AI LLMs often aren't right. They're not even close.
Worse than that. They actively make shit up.
I keep hearing about businesses that want to fire their call center employees and front-line staffers as fast as possible and replace them with AI. They're upfront about it. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently said the company behind Facebook was laying off employees "so we can invest in these long-term, ambitious visions around …
Worse than that. They actively make shit up. .... Anonymous Coward
So virtually human and being modelled on the politically incorrect and serially incompetent, AC. ........ See Yes, Prime Minister ..... but it does require balls other than jugglers’ below
"Worse than that. They actively make shit up."
Yes, but for many years I was a customer of a well known UK cable company, and the cheaply offshored customer service agents routinely made shit up. A visit to their customer help forum shows they still do. So if you've got poorly trained humans making it up as they go along, often with poor language skills, then AI can at least improve on the language skills, and make shit up more cheaply. What's not to like for PHBs?
I once heard Directv's CSRs called "random answer generators", and in my experience that was correct - and I dealt with the better class of CSRs you got with commercial accounts not the residential ones (the "good" ones there got promoted to commercial)
It’s Virgin Media isn’t it?
In an attempt to cut costs they outsource their customer support to some offshore call centre employing people on whatever passes for minimum wage there, making the cheapest tender bid. In itself that’s fine (other than the minimum wage part), except they are the cheapest for a reason - they simply don’t train the staff at all, relying on blindly following a script. And this might well work for, say, 90% of calls, and when it doesn’t, they are incentivised to just make stuff up. Anything will do as long as it gets you off the phone and they chalk up a ‘successfully closed call’.
Because the call centre owners/managers will have some sort of SLA based on call numbers and closures, which determines if they get paid or not. The incentive is to simply close calls, irrespective of the problem is solved or not.
Not dissimilar to using a LLM for your support, it will probably be OK most of the time, except when it does go wrong, it’ll go wrong spectacularly, and expensively!
Air Canada discovered the hard way that when your AI chatbot makes a commitment, your company will be on the hook for it
Are we then to reasonably expect political parties be on the hook for promises and commitments to goals they and their leading cheer-leading chatboxes/ministers and constituent members came nowhere near to fulfilling?
Yeah, why not? That seems perfectly fair and not all crooked for a rigged game.
Political promises should come with stats, a timescale and be legally binding. Fail and you should be excluded from office, fined and imprisoned.
At which point the lying hypocrites will all switch from 'commitments' to 'aspirations'.
They have been doing this a long time and citizens don't get any less gullible. Brexit proved that beyond reasonable doubt. The most you can do is erase the current lot from power at the next election and be screwed over by different politicians for a bit. They don't do any of it for us and they are 'all in it together'. So insulate yourself from them as best you can.
Computers fail when they try to be human. AI is unreliable. The mugs will throw money at it the way they did at the metaverse. We get to suffer from the failures and sometimes to laugh at it. Then politicians step in, tap them for free money in fines and then take control of it all.
Changed days for those cooking more than the books with crooks in social media laboratories/politically incorrect parties ......... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/02/24/mps-given-bodyguards-as-extremism-threat-rises/ ..... and a sure sign of a great deal more more accurate targeting of problems for radical fundamentalist solution yet to come.
And which one should note is not shared freely here as a question whenever quite obviously determined and destined to be an undeniable fact.
What is it about failed systems which has them constantly digging more holes for them to get buried in ...... apart from a complete lack of common sense and advanced astute artificial augmented anonymous autonomous alien intelligence, of course, plotting for them a totally different course for future self-actualisation/Maslowian hierarchical activation ‽ .
"Political promises should come with stats, a timescale and be legally binding."
Most come with stats and timescale and fail, but even the ones with all three can fail when they ignore the 'legally binding' bit... "We make the laws and had our fingers crossed when we said that, so it doesn't apply"
>Air Canada replied, in effect, that "The chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions."
Imagine if this comes up again in a higher court and the ruling sides with the company. This would result in them cashing in on all of the cost savings of replacing humans with barely purpose-functional LLMs and none of the burden of associated risks and liabilities.
... we need a word for the complete opposite of a Luddite, for people and companies that jump on unproved tech concepts and start planning around it before seeing whether it is going to work or be useful, sometimes just because others are thinking about maybe doing it.
Tech bro, bandwagon jumper, "visionary", early adopter* and technophile* just aren't enough.
*ChatGPT suggestions.
I'm not sure I have seen any real evidence for that. Is the training going to get better? Are the LLMs going to get so much better the training can be the same? Or is some new form of AI chatbot that isn't really an LLM going to appear? Absent any of that, I'm sceptical.
I wouldn't be surprised that OpenAI will eventually try. They've made it so far by having a bot that can print coherent sentences, and they've succeeded at convincing some companies to pay for it. I think that ascendance will eventually break when the inaccurate results become bad enough. If they can see this coming, they might start focusing on getting some accuracy out of it, not just hiding their training data. The money they've made from sales so far and from massive investments from Microsoft should allow them to contribute resources to the attempt. I don't know how easy that will be, and they may try to get it and fail, but I do think they or someone like them will try.
Even with "accurate" training data, it is still going to give you the "correct" answer to the wrong question.
If an answer to a question given in the training text is correct in certain circumstances and not in others, and that is explained in the text, the AI isn't going to be able to understand this context.
I don't think there's any evidence that a generative LLM can ever be relied upon, and plenty that it cannot because the fundamental concept is stochastic, with low resolution so the probability of unwanted results is always going to be pretty high.
It's going to need some other type of system.
I agree with you there. If they did it, it would have to be done with some other type of technology, and it's unlikely to be able to do it with perfect accuracy. However, I still think that one of these AI companies might eventually realize that they need it and try to build such a thing. They may fail to accomplish it, but for the moment, nobody is even trying. This is assuming that enough people rely on incorrect chatbot answers and suffer the consequences, so I'm hoping that rulings like this continue to happen. If users manage to find a way not to suffer when they use a chatbot's answer to screw over another, my assumptions could prove wrong.
Far worse than simply being wrong, LLMs are designed to provide an answer that is most likely to sound correct.
A post filled with misspellings, typos and obviously wrong details can be immediately rejected as likely being ill-informed. One that appears well written and superficially what is expected is likely to be accepted as accurate.
A chatbot with a Disclaimer: "Do not trust the chatbot, it may be full of the proverbial", either means no savings from employing AI as a means to cut back on actual people answering inquiries, or zero-ing you customer facing communication, i.e., no real-life people and an untrustworthy chatbot.
It depends if a court accepts it. If they basically say that the chatbot can say whatever it likes and they don't have to honor any of it, then it can still look like it's providing customer service and leave every user with the results.
Such things are not uncommon already. I was reminded of this recently when I was asked to repair a phone with a broken charging port which had been purchased only months ago. The warranty attached to it had so many different reasons why something wouldn't be covered that, as far as I could tell, the damage was not covered. The customer service person said that it was not covered, but not why. What I can't figure out is what kind of damage, other than maybe the phone being broken before anyone touched it, would have been covered by the warranty. Yet a customer buying the device would think that they had some kind of protection anyway because the warranty existed, and surely they wouldn't have a document if it meant nothing.
The average user will probably never see the disclaimer and assume that, when the chatbot the company chose to put there gives them some information, it is valid. It is possible that a court will overturn that and invalidate the disclaimer, the same way that I could probably have tried to challenge the warranty, but most users will not try because there is a good chance that it won't work and they'll end up wasting time and money in the attempt.
True, but it is where the legal ambiguity starts to come in and, when it does, the average consumer starts to worry about proving what could turn out to be a simple case. For example, in this case with the broken phone, the charging port was working when it was new, and now it's not. I don't know exactly why as it wasn't mine, but it probably wasn't someone pounding it with a hammer. I could try to suggest it's manufacturer's poor workmanship and they can try to prove that it was caused by user negligence. The typical user looks at all this and decides that, since this was a cheap phone, it will take so much effort that, even if they win, they've probably spent more than paying for a repair or replacement would cost and they're not confident they would win anyway. That is how companies can use disclaimers, even invalid ones, to blunt consequences. The only way around this is if the disclaimer is ruled invalid and they are forced to remove it entirely. If some company can find a wording that the court accepts, everyone will use something similar.
Of course you do if you can hide the disclaimer and have no humans. If they find some set of conditions under which a court allows them to lie via chatbot and not have any consequences, they can use those conditions. Anyone wanting information may try to call someone, but if they only give them the chatbot, then many customers will use it because it's the only option. The customers would be annoyed and some might try not to buy from them, but that doesn't seem to have stopped a lot of companies today who have the bare minimum of customer service.
Someone needs to come up with a way of pairing some kind of "fact script" with the part of Chat GPT that can hold a conversation.
Think of a real person sitting with a company handbook on company rules and current promotional offers.
Relying on ChatGPT to not only hold a conversation with context but also generate the factual basis for its responses is never going to be reliable.
Can see a potential problem here:
ChatGPT was asked what the VAT paid was on £500 where VAT was 20%. It came back with an answer of £100
so it was asked if it had the calculations correct: It admitted it did not. It then gave the corrected formula...£500 * 20 / 1+(20/100).
So 10,000/ 1.2.
oops... tax paid: £8,333.33
Now, if you're claiming your tax back...
(for clarity, the actual tax paid was £83.34 as tax is always rounded up :p )
Admittedly, its first answer could be due to the vague question. "the VAT paid on £500" could mean £500 total expenditure including tax or £500 before tax. If I were asked the question, I'd probably ask for clarification. If I couldn't have it, I'd use context to guess which was wanted, for example using a before tax amount if the person asking was a seller and after tax if it was a buyer, but that isn't a guarantee of anything.
I was reminded of something that happened with me the other day on a ferry when the announcements came over the speaker system: "There is no smoking anywhere on the vessel." It got me to thinking, why don't they just say that smoking is prohibited on the vessel?
When I suggested this to my wife, she replied "Well they did say that smoking is not allowed", to which I replied, "Well, actually they didn't. They said that there is no smoking". That's only true until someone actually does smoke, in which case there *would* be smoking on board.
I can guess what actually happened when they were coming up with the script for the announcement, that someone suggested that what they came up with would be less "confrontational" that just saying that smoking is not allowed. It might be less confrontational, but it doesn't actually say what they intended.
Perhaps when people become accustomed to hearing certain forms of speech, they stop thinking about what it actually, logically means. Like "what the VAT paid was on £500". I can envisage an accountants office where this is such common parlance, that the ambiguity of it becomes lost, such that they don't understand when someone points it out. I guess a form of the "curse of knowledge".
Not ragging on the original poster, just an observation....
I don’t think it has anything to do with LLMs making promises. It’s all about what appeared on their website. How it got there (as long as the company is responsible and not done hackers) doesn’t matter.
And I don’t think anything was “legally binding”. They just had to pay for damages that their website caused. So they had to pay for giving the wrong information.
No contract was created. Their website provided misinformation which led to damages, and they are responsible for the damages. If you approach a bridge in your car, and ask me if the bridge is safe, and I lie to you and your car ends up in the water, I’m responsible for the damages. I didn’t enter a contract to make the bridge safe.
all your valid points, don't matter at all, the show must go on. Was it NOT pointed out that bitcoin etc are a (near) perfect way for the bad boys, girls and in-betweens to get their ransom money from digital high seas? Or that techno bros business model is ruinous? Or that drones + explosive kill more people? Did I mention the machine gun that was supposed to stop all future wars? Boy, didn't he pope mumble something about 'crowsbow baaaad' shitting in the wood? Why would it be any different with 'AI'? Fuck you jack I'm allright, cause I'd better be the fucker than the fucked, that's the homo sapiens spirit.
Again we see how businesses say one thing, then act in a completely opposite way. They always talk about how customers are so important, but then at every single opportunity, they skimp on the customer service. When they aren't replacing it with chatbots, it's almost always outsourced to some call center where they're incentivized to get people off the phone as quickly as possible and training is sparse at best, which is why you can talk to three different CSRs and get five different answers to the same question.
Customer service is seen purely as an expense, not the potential sales and customer loyalty driver that it can be if done well. As long as companies continue to skimp on the customer service, you can expect shit like this to keep happening. But of course, I am foolishly looking beyond the next quarter, which is why I would clearly make for a horrible CxO.
Again we see how businesses say one thing, then act in a completely opposite way. They always talk about how customers are so important, but then at every single opportunity, they skimp on the customer service.
It's not really saying things. It's just the standard PR process of joining together strings of words. They're not intended to have meaning. Just like generative AI. PR people will be the easiest to replace if they haven't already been.
What about political speech writers? I saw someone suggest that Ron DeSantis was just using ChatGPT, and of course Trump literally sounds like what happens if you just press the middle autocorrect option every time. I'm reasonably sure Trump suffered a stroke at some point probably over a decade ago, and had to relearn to talk. Maybe he was using a really early model ChatGPT type system.
>A real-live Air Canada rep confirmed he could get the bereavement discount.
I think this bit deserves more attention. It's not just the chatbot.
>"The chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions."
I'm really glad to hear that the court did not fall for this. Claiming that a chatbot is a separate legal entity is insane, but sometimes you hear about judges misunderstanding stupid things.
There is an interesting bit in the article: "A real-live Air Canada rep confirmed" what the bot had told the customer.
An interesting bit that is not in the article: it is not clear if that was considered pertinent by the Court. I, for one, am curious.
That really wasn't the point. The point was that Air Canada was trying to claim that the chatbot is essentially a legal person completely separate from the airline, so if they wanted to stiff a customer on some discount, they could because they weren't bound by whatever the chatbot said. The judge in the case disagreed, so now all companies using chatbots (in Canada at least) will be on the hook for anything their chatbot tells a customer. It wasn't really about whether this specific instance of a chatbot was giving incorrect info, it was about how Canadian companies are now going to be held accountable for anything their chatbots might say.
Welcome to Canada where your publicly logged and trackable promises as a corporation are upheld in the courts in favour of the consumer.
Desky Canada is about to learn the hard way about the difference between American and Canadian consumer rights if they don't fix their screw-up pronto on Monday morning...
I'm tired of American shell companies thinking they can get away with the abuses they do in the US here in Canada. This time I'm putting my foot in the ground and using this case as an example of case law that is NOT in Desky's favour. :D
This is not a case where a load of incremental improvements over the years will make this an eventually viable technology. The whole underlying premise of the technology is fundamentally flawed and cannot possibly ever work.
[1] "Never" in this context means using improved versions of existing technology. It is possible that at some point in the future, there is a new discovery that makes actual AI possible. It is impossible to predict when or if that will ever happen, but we are not moving towards it at the moment.
Please remember this is Canada, where they have already executed 13,000 people for "being poor" whilst claiming they "chose to end their lives with dignity".
Canada is essentially a totalitarian regime now with quite-literal death camps if you are poor or elderly (they state you don't have sufficient quality of life, and so must be humanely destroyed).
Seriously..google for Canada MAiD. its frightening and horrific whats happened.
"... your company "will end up spending more on legal fees and fines than they earn from productivity gains.""
Yes, but that's spending money on the right kind of people (rich lawyers) rather than the wrong kind of people (poor people*). And, besides, the legal costs are mid term - long after the person who's fired the support staff has moved on; whereas the savings are in the short term and directly effect their bonus.
(* I was going to say "unqualified" people. But chances are, they've got a degree. It's just there degree isn't in law...)
It doesn't matter now if AI works or not. The board is sold on the idea already, they see the dream of having no staff other than themselves an are being told by the AI sales people that the dream is now possible.
In reality the enshittification of services will continue. AI might get controlled on the customer facing side if mistakes cost money but internal helpdesks, you are all screwed. It doesn't matter if the machine that replaces you is useless and makes mistakes, there are no personal damages to claim.
Got to wonder about the end game though, if everyone outside every boardroom is replaced by a machine so noone is employed then what value does the business have without customers?
It's enough to make you consider conspiracy theories, only my opinion of the majority of the human race is so low that I don't think we're capable of running a conspiracy. Idiocracy here we come
if everyone outside every boardroom is replaced by a machine so noone is employed then what value does the business have without customers?
Well, yes, capitalist greed will end up destroying the economy when nobody can afford to buy stuff. But in the meantime, the execs get bonuses for cutting costs. Have a nice day.