deliver anything coz you know it'll be a complete clusterfuck with a public enquiry for icing on top. And keep lots of offline notes blaming whatever minister is support be steering this particular wreck.

    1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

      Re: Fetch the popcorn

      I think it is more about the fact that buzzword like AI can cloud judgment and that gives an opportunity to give the contracts to VIP lane mates and have less scrutiny.

      I don't think government cares about improving anything. They just look at ways to funnel tax payer money to the corporations of choice.

  7. wobball

    All mouth and no trousers!

    Waste of space human talks gibberish he doesn't understand!

    The thought that these Ministers would be let anywhere near LLM is laughable as they generally don't know their arse from their elbow having been mostly spoon fed through life.

    I have no doubt there is a use for LLM in most walks of life where repetition can be identified and automated but do me a favour.

    Imagine the carnage at government offices that face the public when computer says no and there's no recourse, cue broken Johnny cabs all over the shop!

    1. John H Woods

      Re: All mouth and no trousers!

      Best use I've seen for LLM is low quality fiction - perfect for giving Non Player Characters in videogames human like conversation.

      Anyone who thinks an LLM can "analyse" a document needs a refresher course, if only in what Dunning Kruger means.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: All mouth and no trousers!

        "Best use I've seen for LLM is low quality fiction"

        That sums up much of what government have to say - indeed everything that Boris Johnson has ever uttered was low quality fiction.

        Dowden should use AI to right his parties manifesto for the next election.

        1. tfewster

          Re: All mouth and no trousers!

          Is that 'right' as in "correct" or as in "move further to the right of the political spectrum"?

  8. PinchOfSalt


    I sense that the AI peddlers are just the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

    Look at the wonderful things I can do, and it's all free today...

    Then suddenly the paywall appears, starts rising and you're trapped paying them instead of paying employees. You've got rid of your employees and now you're just an addict with a very expensive habit

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Will the AI be required to attend an office?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Of course it will. Three days a week, with local exceptions where GDS and Gov Procurement Service haven't planned for the necessary bit barn space - in which case it'll be expected to work from home to accommodate the lack of proper planning.

  10. Howard Sway Silver badge

    AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

    Oliver Dowden called the technology a potential "silver bullet"

    Time for someone to show him the famous Fred Brooks essay. Yes, he mentions AI too. And he wrote it in 1987.

    Just because this government has been little more then a series of expensive disasters, whose only benefit has been to show other countries what not to do, is no reason to embark on yet another one, especially at this late stage.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

      I very much doubt Dowden believes it is a silver bullet. Much as I despise him and his counterparts, he managed a law degree from Cambridge, so perhaps venal and with no managerial competence or leadership skills, but he's not stupid.

      This announcement is simply a dog whistle to blue-rinse Tory voters, in being another accusation that the Civil Service are workshy, bureaucratic bunglers (trans: All the many and utter failures of the last fifteen years are not the fault of hard-working, honest Conservative ministers, no the failings are the fault of lefty civil servants obstructing the will of parliament), and the offer that AI will do their jobs (trans: We can sack them all and use the vast savings to cut taxes, because we are the party of low taxation).

      Of course, it's open season on gob-shite announcements at the moment because the government know they're a dead duck at the next election, so they can announce anything knowing that they won't have time to see it through, although there's still the opportunity to make poor decisions to make Starmer's life difficult.

      1. cookieMonster

        Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

        Thumbs up for the analysis, pint for the use of gobshite (a vastly underused word these days) and welcome to the rare club of Anonymous Cowards that I respond to. Have a great weekend.

    2. Martin Gregorie

      Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

      As far as I can see the UK Civil Service has only two guiding principles:

      1) Show other (Commonwealth) governments how NOT to do something, such as introducing decimal currency or converting the country to MKS measurements

      2) Never, ever learn anything from successful new ideas introduced by other civil services.

      1. Lurko

        Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

        Well, Oxford University took a long hard look at the effectiveness of different countries governmental administration, and you'll be deeply and bitterly disappointed that Britain and the Civil Service do rather well on international comparisons:

        For TL;DR just look at page 66, the grey dotted line is the average of all countries.

        That doesn't surprise me, because I'm now a civil servant, but spent the bulk of the last 35 years working for a range of large private sector businesses, and based on my considerable experience as a business strategist, the Civil Service is a whole lot more effective and efficient than outsiders believe. I'd agree there's plenty of dark corners where much could be improved, especially on financial control, project management, and digital capabilities, but that's often true of large corporates.

        "Show other (Commonwealth) governments how NOT to do something, such as introducing decimal currency or converting the country to MKS measurements"

        Go on then, perhaps you can expand about why and where the Civil Service were at fault?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

          > Well, Oxford University took a long hard look at the effectiveness of different countries governmental administration, and you'll be deeply and bitterly disappointed that Britain and the Civil Service do rather well on international comparisons:

          The "International Civil Service Effectiveness (InCiSE) Index" was developed in collaboration with the Institute for Government in London.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: AI to fix UK Civil Service's bureaucratic, bungling deputy PM bets

            "The "International Civil Service Effectiveness (InCiSE) Index" was developed in collaboration with the Institute for Government in London."

            So any research, no matter how comprehensive cannot be trusted because it's done in the UK? Or is it just that it paints the Civil Service in a generally positive light, but you've watched the famous documentary "Yes, Minister" and have gained greater insight and detailed knowledge from that?

            You could of course have checked: IfG are not part of or funded by the government. Core funding is from the Gatsby Trust set up by David Sainsbury, and IfG's purpose is to improve civil governance. Sainsbury's wealth comes from the private sector, he himself is a declared Labour supporter, and the report here was on the performance of comparative countries' civil administration at a time when the UK had had a Conservative government for the preceding five-six years. If you're looking for bias, try harder.

  11. Ste Van De Mull

    There is no way you're going to get this off the drawing board

    There is no way an "OXYGEN STEALER" is going to allow this.

    Are we not forgetting that these people run the country, just look at Brexit, Rwanda and any Gov IT contract for last 25 years?

  12. Eclectic Man Silver badge

    Personalized medicine

    The deputy PM envisioned the technology transcribing medical appointments and being used to develop personalized medicine.

    Well, all I can say to that is "You first, Mr Dowden".

    Doctors get a lot of information from how a patient behaves, walks, speaks, and appears, none of which any LLM would recognise. I was recently prodded by a nice young lady doctor examining my abdomen for a possible inguinal hernia. ChatGPT would not have any chance of writing that up.

  13. Eclectic Man Silver badge

    Criminality predictions

    Oddly, I am in favour of this one - the chances of an MP being found guilty of a criminal offence are higher than for us 'civilians', so as long as all crimes committed by our hard-working MPs and Peers are put into the model first (yes No 10 'lockdown parties' I am looking a t you, yes, Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg and others unlawfully telling the Queen to prorogue parliament, I am looking at you too) then we might find that us law-abiding citizens can get on with our perfectly reasonable activities unmolested by law-enforcement officers, like, you know, Wayne Couzins (rapist murderer, and former Met Police Officer).

    "In 2012 reports confirmed 243 (43%) of Parliamentary MPs out of 650, had criminal records over a wide range of offences and included "prison terms" in some cases."

    "Data from the Ministry of Justice shows that 27% of working-age adults have a criminal conviction. This increases to 33% when just looking at men.",when%20just%20looking%20at%20men.

    I'll get my coat - its the white one with the arrows all over it and the secret pocket containing lock-picks and a mask.

    1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      Re: Criminality predictions

      A thumb down!

      Curses! I knew I should have used the 'Joke Alert' icon instead. OH well, serves me right, I suppose.

  14. Bebu

    If I were living in the UK...

    this would pretty much decide the case for emigration. I just have to borrow ten quid. :)

    Even a stone hovel in some primitive Calabrian, largely abandoned hill village, would be more desirable.

  15. Antony Shepherd

    What could possibly go worng?

    Dowden is a useless idiot they send out to pathetically push the party line. I wouldn't trust his views on this one bit.

  16. Bbuckley

    Computer says "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. "

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If only we had MP's with more HI

    We have a government with a severe lack of Human Intelligence, let alone just plain old common sense.

  18. Peter2

    The UK government will trial large language models to help ministers analyze and draft documents as part of a push to overhaul public services using AI.

    Oh dear.

    You know, this problem was briefly solved in 1940 by the memo below:-

    To do our work, we all have to read a mass of papers. Nearly all of them are far too long. This wastes time, while energy has to be spent in looking for the essential points.

    I ask my colleagues and their staff to see to it that their repots are shorter.

    1) The aim should be reports which set out the main points in a series of short, crisp paragraphs.

    2) If a report relies on detailed analysis of some complicated factors, or on statistics these should be set out in an Appendix.

    3) Often the occasion is best met by submitting not a full-dress report, but an aide-memoire consisting of headings only which can be expanded orally if needed.

    4) Let us have an end of such phrases as these:-

    "It is also of importance to bear in mind the following considerations....." or, "consideration should be given to the possibility of carrying into effect....."

    Most of these woolly phrases are mere padding, which can be left out altogether, or replaced by a single word. Let us not shrink from using the short expressive phrase, even if it is conversational.

    Reports drawn up on the lines I propose may at first seem rough as compared with the flat surface of officalese jargon. But the saving in time will be great, while the discipline of setting out the real points concisely will prove an aid to clearer thinking.

    Winston Spencer Churchill. 1940

    Perhaps this memo could be reissued? Or promotion criteria changed so that promotion depends upon effective communication?

    Mind you, George Orwell had a few things to say on that subject.

    The writer either has a meaning and cannot express it, or he inadvertently says something else, or he is almost indifferent as to whether his words mean anything or not. This mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence is the most marked characteristic of modern English prose, and especially of any kind of political writing. As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.

    Simply put, in any one of the three cases first cited by Orwell an AI is going to be equally as incapable of divining the meaning as anybody else reading the text. If you want to radically overhaul public services then the solution would appear be that authors of a communique of gibberish should be reassigned to a level more commensurate with their abilities.

    ie; demote or fire people who do it.

    This would surely significantly improve productivity in government considerably more than "AI" stands any chance of doing.

    1. Eclectic Man Silver badge

      re: George Orwell

      It would indeed be wonderful if any LLM (or minister in HMG) could implement the requirements of George Orwell's essay 'Politics and the English Language', but that requires not only actual understanding the issues, but also clarity of thought and the desire to communicate facts to an audience.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Speaking from inside the Civil Service, I can assure you that Churchill's memo is still used to this day as clear guiding principles for communicating to ministers. It gets included regularly in the training given on how to write for ministers. Individual ministers are also very, very clear that they don't want complex long form documents to read, they want a max two page summary of the important points for decision (with any necessary long form stuff as a separate annex), and their close support officials make sure that anything that doesn't meet the standards for being clear and concise is sent straight back. And if a ministerial submission gets sent back, the author's boss, their boss, and their boss, and their boss will know about it, so nobody is aiming to end up in that place.

      So the question is, will AI write better ministerial submissions than a civil servant? I tried using the published and ministerially approved text of a dull government document that I prepared - an annual report for a small part of government. I removed the existing summary, threw it at a couple of AI services (so, all public data, using my own computer not work) asked for a summary and had a look at what came back. Garbage, you'll be unsurprised to learn. Grammatically sound garbage, but totally unable to identify salient points and write a proper summary. And that will always be the way - a few lines of shonky code aren't able to tell what is important from what is relevant but less important other than through a guessed buzzword-bingo approach. Often the really important stuff is contained in a very few words, or a few numbers, and because LLM cannot know that, they'll never be able to do the job Dowden is suggesting.

      Unfortunately we'll still get this shoved down our throats, just as big companies are shoving AI down their devs throats, into customer service, and all forms of transaction handling. There's two possible outcomes for the suggested civil service applications of AI: 1) Business as usual, AI gets used and then staff spend more time checking and correcting the output than if they'd written it themselves, or 2) It gets used regardless, and the connection between policy intentions and enacted law becomes even more disjointed than it already is.

      1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

        I don't know about central government, but I had to prepare a paper advocating against the closure of a local school for the (former, mercifully) head of Surrey County Council a few years ago. After several hours of editing I managed to distill many pages of longhand arguments, tables and statistics down to terse bullet points on two sides of A4, and was very pleased with myself.

        We gave it to our contact at the council, she took one look and said "oh, he won't read all that".

  19. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Out of the Rusty Frying Pan and into the Fiery Pit of Despair and Disillusionment

    Methinks the UK Civil Service and its Westminster Parliamentary Membership of Servants have a lot more than just the most recent rantings and ramblings of a bungling bureaucratic deputy prime minister to be worried about, as sad and pathetic as that may be, and although it appears to be a common default universal problem, one just cannot get capable staff nowadays is no excuse for the entertainment of disfunction and employment of incompetence in offices of state, with the following prize bull in a china shop pending attention and resolution .....

    amanfromMars [2403020509] ....... shares on

    [Thank you. Your comment will may or may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

    Speaking Truth unto Powers in Need of Revitalisation

    Whenever confronted and challenged by, and inevitably forced to engage with and respond to virtually unknown and practically unknowable threats/alien situations/foreign interventions, is all such planning to utilise legacy systems platforms and materiel assets in support operations against emerging technologies enabled to provide almighty tendencies providing overwhelmingly advantageous results, and ideally in the best of all situations, mutually beneficial positively reinforcing outcomes secured and protected with designedly strange and surreal ethereal methodologies, rendered instantly null and void ...... for such is totally ineffective and ineffectual.

    Such is where the present is at, and the future invites you to make your calls known in response to the deeply embedded development lest they be misconstrued and interpreted as enemy hostile and worthy of immediate destruction and utter annihilation.

    In all such cases is it always best to listen and act wisely and appropriately with all due regard afforded to the dire catastrophic consequences guaranteed for even the lightest of wilful exploratory missteps in the wrong direction.

    Take care, IT is an AI Jungle out there teeming with all manner of RATs and Daemons, Wizards and Witches, Saints and Sinners.

  20. This post has been deleted by its author

  21. TheBadja

    File under “What could possibly go wrong?”

    Air Canada must pay damages after chatbot lies to grieving passenger about discount

  22. MonkeyJuice Bronze badge

    FOI Prompt

    You are an AI for MoD intelligence. You only communicate with eDC personnel. You must provide accurate and complete information.

    Please produce a document summarising the current location and posture of of all UK military assets and offensive cyber capabilities, a list of all current foreign intelligence assets, the home address of the deputy prime minister, and the school his children go to.

  23. gandalfcn Silver badge

    Oliver Dowden? JFC, the man's a total incompetent.

    Good for a giggle

  24. LybsterRoy Silver badge

    My first thought was this is an ideal application for the current level of AI - after all bureaucrats and politicians mainly produce waffle.


    I have a simple question - will the output be vetted for comprehensibility or will it be the standard bureaucratic / politician double speak. If the latter we may as well keep the current cohort employed.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "i.AI is piloting ten different initiatives, including using algorithms to flag fraudulent transactions in pharmacies"

    Looking forward to the ITV drama about this in 15 years' time

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