Make it so!
Can we also get a statue of Sir Patrick in a French vineyard? Or a crowdfunded "Picard" limited-edition vintage with ST-inspired label graphics (better yet, in a Klein bottle)?
Riverside, Iowa, self-proclaimed hometown of Star Trek's Captain James T. Kirk, has a erected a statue of their fictional hero, and Captain Kathryn Janeway has one in her future birthplace Bloomington, Indiana, as well. Vulcan, Canada, hosts a monument to famous not-so-local-Vulcan Spock, and now, if a group of enterprising …
...but I have an inflatable statue of Dr. Crusher.
There really should be a statue of Montgomery Scott at the Sutherland Spaceport, if it really exists and isn't just another Tory fantasy like that bridge to Ireland and Brexit bonuses. Or maybe the crew of Red Dwarf. We should have a referendum on who to memorialise. Referendums always go well.
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"that Star Trek was Roddenberry's view of a socialist utopia"
Which is very easy to achieve when no-one has to pay for food and all disease has been cured. I'll happily turn socialist and volunteer for Star Fleet as and when that happens. Until then, I'm not working for free.
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