Many such incidents, many not quite the same scale however.
Work in schools, and one school hired a new "IT Coordinator" (teacher). He decided that he knew more than everyone.
One of the things he did was bought a bunch of dictaphones (long along those things were obsolete) that saved in WMA format. And a piece of software (which was absolutely awful and had a million competitors that were better) that opened and used MP3 format audio.
He insisted that I make them work together. Nope. First, I had no part in their purchasing. Second, they're incompatible. Third, I don't take orders.
This went on for a few months. One day, when he was actually particularly nice, I implemented a workaround. If he saved the WMAs in a certain network location then 10 minutes later they would appear as MP3s in the same location. All automated.
Not good enough.
When I left a few months later, he tried to badger me for the administrator's passwords. Not going to happen. I asked why? Because, obviously, the administrator password would make these two incompatible file formats "just work", don't you know? That was seriously his argument.
A few weeks later, I was still getting regular calls at my new workplace from him, determined to get the administrator's passwords. Claimed that the headmaster had told him to.
I reported him to his employer and said I would never provide him with details. I had provided both the headmaster and a governor (who worked in IT) with full documentation including passwords before I left, had them both sign off on it, and told them they were responsible for those details going forward as I would be removing them from all my records.
When I told him that, he got very shirty - because I said that all he has to do is get his headmaster to give him those passwords, or get his headmaster to speak to me and I'll do what I can to help if they've BOTH lost the passwords.
Never heard from him again.
The next employer I spent many years at, and with full knowledge of a very techy Bursar we took a number of shortcuts over the years to save money. These were done knowing full-well that eventually they would be undone, and a bog-standard expensive commercial product used in their place. We both talked the same language, we both knew the implications, we both understand the trade-offs.
We met regularly, I compromised to save money, he compromised to make sure we still had systems I could manage. We saved a ton of money, everything did what was required (and more!), and we both had great fun with it.
Then the headmaster changed. Basically gave the Bursar (my boss) a heart attack with stress. He left and - because of our relationship - not only gave me explicit warning of what was going to happen (including that I would be next-in-line), but also kept in touch to this day and helped me our enormously.
When he left, exactly that happened. All the vaguely-technical stuff that a bursar would normally oversee got pushed to me with the blame for everything (and given that they were completely non-technical, it was almost impossible to argue the case in even the simplest of things).
They ordered a full IT audit. Done. They never showed me the report. (But I was party to it, via a "friend"! And it was hilarious - it was basically saying "What more do you expect your IT guy to do, he's running the place on his own, doing a great job, everything's working, everything that you should have you do have, he's planning ahead, working to a tiny budget, he's paid under-market rate, he has no help, no outside support, no expertise in some of these things, and you refuse him holidays and reasonable adjustments?!").
Anyway, they came up with a small one-liner list of "improvements" from the report. Basically nothing of consequence ("we should have a formal policy on X" - it was literally a sheet of A4 to write down what had been policy for decades! Took me about 10 minutes).
I agreed to do them all, so long as they agreed to do all the points that they needed to do. They agreed. We set a deadline six months down the road.
The next day, I presented evidence that I'd done all my bullet-points. They accepted that. They said no more.
Six months later, I asked them for theirs. Nothing. Literally nothing. One of the points for them was "Decide who should be on a IT steering committee". They hadn't even bothered to do that. A post-it with my and the headmaster's name would have sufficed! Nothing!
So I made an ultimatum... fix it or I go. Oh, and by the way, I know exactly what the full report said, even though you refused to show me, and none of your bullet-points actually address the real issues highlighted in it, so I want some word of what's happening with them too.
I turned up to the meeting where we were due to discuss this (second) deadline and they have invited a deputy head with a broken laptop to hijack it. The meeting turned to yelling and accusations that "nothing worked". So I asked if they'd filed a ticket. They went white. Having staff file tickets, as was the policy!, and not just announcing nothing works, was literally one of the items they were supposed to address. No ticket. "But I told you". 1) No, you didn't, you're an absolute liar claiming that (and I used those words because in this case it was true), 2) It doesn't matter, you're supposed to file a ticket, that's literally the policy, always has been, and now confirmed and written as determined by the IT audit.
So now that we're into meeting-hijacking, not even fulfilling a single bullet-point, senior staff yelling at me in meetings, etc. it's now time.
"If this is how it is, then I'm done. This is my resignation". The envelope was already in my pocket, dated that day.
"You can't.". Oh yes I can.
"You have to work out your notice period". No, I don't. Because I just came from HR. And they have determined that - with all the holiday you never let me take, but which I was explicitly allowed to "rollover" several times because I was never allowed to take it... it's actually MORE than my notice period. I can walk today, and you have to pay me for the entire two month's notice period, plus extra!, and I don't ever have to come back. (The holiday was all accumulated and agreed with the previous bursar, who had always been lovely about it, and MADE me roll it over even if I knowingly hadn't used it, but when he left they stopped letting me take it!)
They hated it. But the consequences were even funnier.
1) I did literally just walk and not come back.
2) They got a guy who worked at a BMX track (his only job!) to take over the IT.
3) Within three months, they'd had to spend three times the annual IT budget just on putting things to a place where he could understand them (i.e. no in-house email, migration to managed servers, support contracts for CCTV, access control, etc. etc.). I had warned them, as had the audit, that they needed a skilled person to take it over.
4) The head was reported to the Department for Education for financial mismanagement, and the governors too for knowingly misrepresenting pupil numbers in order to spend the above money.
5) The assistant bursar (a lovely woman) was sacked - for not keeping child protection records. Which was not in her remit, that she'd warned them about in writing repeatedly, and which nobody ever did anything about. She later sued for unfair dismissal, was later cleared of all such responsibility, and became a bursar at another school herself! They'd sacked the real HR person and several replacements in previous years and nobody had ever picked up the child protection checks, so they were just trying to dump it on her.
6) The head was banned from teaching or running a school ever again.
7) The governors were all forcibly replaced immediately.
8) EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF STAFF was replaced within a year.
9) I got a phone call before I'd even got home, from my bursar friend, with a job offer at another school. I worked there for nearly 10 years afterwards. (My girlfriend at the time was absolutely fretting over "What I would do" etc. as I was telling her why I was home early. How would I get another job? What about my references? What if we couldn't pay bills? Etc.etc. The phone rang, it was my bursar, I had a better-paying job at a bigger school by the afternoon).
Sorry, but if you're going to take advantage of people, please make sure you're in a position to do so.