back to article CERN is training robot dogs to spot radiation hazards at Large Hadron Collider

A four-legged robot dog has successfully performed a radiation protection test at CERN by patrolling and inspecting equipment in a small section of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is built into a 27-kilometre circular structure beneath Switzerland and France that houses all the stuff needed to produce and smash …

  1. twellys

    What's that robo-Lassie? Robo-Timmy fell in the well again?

    1. EvilDrSmith


      That's not Robo-lassie, that's a prototype of the aliens' robo-dogs from War of the Worlds.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      What's that Robo-Lasssie? "Aliens from another dimension have broken through the walls of reality and are roaming the CERN complex eating the brains of anyone they can find?"

      1. Dr. G. Freeman

        Or as it's otherwise known, Friday

      2. collinsl Silver badge

        Was thinking this could be part of a video game where the robots get programmed to attack humans using some sort of lasers or drillbits or something, reprogrammed by said evil aliens.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

  2. Killing Time


    The early version was a robocat until they realised it would completely ignore instructions, stare insolently at you until disappearing on a hunt at the mention of superstring!

    1. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      Re: Robodog

      They did manage to find robocat though: curled up snoozing in a tin box. Still, pretty useless.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Robodog

        Although they didn't know for sure until they opened the box ...

    2. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: Robodog

      They did try several. They all went missing, but turned up at Mrs Miggins' house, as she gave them more food.

  3. Dinanziame Silver badge

    Might be useful in low radioactivity environment as well

    From what I've heard, they have interns whose task is to go do something very quick in the tunnel and run the whole way, because sooner or later they meet the total exposition-per-year threshold for being next to the slightly radioactive machines; and then they are sent back to their home country.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Might be useful in low radioactivity environment as well

      exposition-per-year is a major problem for theatre students. We have to limit the amount of Shakespearean roles they do

    2. tfewster

      Re: Might be useful in low radioactivity environment as well

      I think I've seen that movie. The robo-dog becomes radioactive as well. And develops superpowers to take revenge on its cruel masters.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. JDX Gold badge


    I initially thought this must be an error of a missing zero... though the $1000 P&P is rather high.

    Still, that's peanuts for this sort of use case. Robot butlers are closer than I realised!

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: $2700

      Robot butlers are closer than I realised!

      As long as you don't mind them peeing on your leg...

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: $2700

      The keyword in order to give verbal instructions to your robo-butler will not be "Alexa!" or "Hey Siri!" though. It'll be "Whosagoodboy?!"

    3. Evil Scot Bronze badge

      Re: $2700

      Don't we all have Japanese robot butler serving us tea?

    4. Kubla Cant

      Re: $2700

      The picture caption says "expensive hound". Have you any idea what a real dog costs? Tomorrow I'm taking my other half to collect a puppy. At £1800 it's towards the cheaper end of the spectrum, and that's before you start feeding it.

  5. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

    I have questions

    From the article:

    detection of water or fire leaks.

    I'm perfectly fine with the water leaks bit. But do they have a particularly special fire main at CERN?

    That would make for an interesting training day. "Now normally in case of fire we have these hoses, attached to the fire main to let you put it out. But on no account must you do that here! You see, we pipe fire round our building in order to be able to immediately cover any outbreaks of aliens from other dimensions in flame. We also have a water main, in case they come from a dimension of fire."

    "We have a little poem to help you remember:"

    Fry the fish people with the fire main

    Drown the phoenixes with the water main

    But if it's Godzilla, prepare to feel the pain.

    1. Evil Auditor Silver badge

      Re: I have questions

      Water and fire to fight the aliens. They took that from the documentaries Alien 3 and Aliens respectively.

  6. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    We're all going to die!

    Checking for radiation, a likely story. We all know it's programmed to check for holes in spacetime caused by CERN's reckless experiments where the beings from other dimensions that intent upon our destruction will be coming through.

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: We're all going to die!

      Does anyone have Gordon Freeman's number?

      1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: We're all going to die!

        I'm sorry, Korev, I can't tell you that.

      2. Dr. G. Freeman

        Re: We're all going to die!


  7. spold Silver badge

    Senses problems and reports back...

    I see the bad muon a-risin'

    I see trouble on the way

    I see quarks and lightnin'

    I see bad times today

    (with tribute to Creedence Clearwater Revival)

  8. IGotOut Silver badge

    Fully tested?

    "iIt did great Bob, all tests were successfully conducted and everything is hunky dory"

    "Dave, what's that green glow behind you, and why is all your skin peeling off!"

    "Ahhh damn. OK we'll fix that in the next update. However, the subscription has run out, so we'll need to pay for an upgrade licence and sign up for another 5 years maintenance contract, backdated to when the last one ran out".

  9. spold Silver badge


    = Large Hound Collider

  10. Arthur the cat Silver badge


    It would be so much easier if you could just train these to fetch the Higgs boson, or whatever they wanted that day.

    Good boy! Drop! Drop!! Oh for heaven's sake, it's just buried the top quark in the flower bed!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It’s all fun and games

    Until someone has to clean up the little piles of nuts and bolts plus the oil stains up the walls.

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