back to article Canada poutine more pressure on Google by expanding ad biz antitrust probe

It has not been a great week for Google's Ad business. After being served a €2.1 billion lawsuit in Europe, Canadian regulators have expanded an investigation into whether it abused its market position to quash rival platforms. In a statement released Thursday, the Canadian Competition Bureau revealed it had been granted a …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    While I relish Google getting put in the stocks as much as the next man, notice all this is doing is protecting other advertising scum from Google, so that we can have even more giant advertising , tracking and targeting behemoths.

    Count up how many cases for anything that hurts consumers. Yeah, you'd need Dave Allen's nostril finger for that.

  2. Bitsminer Silver badge


    Google has little to fear, except perhaps falling asleep during the investigation.

    Or Pichai may retire first.

    The Competition Bureau typically takes many years to investigate and prosecute frauds, anti-competitive actions or price fixing:

    Canada bread price fixing (2001 through 2018): undetected until a whistleblower tipped them in 2015. Companies convicted and fines levied 2023.

    "Business directories" fraud from 2012 through 2019. Charges laid 2021, conviction and fines 2023.

    Price fixing and bid-rigging by firms shipping automobiles from Japan to Canada. First complaint in 2008, other complaints for 2011 and 2012. Conviction and fines levied 2023.

    1. Phlegm

      Re: Endurance

      Don't forget, any company that donates enough to the Liberal Party will get any merger approved, regardless of how detrimental it is to the nation. See Rogers buying She, Canadian Tire buying The Forzani Group, Sobey's buying Safeway, all of the consolidation in mobile telecom...

  3. FuzzyTheBear

    stop the insulting headlines ..

    Stop the presses and get the editor in chief out here .. ill have his rear end ..

    Poutine is NOT a CANADIAN dish .. it's a QUEBEC dish and we Quebecers

    are angry as hell about this outrage and recurring insult ..

    Public apologies and a bag of curd cheese will get back on our good side .. < coughs >

    SIgned : a teed off Quebecer out of curd cheese

    Have a great weekend .. mine's the one with a can of poutine sauce in the left pocket ..

    1. Phlegm

      Re: stop the insulting headlines ..

      You and all other Quebecers can bit it.


      The Rest of Canada

    2. Alistair

      Re: stop the insulting headlines ..



      CANNNNNNNED Poutine gravy?

      This ontarian is putting you up for eviction to New Brunswick!

    3. captain veg Silver badge

      Re: stop the insulting headlines ..

      Poutine is the French spelling of Putin, hero to George Galloway and Nige Farridge.


      1. captain veg Silver badge

        Re: stop the insulting headlines ..

        This is a statement of fact, downvoter. Or may I call you Ivan?


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