back to article A small Alaska town wants a big bronze Riker

Riverside, Iowa, self-proclaimed hometown of Star Trek's Captain James T. Kirk, has a erected a statue of their fictional hero, and Captain Kathryn Janeway has one in her future birthplace Bloomington, Indiana, as well. Vulcan, Canada, hosts a monument to famous not-so-local-Vulcan Spock, and now, if a group of enterprising …

  1. My other car WAS an IAV Stryker

    Make it so!

    Can we also get a statue of Sir Patrick in a French vineyard? Or a crowdfunded "Picard" limited-edition vintage with ST-inspired label graphics (better yet, in a Klein bottle)?

    1. Rikki Tikki

      Re: Make it so!

      And for us Aussies, maybe rather than repairing the James Cook statue, we can have the less controversial Eric Bana as Nero.

    2. WonkoTheSane

      Re: Make it so!

      Bottles of the 2386 Chateau Picard are readily available from interweb wineries.

      1. Chronos

        Re: Make it so!

        According to Robert, Jean-Luc's brother, the '47 was the better vintage.

  2. Tron Silver badge

    Don't tell Paramount...

    ...but I have an inflatable statue of Dr. Crusher.

    There really should be a statue of Montgomery Scott at the Sutherland Spaceport, if it really exists and isn't just another Tory fantasy like that bridge to Ireland and Brexit bonuses. Or maybe the crew of Red Dwarf. We should have a referendum on who to memorialise. Referendums always go well.

    1. eldel

      Re: Don't tell Paramount...

      "Inflatable statue" - there's an interesting euphemism.

    2. Ze

      Re: Don't tell Paramount...

      <quote>Or maybe the crew of Red Dwarf. We should have a referendum on who to memorialise. Referendums always go well.</quote>

      Judging by brexit and the folks in charge for the last few elections you would probably vote for the toaster.

    3. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Re: Don't tell Paramount...


    4. Badbob

      Re: Don't tell Paramount...

      I’m sure there’s a blue plaque somewhere in Linlithgow, honouring future resident and exasperated Engineer, Montgomery Scott.

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. ScrappyLaptop2

    Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

    ...that Star Trek was Roddenberry's view of a socialist utopia. Valdez & the surrounding areas consistently vote 2:1 to 4:1 in favor of Republicans.

    1. Edwin

      Re: Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

      nownow, not everything is about politics ;)

    2. blackcat Silver badge

      Re: Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

      "Roddenberry's view of a socialist utopia"

      Maybe true but pretty much everyone was packing heat.

    3. Martin Summers

      Re: Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

      "that Star Trek was Roddenberry's view of a socialist utopia"

      Which is very easy to achieve when no-one has to pay for food and all disease has been cured. I'll happily turn socialist and volunteer for Star Fleet as and when that happens. Until then, I'm not working for free.

    4. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Wait til the statue is up and the town finds out...

      Ah yes, but two centuries are a long time in Alaskan politics.

  5. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

    The only local 'celebrity' in my new home town... is the son of a local business owner who's a thug that beats up little old pensioners and gets away with it because of daddies connections and payouts.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Sounds like just the sort of person who has a dark alley waiting for them.

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      And you thought that was relevant because?

    3. MyffyW Silver badge

      Isn't that the plot to Road House?

  6. terry 1

    "riker's beard" on facebook is worth a look if you are into dad jokes

  7. Edwin


    "in homage to the infamous way Riker actor Jonathan Frakes would raise his leg over chairs to sit on the set "

    IIRC this is because Frakes had severe back problems and couldn't sit down in a more traditional way.

  8. This post has been deleted by its author

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