Xanadu, and other SF
One of my favourite short stories is Walker's "We'll Return, After This Message" which he dates December 1989 https://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/sftriple/gpic.html
It includes the words "Back in '97 Xanadu still wasn't finished...", which suggest that despite his optimistic description in 1988 he very rapidly started having second thoughts.
Clarke in "Odyssey Two" (1982) seems to have swallowed the underlying idea, with just about everything (including electricity bills) stored in a handful of DP vaults scattered around the planet: strongly suggested to be a shared resource. And I think it was in "The Fountains of Paradise" (1979) where he implied that the pinnacle of computer proficiency was being able to generate imaginative SQL one-liners.
Since then we've had the Semantic Web, not to mention indisputable duds like Chandler.
And everybody's gone back to the DP bureau model, where they hire time from Google or Facebook without looking too closely at the fine print.