back to article Neural networks are reportedly helping criminals create cheap virtual fake IDs online

A dodgy website is claiming to use AI in creating images of fake IDs that could potentially be used to trick online verification methods. The site, OnlyFake, is now down, but reportedly touted its abilities to utilize "neural networks" to generate realistic looking photos of made-up driving licenses, passports, and other types …

  1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    800 scrolls in the Herculaneum papyri collection.

    Not criticising the editor or author here, but should that rather be the 'Herculaneum papyrus collection'? A collection of papyri from Herculaneum, sure, but...? Can't quite get my head round it. I'll have to find a classicist and ask him :)

    1. ldo

      Re: Singular Nouns As Adjectives

      And similarly, you have a “train station”, not a “trains station”, even though it will likely serve more than one train. Or a “car sales yard”, not a “cars sales yard”, even if it will sell more than one car. A “toothbrush”, not a “teethbrush”, even if most people have more than one tooth. And so on, and so on.

      But there are always exceptions. A “database” should really have been a “datum base”. Even “multimedia” should have been “multimedium”.

      Yes, I would really like to see a “multi-medium datum base” ...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Villa of the Papyri

    I think it stems from the name commonly used to refer to the site where they were found:

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Villa of the Papyri

      AH, that makes sense. Though a capital P would then be indicated.

  3. cyberdemon Silver badge

    An apt image for the article

    The world does currently have a Pompeiian feel to it.. Or more precisely, like the antique land that Shelley imagined. With various Tech Bros vying for the role of Ozymandias.

    Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.

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