Re: fix
The situation in Europe:
(1) European patent applications must describe the relevant prior art known to the applicant (Rule 42(1)(b) EPC).
(2) They must disclose the technical problem and its solution (Rule 42(1)(c) EPC).
(3) They are published not immediately but after 18 months (Article 93 EPC).
(4) Anyone can file observations, eg pointing out relevant prior art, arguing against novelty, inventive step or any other patentability requirement (Article 115 EPC). These observation are also made available to the public and, if the application is pending, they must be considered by the examining division.
Third party observations:
Inspect published European patent applications or patents, including all reports/opinions issued to the applicant and their replies:
Search for worldwide patent and patent applications, by eg keywords, classification or applicant/inventor name:
Articles and rules of the European Patent Convention (EPC):