back to article Atos hires three board directors to stop ship from sinking

The long-running Atos saga took another twist today after it announced the nomination to its board of One Point CEO David Layani, who previously made an audacious bid for the ailing integrator and outsourcing biz. Layani is one of three new directors being brought onto the board. One Point already owns 11.4 percent of the Atos …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Meg Whitman to the rescue.

    1. Lurko

      Re: Calling

      Or calling anybody, it seems.

      Turning round a business is all mechanical, unemotional stuff. You work out what's not profitable, and then either cut costs until you are, or if you can't cut costs you close it down or sell it off. There's only so many levers of volume, price and cost. Yet apparently the bimblers at Atos need another three directors to (maybe) spell this out.

      How do such clueless people get into such high paid positions? I'd like a piece of the executive pie.

    2. luis river

      Re: Calling

      I love Meg, she it is extraordinary person, she recruit and select to their high tech companies the best managers.

    3. sanmigueelbeer

      Re: Calling

      Dido Harding or Léo Apotheker

  2. StewartWhite Bronze badge

    Profits, what are those?

    "The start of the current saga started in 2022 following a string of profits..." you write. Presuming that you mean "profit warnings" as ATOS haven't seen a lesser-spotted profit for many a year.

    On the single occasion I had to use some of their software (SFTP client IIRC) it was so badly written that I could write better even though I hadn't written any meaningful code for some years.

  3. John Slater


    "called Evidian (initially it was branded Eviden)" - it's the other way round. See for, errm, evidence

  4. luis river

    Real business

    Fatal Politicians and enterprise directors...In Europe... they had focused attencion on great words e.g. HPC, electric vehicles, Rockets to moon, (all to give many votes by ignorants to politicians) . Words like as long as "total electronic trade" that it is foresight how secundary option, while big money on these stuff the american made, many... many billion dollars annually.

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